Download official vksaver. VKSaver for Yandex.Browser: downloading audio and video from VKontakte. How to install VKSaver program

It was created so that any user could download music or video from the Vkontakte social network. Famous for its simplicity and accessibility. Before installing this program, it is advisable not to launch browsers on your computer so that you can integrate the program. Once you run the downloaded file, the letter “S” will appear in front of each media content, which means that when you click on this letter, you will be redirected to a specific download page. There you will see all the attributes of the downloaded file, such as name, author and duration. Nearby there will be a download link, when you click on it, the download will begin immediately.

Advantages and disadvantages of VKsaver

+ very fast loading in a few clicks;
+ support for files of almost any format;
+ does not change the quality of the file after downloading;
+ absolutely free;
+ takes up little space on the computer, as it is only built into browsers;
- Rarely, but errors do occur on the download page.

Key Features

  • the latest news, both music and video;
  • makes it possible to download media files on all pages of the VKontakte website where they are present;
  • free integration into browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer;
  • the ability to download media content with one click;
  • free, unlike similar programs;
  • integration not only into VK, but also into YouTube and similar services;
  • downloading files in different formats;
  • automatic update.

*Attention! When downloading the standard installer, you will need a pre-installed archiver, you can

VKSaver is a small program for quickly and conveniently downloading audio and video files from VKontakte pages. It is integrated into any of the popular web browsers, after which a button “S” (from the English “Save”) appears under all audio and video recordings on VKontakte. In other words, there is no need to open additional dialog boxes and menus. One button is, in essence, the entire interface. Downloading the VK saver plugin for Windows will be of interest to all active users of the most popular social network in Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries.


  • allows you to download audio recordings from the VKontakte social network;
  • works on all versions of Windows;
  • integrates into Opera, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari browsers;
  • enabled/disabled in web browser extensions.

Operating principle of VK Saver:

During the installation of VKSaver, you will be required to close open browser windows. By re-opening the browser, you will see the “S” icon under all songs and clips on all VK pages. By clicking on this button, you will be redirected to the download page, where under the file information (author, title, duration) there will be a big red "Download" button. Clicking on it will mean the start of the download. The downloaded track or video will be sent to the "Downloads" folder by default. You can also specify another folder. It is noteworthy that the link to the page The download is also valid for other users (it can be sent to a friend not only via VK message, but, for example, via ICQ or Skype).

  • uploads files of any format;
  • maintains original quality;
  • works on all popular browsers (including Ya.Browser, etc.);
  • You can download VK Saver for free.
  • Minuses:

    • in some cases it gives an error on the download page.

    Today, the social network VKontakte is one of the largest repositories of audio and video files. Here you will often find something that is not even on popular resources like and And what can we say about original and amateur video or audio! Jokes filmed on a mobile phone and songs by little-known bands often appear on VK. To save them, you can simply download VK Saver to your computer. The latest version of this plugin doesn't even reach a megabyte.

    The VKSaver program is free and allows you to quickly and easily download your favorite audio files and video materials from the Vkontakte social network. It does not require any additional requests and works in all popular Internet browsers, in any version of Windows. And if you have a Mac, then there is a special version for it too. VKSaver guarantees security when downloading audio and video; it is checked by anti-virus programs. The VKSaver product does not have an internal interface and works directly with the browser; it is rather a plug-in for an Internet browser, so passwords and other profile data on a social network cannot be leaked. The program supports downloading videos in various qualities, if good material was initially uploaded to the site. It updates automatically, so you don't have to download additional files or reinstall the program when a new version is released. This is a very convenient and easy to use product that even a novice user can handle.

    VKSaver system requirements
    Operating system: Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8
    Internet browser: Google Chrome/Mozilla Firefox/Opera/Safari/Internet Explorer
    There is a version of the program for Mac.

    How to install VKSaver program

    In order to install the program, you need to download the installation file. After downloading, you need to run this file, first closing all browser windows. This is required for the program to work correctly in the future. The product installation window will open. You will first be asked to read the license agreement. To go to the next dialog box, click the “I Accept” button; to interrupt the installation of the program, click the “Cancel” button.

    Rice. 1 – License Agreement

    If the browser windows have not been closed, the installer will indicate this. The open tabs will be listed in the installation dialog box. You can close the browser directly from there using the “Close All” button or continue the installation with open browser tabs at your discretion. But you can start downloading audio tracks and video files only after closing all windows and restarting the browser.

    Rice. 2 – Warning about open browser tabs

    After selecting the desired option and clicking the appropriate button, the following dialog box will appear where you can select the components to be installed. If you choose a full installation, Yandex elements and services will be delivered along with the program.

    Rice. 3 – Selecting a full program installation

    If they are not needed, then it is better to select the “Settings parameters” item, where it is easy to remove unnecessary marks (you can remove the check mark by clicking on it with the mouse once).

    Rice. 4, 5 – Selection of installation components

    If Yandex download marks have been removed, the installation program in the next window will once again clarify whether these services are needed. Here you also need to remember to uncheck the box.

    Rice. 6, 7 – Repeated request to install Yandex services

    After this, the program proceeds to direct installation. It doesn't take much time; it installs in just a few seconds. After finishing, you must click the “OK” button.

    Rice. 8 – Completing the installation

    After this, the VKSaver icon will appear in the tray. This means that the program is running, and in the Start menu - Programs, the computer will create the VKSaver folder.

    Rice. 9 – Launching a program manually through the Start menu

    The plugin will start working when the computer is turned on, so if there is no need to keep VKSaver turned on all the time, then you need to remove it from Startup (with built-in tools or using additional programs, for example, CCleaner).

    Rice. 10 – How to remove a program from startup using CCleaner

    How to use VKSaver program

    To start downloading audio recordings from the social networking site VKontakte, you need to launch an Internet browser. If the browser window was open during installation of the program, you need to restart it.

    After logging into the VKontakte website with the VKSaver plugin running, arrow icons will appear next to the audio recordings. This means that the program is working. You can download your own audio tracks (the “My Audio Recordings” tab) or those found using search.

    Rice. 11, 12 – Pages “My audio recordings” and “Search by audio recordings” after starting the program

    To start downloading the track you like, you just need to click the arrow icon that appears after the plugin has started working, and VKSaver will automatically redirect you to the page of the “Audio” website, where you need to click the “Download” button and the composition will begin downloading to your computer. The file will be placed in the same place as all downloads. The audio track format is mp3, recordings are saved with a normal unencrypted name and do not require renaming. This distinguishes VKSaver from other similar products.

    Rice. 13 – Go to the Audio website to download the file

    If you can’t download an audio recording, but it plays, then you need to follow the instructions on the “Audio” website and save the file manually: call the drop-down menu with the right mouse button and select “Save object as”. But now there are practically no such files left.

    Using the program, you can save videos to your computer. To do this, you need to open the video of interest (in a new tab or viewing window). The “Download” icon will appear at the bottom right, when you click on it, VKSaver will again take you to the “Audio” website, where you can download the video. If it is available in several sizes (this can be seen when watching a video on VKontakte and on the website when downloading), then you can choose the desired option. You can download only those videos that are uploaded directly to VKontakte, and not added from YouTube or other resources.

    Rice. 15 – Go to the website to download a video of the required size

    After downloading, you can close the program or leave it running. It does not load RAM and does not interfere with work.

    You can find out the version of the installed program by right-clicking on the tray icon and selecting the “About” button. To exit VKSaver, select “Exit” in the same menu. At the same time, the program will clarify whether you really want to close it; to exit, you need to click the “Yes” button.

    Rice. 16 – Information “About the program”

    Rice. 17, 18 – Exit VKSaver

    If you need to remove VKSaver, you can do this using “Menu-Start-Programs-VKSaver-Uninstall” or remove it manually.

    Rice. 19 – Uninstalling the VKSaver program

    VKSaver is a free program that allows you to easily and quickly download video and audio from Vkontakte. After installation, VK Saver is integrated as a plugin and is immediately ready to download music or videos from VK. Just open your browser, go to the site and find the media files you need through the search.

    Installing VKSaver

    Download the app.

    Close all open browser tabs.

    Install VKSaver. If questions arise during installation, answer with consent (OK).

    Usage programs

    VKSaver works as a plugin in popular browsers. When you find a music/video, a download link appears next to the media file (SAVE button). It's simple.

    • VK Saver works perfectly in Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera, Firefox and Apple Safari browsers.
    • No settings are required in the application - install and download!
    • The program does not send spam, does not contain viruses and is completely safe for PCs. Also, VKSaver does not gain access to your VKontakte account in any way. Entering passwords, etc. not required.
    • The main task of the program is to provide you with simple, free and fast music downloading.
    • You can download songs not only from your audio recordings, but also from music search. In addition to audio, you can also download video in the quality you need.
    • Unlike other programs, VK Saver saves music to your computer with a “normal” name (not encrypted). You don't have to rename songs after downloading them.
    • The program can be used normally with all versions of Windows - from XP to Windows 8.

    If you are a fan of the VKontakte social network, but want to have access to some multimedia data without access to the Internet, we recommend that you download VKSaver 4.0 for Windows 10. Thanks to this utility, you can download music, photos and videos from VK.


    If you are wondering how to download from Vkontakte, then the answer is in one word: VKSaver 4.0. This is a small program that helps you download music and movies from VK for free. As a result, you get access to this data even without the Internet. In addition, to watch it all again, you don’t have to go to the social network. The program can be used for different purposes:
    • As a client for using VKontakte;
    • Multimedia downloader from a social network;
    The VK algorithm often changes, so it is very important to update VKSaver. Version 4.0 is currently the most stable current version. Therefore, we recommend everyone to download it. The latest version of the program is compatible with all versions of Windows 10, from the 32-bit version to the 64-bit version.

    Access to the social network VK through VKSaver 4.0 is also provided via the Internet. Therefore, you will need or if you have a wireless device. But the plus is that when there is no Internet, for example on the road, you can watch what you downloaded in advance.

    Most often, VKSaver 4.0 is downloaded in order to download music from Vkontakte. This is a great and easy way. There are alternative methods for downloading movies from VK, but VKSaver is the easiest. You don't even need