Similar to YouTube. NewPipe is a free YouTube analogue with the option to download music and videos on Android. What do I think about it

Everyone who has never even uploaded anything there is already talking about it. Teenagers joke about him in stupid American pie comedies; after filming a transformer, the young guy says that he should definitely send it “exactly” to YouTube. But did you know that YouTube is one of the worst solutions for sharing your video? As the WebWare blog says: “I wish online video looked less Webby,” i.e. it looked like a real video, like in a DVD player, or at least like the notorious DVD-Rip.

Another problem for a video producer is the size of the video. As a rule, video files are large in size, and video hosting sites limit you to the size of the video available online. It also turns out that you spoil your video even before uploading it to the web, compressing it lengthwise and crosswise. But everything suffers from this.

Webware magazine conducted an interesting video test to determine how well your material is treated with care, as well as how generous it is in distributing disk space and how easy it is to download videos. The comparison was made with the market standard - Google YouTube video hosting.

The initial data is as follows: a VGA video of less than 2 minutes duration was taken with a frame rate of 30 frames per second. The video was shot with a Canon camera and recorded into a file of about 200 MB in AVI format.

Below are the test results:

Real download speed

Testing was carried out on 8Mbit Comcast cable with no active downloads. The results are divided into groups slow, medium And fast.


Vimeo(1 hour 19 minutes). The video didn't load very quickly. But a beautiful and convenient downloader will sensitively show the download progress.

Veoh(1 hour 21 minutes). This is the lowest result in the test. Put it on appload and go for a walk - it's useful;)


YouTube(42 minutes). A good average result, which is compensated by the fact that several videos can be uploaded to YouTube at once.


Viddler(29 minutes). This is the best result in testing.

Facebook(36 minutes). The video was quickly absorbed, and the convenient uploader constantly showed how much time was left.

Output video quality

A picture will be more valuable than many words. Below are screenshots from video services. Be sure to view them in full size by clicking on the picture.

Hello site readers! Anyone who follows the articles on my blog knows that in addition to creating websites, I am also interested in creating and promoting YouTube channels, which, as you know, can bring a decent profit.

If you are far from this topic and do not understand how and how much I get known, please read the following articles, where I explained in as much detail as possible what YouTube pays for and how to approximately calculate income per 1000 views.

But let’s not digress from the topic, today I want to talk about the main sources of traffic inside YouTube, in order to understand where your videos can get views and which method is the most promising.

How viewers find videos on YouTube:

  • Search bar.
  • Related videos.
  • Recommended content.

Search. Everything is clear here, the user enters a query into the search bar and YouTube displays videos in the results that will be relevant to the key.

This ranking principle is somewhat similar to search engines, etc., since video hosting borrowed their work algorithm + created its own, for example, total time spent watching a video by all users(audience retention).

To get to the TOP and collect the most traffic, you will have to take into account, although not all the factors that influence the position of the video in SERP YT, but definitely the main ones.

Video optimization rules:

  • Metadata: title, description, tags, preview.
  • Internal factors: annotations, tips, comments, likes, audience retention.
  • External factors: social networks, websites, comments.

So, initially, I tried to get views specifically from YouTube search (apparently, when creating websites, I was accustomed to the fact that search engines bring the lion’s share of visitors).

But in practice, this method does not give much effect, because all queries from the TOP YouTube search, firstly, are limited by the popularity of the query, and secondly, the audience that uses it goes on to watch other videos through recommended content and similar videos.

A simple example: when you type “kitten jokes” into the YouTube search, after watching one video, few people return to the search, then a column with similar and recommended videos comes into play.

Look what happens if you optimize all videos exclusively for search queries.

As a result, the traffic distribution picture looks like this this year.

And the saddest thing is that there is no need to talk about millions of views here, since it is precisely viral videos with some crazy name.

Related videos. Here things are much better than with search, since the channel can receive a larger number of views due to the video being included in the “Similar” column to other traffic videos.

If we assume that 1,000 people watch a video about pizza every day, then the video from the “Related” column is more likely to receive similar traffic, since the user will probably want to know several pizza recipes.

But who he will give preference to will depend on the title and preview.

Those channels that are promoted exclusively through similar videos have the following ratio of views.

But don’t forget that YouTube is constantly changing its algorithms, and if one day a video flies into traffic-like ones and pulls others from your channel, then after a couple of days the picture can radically change and everything collapses. 🙁

It’s no surprise that most SEOs are scratching their heads trying to figure out how to get into similar videos on YouTube.

I will say right away that no one will give a definite answer to this question, because YouTube is aimed at creating relevant search results and if the algorithm is known to everyone, then what kind of quality can we talk about?

Therefore, all sites and forums contain only guesses and personal observations.

How to promote videos to similar YouTube:

  1. Metadata. Choose a name (title) with a key, preferably the same as those videos (competitor analysis rules) that are already bringing traffic. It is also desirable to have a key in the description and tags.
  2. Preview. An attractive picture (not fake), reflecting the content of the video, which should make you click on it.
  3. Audience Retention. The video must be interesting so that it can attract the attention of the audience, forcing them to watch it to the end.
  4. Similar view dynamics. This means that the videos should overlap based on key queries and be on the same topic.
  5. Behavior. How users behave after watching the video: how many comments were written, likes were given, subscriptions were made, etc.
  6. Views. How quickly does a video gain views in the first hours and days after publication?

By the way, it was noticed that the video can end up in similar ones either after a short period of time (a couple of days) or after a few months; for me the latter happens most often.

For example, if you periodically watch a video about how to repair a car, then in the feed of similar ones and on the main page there will be videos specifically about car repair.

As you can see, these videos are located both on the main YouTube page and in a column with similar videos mixed in, the output of which cannot be influenced.

Perhaps this is all I wanted to tell you today, I will be glad if you write in the comments about your own observations of ranking videos on YouTube.

Greetings to blog readers!
Phrase, " YouTube alternative“Sounds strange coming from my lips, doesn’t it? An ardent supporter, he suddenly began looking for a replacement for his favorite video hosting site. There are good reasons for this.

Namely, an amendment to the law on storing personal data of Russians on Russian servers. This amendment accelerates its entry into force by one and a half years. From January 1, 2015, foreign companies collecting personal data, for example during registration, are required to rent or build their data centers in the Russian Federation. The latter are not particularly eager to do so for now.

What might this affect? It’s scary to think about Facebook, Twitter, Google, the largest stores, etc... But I won’t exaggerate, I’ll just tell you about what personally worries me. Basically, these are related services, especially YouTube video hosting

List of Russian video hosting sites

All of us, even if we are not video shooting specialists or owners, have personal videos. As a rule, these are celebrations, weddings, anniversaries, vacations, our children, parents, careers, achievements, etc... All this needs to be stored somewhere, and, if necessary, shown to family and friends.

There are a number of media where you can save your video materials. But the development of the Internet greatly simplifies the task and provides additional functions and capabilities.

What about educational, presentation, advertising, and entertainment videos? An active user cannot save all this on a hard drive, and there is no point in doing so!

So. Here is a list of the most popular Russian video hosting sites:

  • Classmates

In my opinion, these are the most accessible services. They have the functions of embedding videos into web pages, the ability to share in, and gather an audience (subscribers). In general, an almost complete alternative to YouTube.

A long-time Russian competitor to foreign analogues. Easy to register, nothing superfluous. The interface resembles YouTube. Almost all the same functions. Video upload restrictions are 10 GB and video length is 50 minutes.

There is an interesting affiliate program for websites. By placing video material on your resource, you will be able to receive part of the income from advertising.

What else attracted me as a layman? For example, the absence of any advertising if you watch a video on while logged in. That is, watching a film or program on the channel is a pleasure. But you must be a registered user.

At this point in time, I liked video hosting the most. I'm sure many users have mail from this Russian giant. This will make creating your channel much easier. Yes, that's right, channel.

True, there is a nuance: first you will have to upload the video to your personal albums, and only then add it to the channel. Verification via SMS is required.
The download volume is unlimited, files of various formats are accepted, are perfectly indexed by the search engine, a rich interface for embedding and promotion.

I use it for a section and have already created a trial channel. I haven’t decorated it much yet, I’m exploring the possibilities.

A few words in general about the portal. This is not the same service as it used to be! Mail has become significantly more secure, there is little spam, and in general all services are developing rapidly. I left this site at one time, but now I’m happy to return.


And finally, the popular social network Odnoklassniki. There are no special problems here. Upload video material and that’s it, create a channel if necessary. The videos are easily embedded into web pages and look very decent.

What do I think about it?

Perhaps this panic has no serious basis and a compromise will be found, but as they say:

Forewarned is forearmed! 25 votes
Average rating: 4.5 out of 5

This article will focus on Russian free video hosting. This resource is a fairly good analogue of Youtube.

"YouTube" and analogue of "YouTube"

Today, the most popular on the global Internet is the foreign video hosting site Youtube, which belongs to. Every day this site is visited by millions of users from all over the world, who download thousands of copyrighted or third-party videos, and also watch millions of already downloaded video materials. Of course, given the multinational audience of the site, it was translated into many languages, including Russian. However, YouTube is far from the only video hosting service, and Russian companies also have their own prototype.

Analogue of "YouTube"

In the vastness of the RuNet there is a free Russian website that belongs to a large media company. This video hosting site is called Rutube. This network resource allows its visitors to download, that is, store their own videos, as well as view video materials uploaded by other users. It should be noted that Rutube is a direct analogue of YouTube, since its functionality and visual design are largely similar to it. The owners of this service enter into various partnership agreements with some content distribution systems. Many of them have already earned their own recognizable name on the Russian market. Thus, Rutube occupies a leading position in the Russian market for the distribution of video content.

general description

The YouTube analogue we are considering has many of the same functions as the famous original. For example, users who own the video materials they upload will be able to “monetize” them and thus earn money. This happens by displaying various advertising materials inside the video from various affiliate projects that distribute their products and services. However, few channel owners take advantage of this opportunity, since the audience of this site is not large enough.

Considering in more detail the issue of earning money on this site, you should pay attention to earnings from affiliate programs. If a user who has his own account is also the copyright holder of his content, then he can apply to join the affiliate program. However, in order for your application to be approved, your account must meet a number of minimum requirements.

In addition to the affiliate program, you can enter into cooperation with some advertising exchange and receive income from someone else’s advertising posted on your site, that is, your account.

In addition, it should be noted that the YouTube analogue quite often fails and is characterized by unstable operation of its servers. This factor has an extremely negative impact on the overall impression of users, who express their angry emotions in reviews, and sometimes even leave this resource.

In general, this is a pretty good project where people can create and maintain their own video blogs and channels, create live broadcasts and engage in other media activities. "Rutub" today is the best free video hosting in Russia.

In the future, all services will give their authors the opportunity to earn money in the same way that YouTube provides. And today we’ll talk about which services already provide this opportunity and also help make your videos even more popular.

YouTube is the best, super-, mega-video hosting, which no other site of this type can compare with. And if we add the audience of all video hosting sites on the Internet, it will be approximately half of the current YouTube audience.

But, like any service, YouTube has its drawbacks. One of which is a large amount of advertising. Agree, this is very distracting, especially when watching feature films. And the quality of these very films is even worse. When downloading long videos, YouTube compresses them significantly, which degrades the image quality. This happens because YouTube has its own codec, to which all videos are adjusted, so if you store long videos on YouTube, their quality will inevitably be lost. There are other video hosting sites for such formats, which we will discuss further.

YouTube Alternatives

Why alternatives? Because you can not only watch and post videos on them, but also make money from it. As we know, there is nothing bigger than YouTube, but I will try to offer you a couple of decent services.


Its advantages (which is what we expect) are good video quality. Here you can also have your account and use various functions. There is a paid and free version with limited functionality. Firstly, Full HD videos can be downloaded and viewed only in the paid version, and secondly, video content downloads in the free version are limited. Just like on YouTube, in the free version you will view ads, but you will be able to show the video to an additional mass of viewers and monetize your content.


This video hosting was created a year later than YouTube, but deserved special attention due to its significant advantage - the Russian-language interface, so at one time Rutube began to be actively used in the CIS. YouTube, of course, realized this and quickly adapted to all countries.


The same analogue of YouTube, with a much smaller audience and a small number of views. But there are no restrictions on downloading content and file sizes; you can upload videos up to 1 GB in size.

Yandex. Disk

Yandex has eliminated the video function and integrated it into Yandex.Disk. Here you can store documents, video files, as well as view and download them. Yes, the video quality is poor, but you can follow the link and download the video, which is very convenient if you need to transfer video files.

All these services have a Russian-speaking audience and are needed by those who have unique original content, selling videos and want to show them to a larger audience to promote their business or promote their channel. They are also needed as storage for fairly large files.


If you are also interested in the English-speaking audience, you can use the BuzzFeed service. Posting your videos on this video hosting site will undoubtedly help promote your videos. You can watch more about the service in my video tutorial:

I hope you enjoyed my BuzzFeed review video tutorial, so I look forward to your comments. Look for other video tutorials on my YouTube channel, and you can learn more about Russian-language video hosting sites in this video.