Productive ways to spend time online. What interesting things can be found on the Internet? What useful things can be done on the Internet

Many people spend days and hours just sitting on social networks, occasionally going to YouTube or a recipe site. We have collected 13 sites that will allow you to spend useful time on the internet.

13 useful sites

  1. 4brain is a free online training site. Here you can learn the basics of leadership, creative thinking, speed reading, writing and oratory, psychology, NLP and other useful knowledge without leaving your home. The site provides students with the opportunity to test what they have learned in practice.
  2. Udemy is a good resource for people who want to learn something new, as well as for specialists in a certain field. The site provides many free courses on various topics. Here you can also register as a teacher and earn money by teaching others.
  3. Povarenok is a portal where you can find recipes based on the ingredients you have. Also here you can watch video recipes, read useful articles about cooking and keep your culinary diary.
  4. Bookcrossing is a site for lovers of reading. The creators of this resource say - if you really love your books, let them go. The resource allows you to track the movement of a particular book around the world thanks to a pre-pasted sticker with a code.
  5. Sharedtalk is an effective resource for anyone who wants to learn and practice foreign languages. Here you can find a pen pal from any country in the world and learn the language directly during communication. In addition, it is a good way not to forget the already learned language.
  6. Couchsurfing is a site where you can find a girlfriend (or friend) in another country and go to visit her (him). A great place for lovers of budget options for traveling to other countries, as well as for those who have no one to spend time with abroad.
  7. Ofigenno - here you will find the best stories from all over the Internet, which are worth reading for yourself, and then sharing with friends. With this site, not a single significant or interesting event will pass you by.
  8. PicMonkey - on this site you can edit images, as well as use a variety of effects, frames and fonts to turn your photo into a real masterpiece, which is guaranteed to collect a lot of enthusiastic comments on any social network.
  9. Memrise - with the help of this site you can learn or remember the necessary information in a playful way. It has many free courses in foreign languages, art, history, geography and much more. You can filter courses by language, as well as create your own learning material.
  10. Skyscanner is a site with which you can quickly compare all the offers available on the Internet from airlines, hotel reservations and car rentals, and then choose the most profitable one.
  11. Fitday is a journal that will allow you to track your weight loss. As a bonus, here you can get a free consultation from a nutritionist, count calories, and learn a lot about nutrition. There is a mobile version that can be installed on your phone.
  12. 750 Words is a site that encourages you to write 750 words (3 pages) per day. This is a psychological technique that allows you to get to know yourself better and deal with the mess in your thoughts, pouring them out onto virtual paper.
  13. Videoboom is the best selection of videos from all over the web. With the help of this site you will not miss a single worthwhile video, see for yourself.

Are you tired of watching videos with cats or constantly flipping back and forth on the VKontakte news feed? Here are some resources to help you make the most of your time online.

  1. Fototips is an online magazine about photography. A treasure trove of useful articles on photography and photo editing. The site will be useful not only for professional photographers, but also for beginners in this field.
  2. Duolingo is a great resource to help you learn English, German, French, Spanish and other foreign languages ​​with ease. “Institutional level education is free” - such a promising prospect is offered by the creators of Duolingo to their users. :)
  3. RandStuff - "the place where randomness lives." An online generator with which you can check how erudite you are, as well as learn random facts that may someday be useful to you in life. In addition, with the help of the resource, you can get acquainted with the wise sayings of the great ones, generate a random number or password.
  4. Gramota - it will never be superfluous to improve your knowledge of the Russian language. Spell checking is available on this site, it is possible to ask a question to specialists. Also in the arsenal of the resource is a good selection of reference books and dictionaries.
  5. 4brain - free online training on speed reading, leadership, creative thinking, mental arithmetic and more. The resource provides an opportunity to test the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice.
  6. Udemy - online courses from the world's leading experts on almost any topic. If you are an expert in any field, you can become an instructor on Udemy. Most of the courses are free, but some are paid.
  7. Povarenok - this portal will make you a list of dishes that you can cook right now, just enter the names of the products you have. In addition, here you can find video recipes, read useful articles on the topic of food and keep your own culinary diary.
  8. "Matrix of Ideas" - "an excellent plunger for creative blockage", developed by the Art. Lebedev Studio. "Matrix" is intended primarily for designers, but it will be interesting and useful to anyone. :)
  9. Factroom is a resource containing many diverse and informative facts. Here you can learn that, "if the shark is taken out of the water, it will be crushed by its own weight." Or that “the chef has to wear a gas mask to make the hottest sauce in the world.”
  10. Bookcrossing - well, if you suddenly get bored of surfing the Internet on a summer day, then the good old bookcrossing will help you spend time usefully in an offline environment. :)

And what Internet resources do you visit when you get bored with cats and social networks?

Everything is interesting in the global network, from the latest news and weather forecasts to films that are not even shown on world screens yet! The Internet is a huge source of all kinds of information, communication and self-development! And yet, what interesting things can be found on the Internet specifically?

The main advantage of the Internet is that with the help of it you can quickly and easily get any desired information. So, you can download new books, music, movies, recipes, instructions, articles, etc. Everything your heart desires! To download what you want, you need to enter in the search bar, for example, "movies 2012 download", and you will get a large list of links, following which you can watch and download fresh movies. In general, the above example is quite primitive, because you can also download from various special sites and servers that are directly involved in the accumulation and provision of various information.

Shopping without leaving home

This will help online stores. Here you can order and buy, without leaving your home, any product - from pizza to a new dress. The convenience lies in the fact that there are no queues, you are at home in a calm, cozy atmosphere and you can easily walk around the online store at any time available to you.


What interesting things can be found on the Internet yet? Games! The Internet allows you to download or play various games online, which is a favorite entertainment for many. You can play alone or with someone online. Options - weight, games - too.


With the help of the Internet, you can view and find thousands of vacancies, you can work using only the Internet. In this case, you will work without leaving your home. You can find additional income in your free time from your main job. If you are interested in this question, you can read more about making money on the Internet in several articles on our website.


On the Internet you can download a large number of different textbooks, manuals and materials with which you can do self-education. You can also hire a tutor and study with him via Skype or remotely receive any education.

Other possibilities

This includes everything with the help of which you can learn more about yourself and about what surrounds you. For example, a large number of psychological tests will reveal your character, habits, temperament. You can also make your family tree, find out the secret of your name. You can also choose a new hairstyle and a new style for yourself, see in advance what will suit you and what will not. You can find information about various places in your city (cafes, bars, cinemas...), their possibilities and prices. Also, via the Internet, you can book seats and tickets for air and railway flights, select tourist holidays in different countries of the world, etc.

There are many opportunities on the Internet today. If you list everything, it will take a lot of time. Now you know exactly what interesting things can be found on the Internet. But let's not forget about real life too, because artificial, even if interesting, will never fully replace real life! Walk more often in the fresh air, go to the cinema, to concerts and theaters, communicate with friends live, read paper books.

It happens that YouTube is not able to cover the emptiness and apathy for everything in the soul. I'll try to give you ideas though! How to use the World Wide Web to your advantage? Let's see what to do on the Internet when bored.

I will name 58 ways, and you can support me and add to the list. For convenience, I will break these methods into categories:

  • We benefit;
  • Having fun;
  • When depression.

Of course, this is all conditional, because you can have fun with benefit.

We can learn and develop throughout our lives. And a little money wouldn't hurt either!

What can we do online:

1) It doesn’t matter to get to know those who created their business, from scratch or from the start. Just find people who are "motivators" for us. I recommend

2) If there is a little time, you can allocate it to videos with people who motivate you to find yourself in a new industry for you. For example, now a huge .

3) The availability of family psychologists makes it possible to choose for yourself the maximum advice that will unite your family.

6) We study programs.

7) We create our own websites, blogs, diaries, etc.

9) Get to know Photoshop.

10) You can get better acquainted with the product catalog of different stores. And find the best product at a discount or promotion. My favorite clothing store is Gueppyur, if you want to join the shopping .

11) Get acquainted with the opportunity to lead a healthy lifestyle. Health and beauty products tested and natural choose on IHERB

12) Lose weight according to the programs. We master healthy food.

40) Have you tried to draw cartoons yourself? So it's time already! Moreover, the Internet gives such an opportunity! By the way, I bought yesterday a graphics tablet with this dream. I'm trying to draw, though it's more difficult than I thought. These are my first drawings)))) At the top of the eye was the latest. Already better than the first two, right?
41) There are many sites that will be happy to ask us questions on logic. They have tasks and.

Learning to relax

We all fall into a state of sadness at times. In this case, it does not hurt us to just play the role of a sloth. Yes, simple sleep and fresh air work wonders. But not superfluous in depression will be:

42) Lessons of correct breathing.

43) Understand how you can give yourself or your loved ones a relaxing massage.

44) Ancient proven relaxation techniques such as yoga.

45) Anonymous communication with someone or even with a professional psychologist.

46) Using the Internet, you can find a company in the pool or on the river.

47) Meditate properly!

49) Go to sites where there are a lot of positive pictures and kind words. Including my blog)))

51) Turn on relaxing music. Close your eyes. And lie down.

52) Don't be afraid to be in silence and alone. Let your head think. And you can put together puzzles on the Internet. Puzzles are an incredibly relaxing activity.

53) Listen to the sounds of nature: the sound of the sea, wind, rain.

54) Travel the planets. There are sites that will show you panoramas of Mars and Venus, and so on.

55) Think up and even draw music yourself!

56) Learn to photograph.

57) Start a YouTube channel. This is a good experience to learn how to speak beautifully, edit, pump willpower, look at yourself from the outside.

58) Call a friend you haven't Skyped in a while

All links in the article affiliated but verified as courses Popova, Pervushina, Soldatkina And Borisova I went through it personally and thanks to them I created the blog that you read. I came across all the courses also when I was looking for something to do on the Internet.

Share what helps you relax, how you have fun on the Internet, and how this great network helps you! And do not forget that my site is one of those who will tell you useful things; and I will gladly hear your opinion. Subscribe and you will always be aware of everything important and interesting!

How to calculate the enemy by IP or find out the address of the girl you like? We talk about services, search operators and interesting tricks.

Here's what you can do:

1. Find the latest posts of a person in all social networks at once

5. Find out what people around you are posting on Twitter

Using the "near:" operator, you can find out what the residents of a particular city are writing about now:

Or at a point with a specific latitude and longitude:

Geographic coordinates can be determined from this map or looked up in the exif data of photographs.

6. Find out who is in the photo

We cut out the part of the photo where the person has a head and upload it to the Google image search page. We are surprised at the result.

7. Find out what a person posted on Twitter on a specific day

Sometimes it's interesting to know what a famous person tweeted before a certain date. For example, what did Tim Cook post on his account before October 17, 2015?

For such complex tasks, Twitter has advanced search operators. They must be typed on the main page of the social network in the form in the upper right corner:

If you combine the above "until" with the "since" operator, then you can make a selection of tweets for a certain period of time. For example, you can find out what Tim Cook wrote during the Christmas week:

8. Find out if a person is wanted

If your new acquaintance is suspicious, then you should look for him in the database of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of your region.

9. Find out if he has debts

14. Find out in which region he bought a SIM card

You can determine the region and operator for subscribers on the website

15. Find out, find out a person's apartment number by home phone number

The last life hack makes a lasting impression on women:

A) Escort the new girl to the entrance. Casually ask her home phone number;

B) In the meantime, go to the Sberbank mobile application and go to the section for paying for MGTS services;

C) Enter the phone number and find out the apartment number;

D) Before you say goodbye, tell about your second cousin who participated in the “Battle of Psychics” and offer to guess her apartment number;

D) Call the desired number;