What you need to install joomla 3. Install Joomla on your local computer. Database configuration

This article will guide you on how to install CMS Joomla 3. Step by step will show you how to make Joomla on your hosting.

A bit of theory

Joomla CMS ( Jumla) is a general purpose content management system. Today it is the second most used CMS in the world after WordPress. Joomla sites today number in the millions. This situation is due to the fact that you can create a site on Joomla very quickly and inexpensively (if you use free templates for Joomla). However, there are good and inexpensive paid Joomla templates, in the range of 10 - 100 dollars. In addition to the cost, it is also important that Joomla is not a specialized CMS and, based on it, you can make sites of different themes and functionality. Even a simple Joomla online store can be created.

What you need to install Joomla

CMS Joomla can be installed on an inexpensive shared hosting (). Joomla 3 hosting requirements are as follows:

  • Apache 1.3 (better if 2).
  • MySQL 5.0.15 (or higher).
  • PHP 5.3.1 (or higher).

If your hosting account has it all, then move on. In your hosting account settings, you need to check:

  • In PHP, zlib, xml, mysql, json, mbstring modules must be connected.
  • In PHP, set the memory_limit option to at least 64M, and preferably 128M.
  • In PHP you need to disable the variables "Magic Quotes GPC", "Register Globals"

After that, you can proceed to the next step - create a database for Joomla.

Note. Check your hosting admin panel carefully. The fact is that on many hostings there is an option to install Joomla directly from the admin panel, in a couple of mouse clicks. If your hosting has this option, you won't need this article!

Create database for Joomla 3

This is the next step. Through the admin panel of your hosting account, you need to create a new MySQL database that Joomla will use. Often, on hosting, an empty MySQL database is created automatically by default. If you have one, you can use it.

In any case, you need to find out and record (copy, for example, to a text file) the following information about this database:

  • Hostname MySQL. It could be localhost, but not always. It may also be that the hostname will be derived from the name (login) of your account. In any case, this name must be specified in the admin panel.
  • Database name MySQL. It should also be specified in the admin panel.
  • Username MySQL. Not to be confused with the FTP or SSH user! Separate users are created for MySQL. This information must also be specified in the admin panel.
  • User password MySQL. Created with the user. It must also be specified in the hosting admin panel.

Usually in the hosting admin panels there is a special section "Databases" or "MySQL" and in this section you can find out this data, as well as create a new database.

Find out the folder for site files

Next, you will need to find out in which folder on your hosting account you need to upload site files. This information should be in the hosting admin panel. In different companies, the path to this folder may be different. For example like this:



Remember, or better yet, write down the path to this folder. This is where you will need to write the Joomla files.

After that, you can proceed to the next step, you will need to download the Joomla distribution and upload it to your hosting.

Download Joomla 3

CMS Joomla is distributed freely, so the distribution of Joomla can be downloaded for free. The official site of the project is www.joomla.org, there is a Download section where you can download the distribution kit of the latest version (at the time of writing this article it is 3.4.3). There are original distributions, in English. In such a distribution, after installation, you will need to add the Russian language in the system settings. But in the installer itself, the Russian language will be.

You can search for an already Russified distribution kit on the site joomla.ru. But usually, distributions of not the latest version are available there.

There is another option. Find a template (free or paid) and download the Full Package option. In this case, there will be not only a template, but also the Joomla CMS itself. If you install such a distribution, then immediately after installation you will have an almost ready site, you will only need to replace the demo data with your information.

Regardless of which distribution you choose to download, with a probability of 99% it will be a zip or tar.gz archive file (which is less likely).

You will need to unpack this archive into the root web folder on your hosting (section of the article " Find out the folder for site files").

And here is the main problem of this stage.

If you have SSH access to your hosting account, then everything can be done very quickly. Literally a couple of commands in the terminal:

wget http://joomlacode.org/gf/download/frsrelease/19710/160178/Joomla_3.3.3_Stable_Full_ru.zip

unzip ~/tmp/Joomla_3.3.3_Stable_Full_ru.zip -d ~/your-site-name.ru/docs

A couple of minutes and after that you can run the installer.

But if there is no SSH access, then this operation will be brutal in execution time. You will need:

  1. Download the distribution kit to the local computer.
  2. Unpack the archive so that the distribution kit is in the form of a folder with files.
  3. Upload these files via FTP to your hosting.

The worst part is the third step. Joomla contains hundreds of files. And uploading so many files via FTP can take a long time. If the download speed is also low, then generally hell.

As a result, your web folder should look like this:

These are Joomla CMS files and folders.

After that, you can run the Joomla installer.

How to install Joomla

Enter your website address in the address bar of your browser. This should load the first page of the Joomla installer:

On this page, you need to specify information for the future admin panel of your site (Joomla admin panel). You must create your own username and password. And then click the "Next" button.

Do not rely on your memory, write down the login and password that you come up with in a separate file. And your email address.

Later, after installation, you can change the password, or add a new user (with a different login).

On the next page, you need to provide information for accessing the database. This was discussed in detail at the beginning of the article, in the section " Create database for Joomla 3":

Click the "Next" button and go to the next page: Here you will need to click the "Install" button. But first you need to scroll down the page and see your hosting configuration. Perhaps something essential is missing.

At the bottom of the page, all items should be green.

After you click the "Install" button, you will need to wait:

Finally everything is ready. On the last page, click the button " Delete installation directory":

And after that you can create a website.

Joomla admin panel address will be your-site-name.ru/administrator

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You have decided to create a site on CMS Joomla. But before transferring your site to hosting on the Internet and providing access to it for everyone, you need to do a lot of work on setting up and optimizing the CMS.

Install a ready-made or make up your own theme, install and correctly configure all the necessary components, modules, and plugins.

Related materials:

  • Choosing hosting for Joomla
  • Hosting Overview

It is most convenient to do all this on your computer, and then put the finished tested site on the Internet. Therefore, installing Joomla on the local computer is necessary. Let's analyze what we need to install Joomla on a computer.

The instructions below are for Joomla 2.5, 3.0 and legacy 1.5.

To get started, you need to download and install a local web server called Denver - The Gentleman's Web Developer's Suite. It contains everything you need to install and configure Joomla on your local computer. You can download it on the official website http://www.denwer.ru.

If you install Joomla 3.0, then be sure to download Denver with support for PHP version 5.3, because this version is suitable for this version of Joomla.

You can also look at the installation instructions on the official website of the Denver project. The program installer is in Russian, so read and follow its instructions. In addition to installing on a hard drive, you can install it on a USB flash drive. This is very handy in some cases. And you can install it on a hard drive, and then, if necessary, simply copy it to a USB flash drive.

The next thing we need is Joomla itself. You can download it from the Joomla community site http://joomlaportal.ru. There is available both a fully Russian version of the CMS and files for the Russification of Joomla. The Russian version has a full translation, so I recommend that you download this particular version. After the download, you will have an archive containing many folders and files, this is Joomla itself.

Now let's proceed directly to the installation process. After you have installed Denver, 3 shortcuts with the following names should appear on your desktop: Run, Restart, Stop. If for some reason there are no shortcuts, then the files for starting and stopping the server can be found in the WebServers folder of the installed Denver. To do this, go to the WebServers >> denwer folder.

In order to start the local server, you need to double-click on the Run icon. As a result, you will have another virtual disk, usually disk Z.

Now we need to create a folder for our future site and extract all the files from the downloaded archive from the Joomla CMS there. To do this, let's go to the following folder of our local server WebServers >> home >> localhost >> www and here we will create a folder for our future site, let's just call it joomla. After that, we extract here all the contents of the downloaded archive from Joomla.

After that, we need to create a base for our future site. To do this, open your favorite browser and in the address entry line write localhost / tools and press Enter. As a result, you should load a page with the following:

On this page, click on the phpmyadmin/ link and the phpMyAdmin main page will load in front of us. This is where we will create the base. To do this, go to the "Databases" tab and in the Create a new database field, enter the name of our database, for example, joomla, and from the "Comparison" drop-down list, select the encoding - utf8_bin, and then click on the "Create" button, see the figure:

As a result, the created database will appear in the menu on the left:

Now we are all set to proceed directly to installing Joomla on your computer. To do this, type localhost/joomla in the address bar of your browser and press Enter. As a result, the page will load where we need:

Step 1. You need to select the language of the future site by default, Russian is selected here, so click on the "Next" button.

Step 2. Initial check - nothing needs to be configured here, so click "Next".

Step 3. License - you can read the license and click "Next"

Step 4. Database. On this page, we need to make database settings. Mysql is already selected in the Database type drop-down list, so leave it. Host name - enter localhost. In the Username field, write root. Do not write anything in the password field, leave it blank. In the Database name field, enter the name of our database - joomla.

Step 5. FTP Configuration - leave everything as it is here and click "Next"

Step 6 Site Configuration In the Site name field, enter the name of our future site. Next, enter your E-mail address of your e-mail.

Administrator password - you can enter any simple password, while you are testing your site on local you will need to access the admin panel very often, so it is better to choose a simple password, then it can be replaced with a more complex one.

Since you are most likely installing Joomla for the first time, in order to see what the site might look like and understand the principle of its creation and operation, it is best to install demo data. In this case, your site will not be empty, but containing some materials.

To do this, click on the Install demo data button, as a result, instead of the button, the message "Demo data successfully installed" will appear. In the future, they can simply be removed.

If everything went well, then you will see a page with the message - Congratulations, you have installed Joomla! And a little to the right will be the following message:

Now we need to remove the installation folder from the folder with our site that we placed on our local server. To do this, click on the "Delete installation directory" button.

Now return to the browser and in order to get to your site in the address bar of the browser, enter: localhost / joomla / as a result, the main page of the site will load.

In order to get to the admin panel from which you will manage your site in the address bar of your browser, write the address: localhost/joomla/administrator and press Enter. As a result, a page will load with a form in which you must enter in the Login: admin field, and in the password field, the password that you entered when installing joomla. Then click on the "Login" button and enter the administrative section of the site.

From here you can manage your site, install and remove extensions, themes, create menus and publish content.

Also on our site you can find the most popular extensions for Joomla with their descriptions and instructions for use.

The material was prepared by the project: webmastermix.ru

Discussion of the material


How to install Joomla on a host or on a computer?

A huge number of websites are created daily on the Internet, and most of them use a free CMS such as Joomla. The Joomla site engine has gained great popularity among webmasters due to its reliability, availability and high speed. Also, to expand the capabilities of the site on the Joomla CMS, there are huge plugin databases, which is another big plus for using it.

Having decided on the site engine, novice webmasters have a question about how to install Joomla on the hosting they recently purchased. But, if you have not purchased hosting yet, you should not rush into it, because first we will try to install Joomla on your computer.

In order to install Joomla on a computer, we need the installation distribution of Joomla itself and a local server running on our computer. The latest version of Joomla can be downloaded from the official website joomla.org. But there is one caveat. The original Joomla is created and released in English. For its Russification, you must additionally download the Russian localization file, which can be found on the site of the Russian-speaking community Joomla joomlaportal.ru. At the moment, Joomla 3.1 is available for download on the official site, and localization is available only for Joomla 3.0.3 on the Russian-speaking community site. Perhaps there were no critical changes in the Joomla 3.1 version and this localization will do without any problems. But for greater certainty, it is better to download the latest stable version from the existing Russian localization for it from the site of the Russian-speaking community Joomla joomlaportal.ru.

To create a local server on a computer, we need to install Denver. The advantage of a local server is that you can create a full-fledged website on your computer without going online, complete its configuration and filling with information, and then transfer the database to the real purchased hosting. After installing Denver, launch it and continue.

To greatly simplify the process of transferring a site to a hosting, it is advisable to give it a name in Denver that corresponds to the future real domain. We need to create a folder in the virtual disk created by Denver during installation, the name of which will correspond to the future domain, for example: joomlatest.ru. In the created folder, we need to create another folder called "www". This folder will contain our website. It should look something like this: "z:\home\joomlatest.ru\www\".

Now we need to create a user and a database for the site. We go to the main page of our local Denver server at http://localhost/denwer/ and find the item “Introducing new MySQL databases and users”. We will be taken to a page in which we will need to enter some data. If you already have hosting, it is better to enter the data provided to you.

MySQL administrator password: leave blank Database name: set any, for example, joom User login: usually the same as the database name, so we write joom Password: any, we write everything too joom

...again: repeat password joom


To test the store, it is advisable to install its emulator on your computer. This will allow you to quickly deal with the design and settings of the store, and it will also be easy to change files (after all, they are in a regular folder, and are not stored on the server). If you are completely confident in your abilities or your store has been tested - go to the lesson >>

Installation on a computer can be logically divided into two steps: installing Denwer - a special emulator program and installing the Joomla engine.

How to install Denwer. Download Denwer and run the setup file. In the window that appears asking if you want to install the base package - answer Yes. After that, the unpacking process will take place, and if everything is successful, the program will ask you to press ENTER.

After you will be prompted to confirm your choice - enter the symbol "y", meaning yes and press ENTER.

The letter for your virtual drive can be left at the default - Z, unless you already have it in the system. Otherwise, enter any other from the English alphabet. When the files are written, you will be prompted to select the number 1 or 2. Select 2 and press enter.

Create desktop shortcuts - type "y" and hit enter.

The package is installed. You can check if three new icons should appear on the desktop. Click on Start Denwer.

After running all the utilities, enter http://localhost/denwer/ in the address bar of your browser. And if the installation was successful, a window will appear:

Installing the Joomla engine. The VirtueMart online store component requires Joomla version 2.5.x and below. Currently Joomla version 3.x and higher is not supported by the component.

Create a folder on your computer with the name of the site in the Z:\ directory (or another virtual drive that you specified when installing Denwer) \home\localhost\www. For example, Mysite. Immediately copy the archive from Joomla (download) to this folder.

It is necessary to select a language, of course we press Russian. A window appears with an initial check. Everything is fine, click next.

In the database configuration window, we need to enter the database and user, which we have yet to create. To do this, open a new browser tab and type “http://localhost/tools/”. Should appear:

We select phpmyadmin, after which a page will open on which we will use only two tabs.

Click on the first tab - databases.

The username is the same as the name of the database - mysite, the host is local, the password is any, for example “1234”, the complexity of the password does not matter here, because the site will be stored and edited only on our computer for now.

After a message about the successful creation of the user, you must give him all the privileges.

Select check all and click OK, under Privileges. The user's parameters should change, now all privileges should be available to him.

Now that we have successfully created the user and database, we can open the previous browser tab and type them in.

FTP configuration is unlikely to be useful to you, so just click next. In the next window, enter the site name, e-mail (required field, but you can enter any value), login, for example “admin”, and password.

Demo data can be installed if you want to see how your site template will look like in a filled form. I advise novice users to install in order to better understand the structure of the template. After that, you need to delete the installation directory. In most cases, this cannot be done with the button, and you have to delete it manually. Navigate in explorer to the site folder “\home\localhost\www\Mysite” and delete the “installation” folder.

After all the steps done, enter “http://localhost/Mysite/” in the browser line, and you will take your site with English demo data and a standard template.

Next lesson >>Installing Joomla 2.5 on hosting.


How to install Joomla on a computer?

Following the instructions of this lesson, you will learn how to install CMS Joomla version 2.5 on your local server. Installing Joomla version 2.5 is not much different from installing 1.5, but I still decided to stop there so that no one had any doubts about the correct installation.

Preparing to install Joomla 2.5

1. To start the installation, we need the software:

Don't worry about the latest version, you can always update it in the admin panel.

2. Then you need to unpack CMS Joomla 2.5 to your local server folder

If you have a local Denwer server, then you need to unpack it into the WebServers/home/localhost/www/Your site name in English folder.

That is, in WebServers/home/localhost/www you create one folder with the name of your site and unpack Joomla 2.5 into it

3. You need to run a local server

To start, go to the WebServers/denwer/ folder and click on the Run.exe file (the Run shortcut is also created on the desktop)

Installation of CMS Joomla 2.5

After unpacking the Joomla files and running Denwer, you can start installing Joomla

Starting the installation

Open a browser and enter the path in the address bar: http://localhost/The name of your site in English (of the folder you created). And you will see a page with the installation of Joomla.

1.Language selection

2. Initial requirements check

At this stage, you need to make sure that Joomla will work without problems. This is indicated by the inscription Yes at the top. After making sure that everything you need is available, click Next.

3. License to use

Page for familiarization with the license. Click next

4. Database for the site

At this stage, information is collected from the database for your site.

It is necessary to enter in the value fields:

Username: root

Database name: Enter any in English. (for each new site it should be different, the main thing is in English)

All other fields are filled in automatically (as needed)

5. FTP Configuration

Let's skip it, we don't need it. Click Next.

6. Site configuration

At this stage, you need to fill in the following fields:

Site name: Enter any

Your E-mail: Your E-mail

Administrator login: admin

Installation of demo data: Business card in Russian. Demo data is necessary so that you immediately have a site filled with a certain amount of materials.

7. Completion of installation.

At the last stage, you need to delete the Installation folder by clicking on the appropriate button. And we can start browsing the site.

Our website

So we are done with the installation of CMS Joomla 2.5. And now we have this initial site:

Site management

Now you can begin to fill it and carefully study it.

In order to enter the administration panel, you need to add administrator in the address bar

This is what the path will look like: http://localhost/your site name in English/administrator

Now, every time you work with the site, don't forget to run Denwer using the Run shortcut and read the lessons on managing Joomla on our site)


2. Download and install Joomla

Panic... where and what to download? Where to install? For what? How?

In order to install Joomla! on your computer, you need to create local hosting, for which you will need a browser, a web server, a PHP interpreter, and a database system supported by Joomla. Let's call it a solution package and a client-server system.

A solution package is a set of software that will allow you to create a fully functional website.

The solution package we need consists of:

  • operating system (Linux, Windows, OSX)
  • web server (Apache, IIS)
  • databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL)
  • scripting language (PHP)

You can install the solution suite on your home computer or buy or rent it from any hosting company. The table lists the specific requirements of Joomla 3.x.


MySQL (requires InnoDB support)

(with mod_mysql, mod_xml,

Table 1: Requirements for Joomla 3.x

If the solution package works properly, we call the result a server. It can be either local or any other computer. Guests and website users inevitably use a browser to access your Joomla site. We call them clients.

This is what a "classic" LAMP package looks like.

Figure 1: LAMP solution package

Joomla Web Installer

Thanks to the web installer, you can install Joomla! within minutes. Joomla! will be copied to the document root folder and configured by the Joomla web installer.

Download Joomla 3 from joomla.org and extract the files to the shared document root folder of the web server (for example: /htdocs).

stumbling blocks

This topic is quite complicated, because. there are a huge number of providers and just as many installed web servers, PHP and MySQL versions, and web space management tools.

Difficulties during installation often lie in the fact that:

  • activated "Safe Mode" of the PHP interpreter, prevents you from uploading files;
  • "forbidden" to rewrite paths from the Apache web server because the so-called Apache Rewrite Engine (mod_rewrite) is not activated;
  • permission directories on Linux and OSX are set differently than on Windows.

The simplest way, which almost always works, is the following:

  • Download the current package of files from Joomla.org and unzip to a temporary directory.
  • Upload the unpacked files via FTP to your server or local installation directory.

The files must be installed in a shared directory. They are usually named htdocs, public_html or HTML. If there are already other objects there, you can create a subdirectory where the Joomla files will be installed. Many web hosts let you link your rented domain name to a directory.

  • Find out the name of your database. In most cases, one or more databases are already included in the web hosting. Sometimes the usernames, database and password are already given, and sometimes you have to set them yourself. This can usually be done through the browser interface configuration. You will need database access information for the Joomla!

Installation pre-check

The installation pre-check helps determine if your server is suitable for installing Joomla. If you see a red mark, it means that the solution package is configured incorrectly and the installer refuses to install Joomla. There may be slight differences depending on your configuration. Joomla! Installer calculates the configuration parameters of the web server (in our case Apache), PHP, and the operating system. When using Unix systems (Linux, Mac OS X), pay attention to file permissions, this is especially important for the configuration.php file. This file will be created at the end of the installation with your values. If the installer cannot fit into the folder, Joomla! won't install. In this case, go to the permissions settings and click the "retry check" button.

Figure 2: Installation pre-check

Step 1 - Configuration

In the main configuration window, describe the site and administrator. There you can also set the visibility of the site: whether it will be visible to visitors (online), or whether it will display the content of the page offline (offline). This setting is useful when installing Joomla directly on the hosting (Fig. 3).

Figure 3: Installer - Basic Configurations

Step 2 - Database

You can use various database servers with Joomla. Choose which database server you will use, enter the database parameters (Fig. 4).

When using the MAMP suite on an Ubuntu Linux system, the default username and password is root. He is also an administrator. The password depends on the server environment, XAMPP doesn't need a password.

On hosting, these parameters will be issued by the provider.

Figure 4: Installer - Database Configuration

Enter the following values ​​in your local installation:

Computer name: localhost

Username: root

Password: set according to the type of server and its settings

Now choose a database name. In a production environment, on a provider's server, you probably have a DB quota and their credentials are predefined. If you have permission on the database server, you can enter the name of the new database. Then Joomla! will create it.

You can choose any of the existing Joomla! The installation in this database should be cleared or saved and prefixed with bak_.

Actually, prefixed tables are practical. Before each table name that the web installer has created, it writes the text that you entered in the corresponding field. By default, the web installer will prompt you to create one table, such as w02rh_. There is a simple explanation for this. Sometimes the provider only provides you with one MySQL database. If you need to run two or more sites with Joomla, then there may be a problem, since the tables will not differ from each other. Prefixed tables can be split into multiple tables (w01client_ or w02client_). In this case, the default w02rh_ should be used. The prefix is ​​also used to denote stored data (bak_), see above.

Step 3 - Completion

In the third step of the installation, Joomla will walk you through the configuration options and ask if you want to install demo data (Figure 4).

Figure 4: Completion

In previous versions of Joomla, you could only select ONE demo view. With Joomla 3, there are several to choose from. This can be used to customize specific site layouts, such as a blog site (Figure 5), a business card site (Figure 6), a site with a Joomla manual inside (Figure 7) and a regular site (Figure 8).

Figure 5: Weblog

Figure 6: Business Card

Figure 7: Joomla Guide

Figure 8: Unfinished site

Depending on your needs and knowledge, you can try different types of demo data.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to change the selected type after installation is complete.

In addition, you can install Joomla without it. Empty Joomla is the best option if you already know how to use Joomla.

For the descriptions in later chapters, we will use a "blank" Joomla without any demo data.

But you will be able to understand the material regardless of the preset type.

So choose the type you want to use and click the "Install" button. Joomla will create the database and set up the site (Figure 9).

Figure 9: Joomla! installed

For security reasons, you must delete the installation folder by clicking on the appropriate button. After deleting the installation folder, you can browse the site and log into the control panel (/administrator). In this case, the site looks like Figure 10.

Figure 10: Joomla site without sample data

The Joomla control panel is located at http://example.com/administrator

A login screen will appear with the option to select a language (Fig. 11) and, after a successful login, the administration area will appear next (Fig. 12).

Figure 11: Login screen

Figure 12: Control panel

Hagen Graf

In order to install CMS joomla on a local computer, we need a special environment, the so-called local server. In general, there are two popular local servers in Runet, these are DENVER and Open server.

I have been using DENVER for many years, but due to the fact that it is rarely updated and does not keep up with PHP and APACHE version updates, as a result of which some Joomla extensions did not work correctly, I had to switch to a more advanced, local server.

And so, we will install joomla 3 on a local server: Open server (Open server). If you have not installed it yet, I advise you to download it and install it. This program is free. You can watch a video tutorial on installation and configuration here.

Installing Joomla on the Open Server.

To begin with, we need the distribution kit of the CMS itself, which can be downloaded from the official website or directly on my website. Which is actually the same thing. Since the link from my blog makes a redirect, to the office. joomla site.

In order to download joomla from my site, just go down to the very bottom and select the latest version in the "Fresh joomla" menu. At the moment, you need to install Joomla at least the third version. How to choose the version of joomla, you can read in the article: The current version of Joomla.

Joomla installation.

After we have downloaded Joomla itself, we need to create a folder for our site on the Open server itself. We go: open server/domians. Here we create a folder with the name of your domain, but without the domain zone, for example: rf, ru, com, and so on.

After we have created the folder, we need to restart the local server. Then you need to create a database.

Now we unpack the distribution kit itself into the folder of our site, and proceed with the installation. At the end of the installation, you must delete the "Installation" directory.

Where should you start?

In order to install Joomla on your home computer, you will need an installation package for the engine itself and a set of various extensions for organizing local hosting. By the way, the set is not small enough: a browser, a PHP interpreter, a web server (IIS or Apache), a database with which the CMS will work (PostgreSQL or MySQL), as well as various programs for working with PHP.

System requirements for different versions of Joomla for this package may vary. For example, for the third version will be optimal:

  • Apache (must have modules: mod_xml, _zlib and _mysql) – version 2.x+;
  • PHP - version from 5.3.1+;
  • MySQL - version from 5.1+;
  • Microsoft IIS - version 7.

Of course, the computer must already have an operating system. In principle, any will do: Linux, OSX, Windows.

Installing all these programs and extensions turns an ordinary computer into a server. However, do not forget that you can also use a remote server to install the CMS. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to download all of the above on your PCs. In principle, if during the development of the site it is not required to test it on a local server, then it is much easier to immediately buy a site for the site on one of the paid hostings. They already have servers from which users access all sites by launching their browsers.

Joomla! Web Installer

To get started with Joomla, of course, you need to download it. To do this, it is better to visit the official site http://joomla.org or its Russian counterpart http://joomla.ru. At the moment (beginning of 2015), the latest version is modification 3.3.6. In Russian translation - version 3.3.3. By the way, on the Russian site you can download earlier versions of this engine.

Installing Joomla is quick and easy. First you need to unpack the archive with the CMS and copy all the files to the root directory of the web server (usually called /htdocs). After that, the Joomla web installer will become available, which, almost on its own, will do the rest of the work. You can open it through the browser using the link http://localhost/, but this is the case if the engine is installed on local hosting. If you use a third-party, with an already purchased domain name, then you should enter the address of the newly registered site.

Possible problems

The main problems with installing Joomla arise mainly because each provider has its own versions of web servers, PHP, databases and other management tools.

The most common difficulties are:

  • Apache Rewrite Engine (mod_rewrite module) is not activated and, as a result, there is a ban on rewriting paths with Apache;
  • The PHP interpreter works with Safe Mode enabled;
  • permission directories other than Windows OS (on OSX and Linux operating systems).

As a rule, it is not difficult to get around these difficulties.

The downloaded archive with the Joomla installation package is unpacked into a separate directory, and copied from it (the easiest way is via FTP) to a third-party server or to the local installation directory.

As mentioned above, this directory is usually called htdocs. Although it can be named differently: public_html, just html, etc. In most cases, the engine does not have to be installed in the above directories, but also in the subdirectories created in them. As a rule, hosts allow you to do this by linking the domain name and the corresponding directory.

To install the CMS, you will need to enter a username and password to access the database. Most often, hosting services include the ability to use multiple databases. However, to begin with, the database must be created using the appropriate interface in the browser (how to do this, you can read on the help pages of each provider). Although some hosting companies create databases themselves and provide their names, logins and passwords directly to the user.

Pre-Installation Check

A convenient feature of the Joomla web installer is pre-installation of the server before installation (Pre-Installation). In the event that all server settings meet the requirements of the installed CMS, all labels will be green. If the extension pack is not what you need, then a red mark will appear next to any configuration parameter and a message about the impossibility of further installation. During the pre-check, the parameters of the operating system, PHP, and the web server are considered.

There may also be problems with incorrect setting of access rights. As a rule, they arise when working with Unix operating systems, i.e. Mac OS X and Linux. This is due to the fact that the installer cannot obtain permission to write to the directory, which eventually leads to the termination of the installation. Also, permissions are important in the formation of configuration.php, which is created at the very end of the installation process.

This problem is easily fixed. You just need to remember the access rights and run the pre-check again by clicking the "Repeat check" button.

Figure 1: Installation pre-check

Stage #1. Configuration setup

The first thing you need to do when installing Joomla is to set up the site configuration. In this case, it will be necessary to describe the site itself, register its administrator, and also allow or prohibit the display of the site to visitors, i.e. Set the mode on- or offline. The last setting is useful if the CMS is installed immediately on a ready-made hosting.

Figure 2: Installer - Basic Configurations

Stage number 2. Connecting databases

The next step in the installation is to link the site to the database. Since Joomla can work with various database servers, you first need to select it, and then enter the parameters of the database itself.

If the CMS installation takes place on local hosting in Ubuntu Linux OS, then when using the MAMP set, the default login and password is the word “root”. However, this is not the only possible option. The password may differ due to differences in web server environments, for example, XAMPP does not have a password at all.

But on ready-made hostings, the username and password are issued by providers.

Figure 3: Installer - Database Configuration

But back to practice. Enter the above information into the appropriate fields. And we specify "localhost" as the computer name.

Next, you need to specify the name of the database chosen to work with Joomla. As a rule, hosting providers provide their customers with the ability to use multiple databases. They can be created in your personal account on the website of the hosting company. The name and password for the newly created database should be entered in the fields of the Joomla installer intended for them. In some cases, if permission is available from the database server, you can simply enter the name of the database, and Joomla will organize it on its own.

You can also use an existing database, but it must be clean. Although this is not required. Old tables can be saved under the bak_ prefix.

Table prefixes are very handy. Filling the database, Joomla before each new table will expose the prefix driven into it during installation. Thus, you can use the same database for several sites created on Joomla at once, simply by specifying different prefixes for them. It is worth recalling that saved tables are always denoted by the bak_ prefix.

Stage #3. Completing the installation process

The last stage of the installation is more of a control function: Joomla will clarify the configuration parameters, as well as offer to install demo information.

Figure 4: Completion

Unlike earlier versions, Joomla 3 offers not one demo site option, but several:

  • blog;
  • business card site;
  • standard thematic site;
  • Joomla CMS guide.

This is done with the aim that any user can customize a particular site layout to suit their needs, regardless of experience with this engine. The only bad thing is that you can't change the demo site type after installation is complete.

It is possible to install a "clean" Joomla. This option is optimal for those developers who already know what kind of engine it is and how to work with it.

After selecting the type of demo site, you can click "Install". Then Joomla will do everything on its own.

Figure 5: Joomla! installed

After the installation is completed, CMS will warn you that you need to delete the folder with the installation package from the root directory. This is done in order to protect the future site from hacking. As soon as the folder is deleted, you can start working with the administrative panel (site address/administrator). Before that, Joomla will prompt you to select the desired language and, of course, enter the administrator login / password. That's all - you can safely start working with the site.

In order to install CMS joomla on a local computer, we need a special environment, the so-called local server. In general, there are two popular local servers in Runet, these are DENVER and Open server.

I have been using DENVER for many years, but due to the fact that it is rarely updated and does not keep up with PHP and APACHE version updates, as a result of which some Joomla extensions did not work correctly, I had to switch to a more advanced, local server.

And so, we will install joomla 3 on a local server: Open server (Open server). If you have not installed it yet, I advise you to download it and install it. This program is free. You can watch a video tutorial on installation and configuration here.

Installing Joomla on the Open Server.

To begin with, we need the distribution kit of the CMS itself, which can be downloaded from the official website or directly on my website. Which is actually the same thing. Since the link from my blog makes a redirect, to the office. joomla site.

In order to download joomla from my site, just go down to the very bottom and select the latest version in the "Fresh joomla" menu. At the moment, you need to install Joomla at least the third version. How to choose the version of joomla, you can read in the article: The current version of Joomla.

Joomla installation.

After we have downloaded Joomla itself, we need to create a folder for our site on the Open server itself. We go: open server/domians. Here we create a folder with the name of your domain, but without the domain zone, for example: rf, ru, com, and so on.

After we have created the folder, we need to restart the local server. Then you need to create a database.

Now we unpack the distribution kit itself into the folder of our site, and proceed with the installation. At the end of the installation, you must delete the "Installation" directory.