How to check hosting speed. How to check the speed of hosting and loading pages of a web resource Two ways to get to the bottom of the truth

In this article, we will look at 4 ways to find out the hosting of a site, knowing only the domain (address) of the site.

Why might you need information about the hosting where the site is located? The most common reasons:

  • You have any claims against the owner of the site (false reviews are posted, your text or photo is located without your permission), the site either does not have contact details or they are incorrect.
  • The site works quickly and without interruption, you want to know where it is hosted in order to transfer your projects to this hosting.
  • The site was handled by a third-party person, the site is still working, but who is the hoster, where to renew the domain is unknown.

The last reason seems far-fetched, but we regularly encounter similar situations.. The site was made by one employee, quit, the data on where the web resource is located was lost. Given the fact that many pay for a domain and hosting for 2-3 years, it is difficult to find ends in such cases.

Find out where the site is hosted by domain - NS servers.

In the window that opens, enter the site domain, click "Search".

On the verification page, look for the "Whois Record" section of the "nserver:" line.

The main domain in the NS line will be the hosting where the site is located. This method is the fastest and easiest, suitable for most sites hosted on shared hosting.

Shared website hosting for popular CMS:

Find out the hosting provider by the IP address of the site.

If the first method did not work (for example, the site is located on a dedicated server), you can try to determine the host by the IP address of the site.

To find out the IP address, you need to enter the command "ping" in the command line (replace the domain with the one you are interested in):

The combination of four digits in the "Response from" line will be the IP of interest to us. Enter it after the link

The page will list the hoster's contacts for communication:

How to find out where the site hosting is located using the service.

We go to the site, in the verification window we enter the site domain we are interested in. After waiting 5-10 seconds for most sites, you will receive detailed information about the resource you are interested in - the date of registration of the domain, the country where the server is located, the IP address of the site, etc.

WIPmania add-on for Firefox.

If you regularly need to find the server location for a site, doing it every time using a service or the command line is not very convenient. In this case, it makes sense to install a browser extension that will display site data in one click.

Hello fellow bloggers and newcomers. In one of the previous publications, we studied in detail issues related to . Today I would like to tell you about how to check hosting speed and why you need to do it.

Why check hosting speed?

Website owners, even with a great desire, cannot do without checking at least three performance parameters of their resources. Need to know:

  1. the speed of recreating a web page by hosting;
  2. server response speed (access to the resource);
  3. the speed of opening a particular personal page in .

The performance of the web resource directly depends on this (its full-fledged work, the comfort of visitors and, of course, the profit of the owner). After checking the above standards, the site owner can draw the following conclusions:

  • it is necessary to optimize the work of the resource,
  • change hosting
  • it is worth lightening the severity of the site by removing unnecessary plugins from the Internet resource.

Top five

It's no secret that in the Global Web today you can find absolutely any information on any issues that concern you. The list of services for checking the speed of hosting is no exception. But, I must note that the options I have chosen are not only high-quality, but also proven.

№1 - Probably the most favorite of all! Free functionality allows you to get the information you are interested in in a matter of moments.

The service will not only tell you how long your site will load in the user's browser, but also tell you how to make it better. Just enter the address of the resource you need in the appropriate line and click the "Analyze" button.

№2 - Allows you to determine the download speed of the site from any corner of the globe. Therefore, if you plan to work with Russian-speaking users, then pay attention to the response of the resource in Russia.

#3 - Another pretty good resource. By registering here, you can easily check the uptime of the server.

№4 - This Russian-language resource allows you to instantly check the main indicators of the site. In addition, this site has a rather indispensable function called DNSReport, which can tell you if you have problems with DNS.

#5 - Page Speed ​​Insights

I want to talk separately about Page Speed ​​Insights. This service from Google measures the loading speed of web pages. It also determines how you can improve certain indicators of your resource, for example:

  • loading time of the top of the web page
  • web page loading time
  • The time is calculated from the time a web page is requested to the time it is displayed in the browser.

The peculiarity of Page Speed ​​Insights is that the URL is checked twice - by a regular and a mobile user agent. The score is set from 0 to 100 points. The bigger, the better. A score of more than 85 indicates that the web page loads quickly.

Each tip is marked with a priority indicator that corresponds to its importance:

  1. a red exclamation mark indicates that if you make the appropriate adjustments, your page will load much faster;
  2. a yellow exclamation mark advises correcting if it does not burden;
  3. a green checkmark indicates that no problems were found.

Don't forget about ping

It is important to take into account the ping indicators when assessing the hosting speed.

Ping is a specific period of time during which data sent from your personal computer in the form of information packets reaches another computer on the network.

Step-by-step instructions for checking ping:

  1. We find in the "Start" menu of the computer the section "Run"
  2. We write in the window that appears: cmd
  3. In the black window we write: ping domain-vashego-saita.
  4. We analyze the received data. Look at the response time. The lower the score, the better the hosting works.

In conclusion, I want to say that the high performance of hosting does not indicate its high level of reliability and uncompromising reputation of the service. Before you pay money for it, don't forget to read the user reviews.

I hope everyone in the above information will find what they were looking for. Share the link to this edition on social networks with your friends and subscribers. Subscribe to blog updates. See you soon!

Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan

Hello, dear readers of the Start-Luck blog. My wife prefers McHost, I make a choice in favor of timeweb, although this particular blog is located on the servers of another hosting. I have already said that, studying in school of bloggers Alexander Borisov, I decided to follow the instructions from the setup tutorials exactly, and then left everything as it is.

How to find out the hosting of a site by domain, because sometimes this is a very useful exercise. For example, when you see a link to a blog in it, check it and it turns out that the person did not even use the services of this company.

Today I will tell you how to check the hosting and even, for the especially meticulous, how to find out the history of the site's wanderings between servers and providers. I will not fool you with the settings. The methods will be simple to disgrace and accurate.

Recognition technique

Finding out where the site is located is easiest by linking to its main page.

Imagine you have a folder with a website, it is located on the server of some company, thanks to which the project is on the Internet. I already talked about the fact that when you buy a URL from a third-party source or directly from this provider, then in order to establish a connection between the link and the location of the server, you need to register its address.

All information about the domain and its connection to the hosting is hidden in WhoIs, I already talked about it in the article about the definition of . It remains only to get this information.

How to do it?

Two ways to get to the truth

There are a lot of online services that help you get WhoIs information. Here are the main


We will talk about them now.

There are two convenient portals for analyzing your own or someone else's site. One is called, another They are about the same, but now we need the first option.

Viewing the hosting of a site, except in some cases, is quite simple. Paste the URL, click on the "Analyze" button, and use the DNS server to determine who owns the service. As a rule, the address contains the name of the company.

Among other things, on this site you can find out some statistics. For example, on what engine the portal was created, its statistics, and even .

It even shows the main competitors. It is strange, of course, that Wikipedia “competes” with the hosting provider, well, God bless him. Nothing is perfect.

Here you can see many useful sites of competitors of your subject. You will know who to look up to. Highly recommend.

By the way, , in turn, it can show optimization and code errors. It should be noted that such advice should be treated with caution. Not everything that the electronic analysis says needs to be strictly enforced. You are a developer, you know better. Machines make mistakes more often. After all, this is not Google and Yandex. The algorithms are different.

Next I will talk about . He will just help meticulous people learn about moving, but more on that later. This is a paid feature, so let's talk about everything that doesn't have to be paid for first.

We go to the site and on any page we enter the URL. Next Whois.

See the addresses here? I am actually using a hosting service for this blog that has nothing to do with FastDNS24.

By entering this name in the search line, you will find out the whole truth. Yes, indeed, this hosting hosts my blog. Its from .

Note that there is a "Domain History" button at the bottom.

You can find out more information by clicking on it. For example, how the domain traveled through hosting, who was its owner. This is a paid feature and the price will vary depending on what exactly you want to know.

On the same site you can learn a little more about the server. Look, I'm taking a link to one of them and copying it.

Here I am interested in the IP address of the server. The top line.

I go back to the "Domain / IP" tab and insert the value into the search. Look, I got the owner's name, address, and the company that the server is registered to.

This method is more accurate and interesting, in my opinion. You can get a lot of detailed information. I was able to find out this information through the IP servers of my wife's site. Link, address, when created, down to the minute.

There are also browser extensions, but I don't see the point in using them. Hosting is not so important, interesting and often required information to load your computer with unnecessary files and programs. Over time, from an overabundance of requirements, he will begin to blunt and the pages will open a little slower. Until all information is loaded!

There are also many other online services and ways a little more complicated. Again, I see no reason to fool you. The methods described above are simpler and faster.

Well, in general, I would certainly advise you, if not now, maybe later, to give your site for an audit. It's good to look at others and think about how their site is better, but it's much more effective when mistakes are pointed out. By the way, an audit is also suitable for a young site or a newly created one. You will be able to competently start from scratch and without wasting time.

I really liked the company . I think that I will fill up my site for some more time, and then I will ask them to check Start-Luck for errors, come up with a better strategy.

It's very hard to figure out what you're doing wrong. A fresh and professional look is essential. Working in a team, you improve, and as a freelancer, you can make the same mistakes in a circle and not even be aware of it. Some kind of retribution for freedom of action.

Well, in principle, I finished, and therefore I will not distract you from important matters with lyrics. Subscribe to the newsletter and see you next time.

Greetings, dear readers! The topic of this article is “how to find out the website hosting”. Very often situations arise when you need to determine which hosting company a given web resource uses.

For example, you have a claim against the site owner and want to contact its hosting. Or maybe you just decided to change hosting, and you really liked the hosting of some site (because it works stably). In such situations, such knowledge will be very useful to you.

Another way to determine the IP address: go to (or, enter the URL of the site you are checking and you will know its IP.


The last way I know is using the service. Go to it and enter the domain you are interested in in the window. After that, you will receive information about the hosting company of this site:

As you can see in the screenshot above, the service independently determined the hosting company. But this is not always the case, so pay more attention to the NS servers.

In rare cases, it may not be possible to determine the hosting company. Very large sites do this for security purposes. In such cases, none of the above methods will help you. But you probably won't need learn hosting such popular sites.

I hope you found the information in this article helpful. Now you will know how to determine the hosting of the site, if the need arises.

A site hosting site is a place where all the files and data that are necessary to ensure the stable operation of a web page on the Internet are located. Each hosting has its own unique IP address.

You can determine the hosting on which the site is located by the specified for the domain.

To find out what hosting the site is on:

Ready! You learned not only the hosting of the site, but also the specific address of your server.

What if the server name is not specified?

In some cases (when the domain is not set to ) the server name may not appear in the output of the dig utility. Then to find out the hosting provider:

If there is no information about the hosting provider in the Whois service, you can determine it by the DNS servers registered for the domain: .

Note! This method allows you to only roughly determine the company that provides servers to the site. For a domain, DNS servers of one company can be registered, and hosting of another provider can be used (A-record will point to the servers of another hosting provider). This is a common situation.