Installing ubuntu linux for dummies. Linux Fundamentals for Beginners. Using the Linux Desktop

All Linux newbies have probably already heard about the terminal, or as it is also called the command line. After all, the presence and complexity of the terminal is one of the main arguments of Linux opponents. You may have already encountered the command line in Windows in practice and already know what it is.

Indeed, the Linux operating system has a terminal where you can execute the commands you need to manage your system very efficiently. But this is not at all necessary; for many, a graphical interface is quite enough. Now the use of the terminal has faded into the background, but it remains the main means for accessing remote servers and a tool for professionals.

The Linux terminal is much more interesting than the Windows command line, and this article will take a detailed look at working in the Linux terminal for beginners, as well as what a Linux terminal is and what it actually is.

The use of the terminal began a very long time ago. Even before DOS was created, there was no graphical interface. Back in the eighties, the Unix operating system was just beginning to develop. Users need to interact with the system in some way and the easiest way is to use commands. You enter a command, the system returns a response to you.

Since then, this input method was used in many systems, including DOS and Apple's OS/2, until the graphical interface was invented. Terminal text mode was then successfully superseded, but it is still used where it is needed.

Above, by terminal we understood the place where you can enter commands and receive a response from the computer. This can be Linux text mode or a terminal window open in graphical mode. In Linux, the following words are often used: console, terminal, command line, command shell, tty, terminal emulator. They all relate to the terminal, but mean slightly different things. Before moving on, let's understand the terms so that we can call everything by its proper name.

Under terminal It is common to understand the environment where you can enter commands and receive a response to them, this can be a physical terminal or a terminal on a computer.

Console- this is the physical equipment for managing the server. When the server is not accessible from the network, you can only use the console to manage it.

TTY is a device file that is created by the kernel and provides terminal access to programs. These can be /dev/tty for permanent text terminals and /dev/pts/* for terminal emulators. You can execute a command or send a message by simply writing data to this file, and also get the result by reading data from this file.

Terminal emulator is a graphical program that gives you access to a tty or pts terminal. For example, Gnome Terminal, Konsole, Terminix, Xterm and many others.

Command shell- the tty device only deals with transmitting and receiving data, but someone else must process all this data, execute commands, and interpret their syntax. There are a lot of command shells, these are bash, sh, zsh, ksh and others, but Bash is most often used.

Well command line- this is the place where you will enter your commands, the terminal prompt for input.

Now that we have figured out what a Linux terminal is and know all the basic principles, let’s move on to the practice of working with it.

How to open a Linux terminal?

There are several ways to access the terminal. Your default provisioning system creates 12 virtual terminals. In one of them - usually the seventh - your graphical shell is running, but all the others can be freely used. To switch between terminals, you can use the combinations Ctrl+Alt+F1-F12. To authorize, you will need to enter your username and password.

These are text terminals without a graphical interface; they may not be very convenient to work with, but such terminals will be useful if the graphical interface does not work.

The second method allows you to open a virtual terminal directly in the GUI using a terminal emulator. The Linux terminal emulator works with files in the /dev/pts/* directory and is also called a pseudo-terminal because it does not use a tty.

In Ubuntu, you can launch the linux terminal by pressing a keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+T:

It can also be found in the Dash application menu:

As you can see, opening the command line in Linux is very simple.

Executing commands in the terminal

Let's take a closer look at the Linux terminal for beginners. As I already said, the terminal and tty device files are only responsible for transferring data. The command shell is responsible for processing commands, to which the data received from the user is transferred.

You can type something and see if it works:

To execute a command, just write it and press Enter.

Moreover, the Bash shell supports autocompletion, so you can write half a command, press TAB and if only one command begins with such characters, then it will be automatically completed, if not, then you can press TAB twice to see possible options .

The exact same scheme works for file paths and command parameters:

In Windows you couldn't even dream of this. To execute a command, you can specify the name of its executable file or , relative to the root or any other folder. It is important to note that the Linux command shell, unlike Windows, is case sensitive, so be careful when entering commands and their parameters.

By default, working on the Linux command line can be done using a large number of commands, many of them, for example, for moving through directories, viewing content, installing software, are supplied with the system.

An instance of a running command is called a process. When one command is executed in the Linux terminal, we need to wait for it to complete before executing the next one.

Commands can be executed without parameters, as we saw above, or with parameters that allow you to specify the data with which the program will work, and there are also options with which you can customize the behavior. Most standard utilities follow this syntax:

$ command options parameter1 parameter2...

Options are often optional and clarify one or another aspect of the program's operation. They are written in the form of a dash and a symbol or a double dash and a word. For example -o or --output. Let's give an example for the ls command. Without options and parameters:

With a parameter indicating which folder to look at:

With the -l option, output as a list:

In with option and parameter:

You can combine two options:

Basically, this is all you need to know about commands in order to use them productively. We could also talk about combining commands and redirecting the output of one command to another, but this is a separate topic.


This article discussed working in the Linux terminal for beginners. The Linux command line may seem very complicated at first, but it is not at all, it is much easier to use than in Windows and allows you to manage the system more efficiently. I hope this article sheds some light on this very big topic.

about the author

Founder and site administrator, I am passionate about open source software and the Linux operating system. I currently use Ubuntu as my main OS. In addition to Linux, I am interested in everything related to information technology and modern science.

You've heard of Linux, but only recently realized that this free and open source operating system is something you can actually use. It's not difficult to install, has a lot of great applications, and will extend the life of your computers. Today, Linux provides a decent opportunity to play games. Yes, you understood correctly. You don't need to have a thorough understanding of Linux, you just need someone to hold your hand as you get started.

I hear you and I'm here to help.

What is Linux?

If you are new to Linux, you can make a general assumption that it is an operating system. This is not entirely true. Linux is actually the kernel, the center of the operating system. The kernel allows software (what you see on the screen) to communicate with hardware (what you touch with your hands). Without a kernel, your system cannot function.

So when you say Linux, you are most often referring to any operating system based on the Linux kernel, such as Ubuntu or Fedora. As a kernel, Linux doesn't do anything on its own. He needs someone to link and distribute it with all the software needed to produce the final result. When this happens, the resulting Linux operating system becomes known as a distribution (or “distro”).

What makes Linux different from others?

How is the Linux kernel different? Like most applications that run on it, the kernel is actively supported by the free and open source software (FOSS) community.

Open source software doesn't cost money, and anyone can look at the source code and change it as they wish. This means experienced developers from all over the world contribute their work either for free or through sponsorship from companies like Canonical or Red Hat. However, you can also improve the software.

In contrast, the Windows source code is not available to anyone except Microsoft employees, and it is a criminal offense to decompile or reverse engineer it. You cannot create your own Windows kernel, fix bugs, or distribute an improved version of Windows that you create.

Linux is different, and the GNU General Public License is part of the difference. This license provides the legal basis for your rights to the software. Originally written by Richard Stallman, it ensures that even when the work is modified or improved, Linux still remains in the public domain for other people to use and enjoy. This is the most widely used license in the FOSS community

The free and open nature of the license can be a double-edged sword. Without a clear revenue model, development may be inconsistent. Some programs receive regular investment, while others remain dormant for many years. However, Linux has now spread to become the backbone of the Internet and the most common operating system for supercomputers.

Ultimately, although using Linux is very similar to Windows and macOS, there are aspects that you will need to learn for the first time. We will encounter many of them as we move forward.

Breathe life into an old PC

One of the common reasons why people switch to Linux is to be able to continue using a computer that no longer supports the latest versions of Windows or MacOS. How good is Linux for this job and why?

    Linux is efficient: Many Linux distributions are based on years of experience in server rooms. System administrators often appreciate sleek and clean code that gets the job done without wasting power. The extra five seconds to turn on the system is something that many system administrators are not willing to put up with. Due to such a harsh and demanding environment, Linux distributions have become the best of their kind. Although with software coming from many different sources, it is not the case that every program will make the best use of system resources.

    Linux is customizable: Linux allows users to customize every aspect of the computer's functionality. Some distributions recommend choosing different components and building your own system. Most of them provide complete functionality, but allow you to change or modify parts as you wish. Many distributions encourage you to make your own adjustments, while tuning others (such as a rudimentary OS) may require more specialized knowledge.

    Linux requires no investment: the vast majority of Linux software is free to download and install. These programs are usually quite easy to use, so you don't need to spend money on training courses or books. All you need to spend to revive an old Linux computer is time.

    Linux is modular and specialized: You can customize a computer that is specifically designed to suit your needs: remote video monitoring, a database of food recipes, a control panel for an amazing laser projector that changes intensity by synchronizing with the beat of music. You can build whatever you want. A testament to the quality of Linux's modular design is the Red Hat Linux variant that was used to control electromagnets inside the Large Hadron Collider. You'll be surprised how many things your old computer can still do.

Beginning of work

Whether you install Linux yourself or buy the computer that comes with it, you'll need to make a few decisions before doing so. There are several conditions you need to know that you have not encountered before. Let's figure it out.

Selecting a distribution

Let us remind you that the distribution is a Linux Operating System that comes with all the software necessary to provide you with a complete picture. The kernel is provided along with hardware drivers and applications.

Distributions come in all shapes and sizes. Some of them are aimed at beginners, while others are aimed at the most ardent command line proponents. Ubuntu, Fedora and openSUSE are three general-purpose distributions suitable for people of all skill levels.

There are many other Linux distributions, and they are all different from each other. Some distributions are tuned to serve a specific niche. Thus, you can install an operating system designed for multimedia creation, or an operating system designed for computers with old or weak hardware.

In this case, hardware compatibility is perhaps the most important thing to consider when switching to Linux. While most hardware is supported by default on most Linux distributions, less popular or unusual hardware may not work. In most cases, even if your device is not supported by default, you can follow online tutorials that will help you install an unsupported driver or fix the kernel, but this is not suitable for everyone. More on this later.

You can visit Distrowatch to see hundreds of Linux distributions. On the right side you will notice that there are the Top 100 most popular distributions. Note that it is difficult to estimate how many people use Linux. The Distrowatch databases are ranked by the popularity of each distribution's website. This gives an idea of ​​what people are interested in, but it's hardly an idea of ​​which distributions are most widely used. Ubuntu, for example, is not currently considered #1, but it is considered the most widely known version of desktop Linux.

Selecting a Desktop Environment

Depending on which distribution you choose, this decision may already be made for you. Most major Linux distributions provide a desktop environment by default.

But maybe you haven't decided on the distribution yet. In this case, checking your desktop environment can help you make a decision. Each of them provides different solutions, and some work better on some distributions than others. Here are a few of the most basic:

GNOME is the default desktop environment on Ubuntu, Fedora and Debian. While Windows, macOS, and most Linux desktop environments display your open windows in a panel or dock, GNOME does nothing similar.

Instead, you switch between open windows, revealing an overview screen, a dashboard that also displays an application launcher, virtual desktops, and a search bar that can access files, open software, and run commands. Although, if you want a traditional panel, there are extensions available for that.

The KDE Plasma desktop is the default environment in KDE Neon, Kubuntu and Chakra. It is also popular among openSUSE users.

KDE Plasma is perhaps the most customizable interface you can use on your desktop. For this reason, it is a great choice for advanced users and professionals. You can make KDE look like most other desktop interfaces without having to edit obscure files or customize any lines of code.


Cinnamon provides a simple option that seems familiar to many Windows users switching to Linux. The application menu is in the bottom left corner, system indicators are in the bottom right corner, and open windows appear in between.

If you don't want to relearn how to use your computer, switching from Cinnamon can save you a lot of headaches. This is the default desktop environment in Linux Mint.

While Linux is a great way to revive an old computer, not every desktop environment will run on aging hardware. You may need to use one specially designed to use fewer system resources.

Xfce is one of the more popular options that is well suited for this task. This is the default desktop environment in Xubuntu.

Data backup

Before we get to the good stuff, we need to do some preliminary work. Although you probably no longer use your old computer, you should open it and look for documents, videos, photos, music that you haven't yet backed up. Be careful and double check because you may erase everything from your hard drive later.

Making a copy is not difficult, but it can be tedious if you have a lot of data scattered around. The easiest way to save files is to connect an external hard drive to a USB port.

For Windows users:

  1. Double-clicking the My Computer icon on your desktop or Start menu opens a window containing a list of files on your external hard drive.
  2. Find and copy the files you need by selecting them and pressing Ctrl + C to activate the external hard drive file list. Click inside the window we opened earlier and press Ctrl + V. Alternatively, you can select the files and drag them into the external hard drive window.

You can also back up all your data to the Cloud. This method makes your data available on other internet-connected devices, but it will likely cost more over time. It also comes with a large number of security and privacy risks. Ultimately, you are giving your data to another person and trusting them to do the necessary things.

Checking Equipment Specifications

Knowing a little about your computer's hardware will be important later if there are compatibility issues. It's important that you write them down now because if anything breaks during the installation process or the first boot, you'll need to search the Internet for a driver, patched kernel, or package.

We don't need to write down all the hardware specs because drivers for things like Ethernet cards are mostly compatible. Bluetooth chips, card readers and printers are more difficult, but most of them are also supported by default.

Let's say you have a very rare Ethernet card. You can use the System Profiler tool to discover specifications after the operating system installation is complete.

If you're using Windows, msinfo32 is a small program included with Windows 2000, Me, XP and later. This program gives you a complete overview of all the technology present in your system. You can find it by opening the Start menu and typing msinfo32 into the search field. On older versions of Windows, you may have to click the Run button in the Start menu and type msinfo32 there.

Installing Linux

Great, you've chosen your Linux distribution, backed up your files, and you know what kind of hardware your computer is made of. It's time to get your hands dirty.

There are three main ways to install most Linux distributions on your computer:

  1. Replace existing OS with Linux
  2. Install Linux alongside your existing OS
  3. Running Linux from a USB Drive

Below are detailed instructions for installing Ubuntu on your existing Windows or macOS model. By choosing from the three options presented above, when replacing the operating system, the operating system will run smoothly and quickly on your computer.

Installing Linux without removing the existing operating system is called dual booting. Whenever you start your computer, you will have the option to select the operating system you want to use. This stops you from getting rid of your old OS, but there is always the option of uninstalling it.

Storing a copy of Linux on a USB drive allows you to download a copy of Linux onto a friend's computer, lab, or library. This method requires the least commitment from you and your computer, since you don't touch your copies of Windows or macOS.

Using the Linux Desktop

As you know, at the moment, there is no specific Linux desktop. But if you're like many, if not most, new Linux users, you're probably starting with Ubuntu. In this case, the first time you log into the new operating system, you will see a screen that looks like this.

This is the Ubuntu desktop. While Canonical has added a few interesting elements of its own, the interface you see is not exclusive to Ubuntu. This is GNOME.

For a full understanding of how to navigate this interface and other software, check out the Ubuntu Beginner's Guide

Search for additional software

There comes a time when you need more applications. Where do you get them? You may be used to going to a big box store and buying a program that you either install from a disk or download from the Internet. You may be able to get all your apps by going to individual websites and downloading installers. You can even get all your software from app stores that sell you content, just like on your phone or tablet.

Windows programs only on Windows. The same applies to macOS software. You will need to find applications that are designed for Linux.

Most Linux software is now available through app stores filled with free programs. Their use is similar to using the App store on any other platform. Just find the application you want and click the install button.

These app stores are an alternative to package managers, the traditional and more complex ways of obtaining software on Linux. Nowadays, you may never have to use a more advanced tool like Synaptic or Apper, but they give you more control over what you install.

While downloading installers directly from websites is not the preferred way to obtain Linux software, there are times when it is the only option. For example, how do you install Google Chrome. This is also a common way to install commercial games from online stores such as Humble Bundle and GOG. Just know that you won't be looking for an EXE. What's more likely is that you will instead find packaged files such as DEB, RPM, SH, or one of many other Linux formats.

Now that you know how to install apps, which one will you choose? Alternatively, check out our list of the best Linux software.

Installing the update

Updates are a free part of Linux. They keep your system running the latest software. You can also get user interface improvements and fixes to programs that run in the background.
Typically, you can install updates through your distribution's app store, the same place you go to download new software. Often it will have its own partition, as is the case with Ubuntu.

Downloading multimedia codecs

You may have never had to think about codecs before. They allow you to play various multimedia files such as music and videos on your computer. When you buy a Windows or macOS PC, codecs come as part of the desktop. This is usually not the case when you install Linux yourself.

This is not a bug or flaw in the Linux desktop - it's a legal issue. Many codecs remain under copyright, and computer manufacturers must pay licensing fees in order to legally distribute them.

Laws vary depending on the country. This is one of the reasons why codecs are available as free downloads on many Linux distributions such as Ubuntu and Linux Mint. But there is also a paid version, you can download it in case you want the exact license to play these files.

Search for additional drivers

When you change the operating system your computer came with, things don't always go smoothly. Sometimes you will need to install additional drivers or codecs to get the full picture.

If you have graphical glitches or can't browse Wi-Fi networks, you may need to install a proprietary driver. This is software that Linux distributions do not allow you to pre-install, so you must do it yourself. How you do this may vary depending on what distribution you are using. If you choose Ubuntu, you can find a section for installing drivers inside the software and updating the application. Software & Updates app.

What to do when you need specific software?

One of the first questions people ask when considering switching to Linux is whether they can run a particular program. When we used only one operating system, we tended to think of applications as components that any computer should be able to run. But in most cases, an application is actually designed to run on only one operating system. In order to work on another, developers must build a separate version. The Windows version of Steam does not work on macOS, and vice versa. Linux also needs its own version.

Since not as many people run Linux on their desktops as Windows or macOS, developers often choose not to make a Linux version of the software. Often a free and open source alternative that does the same job will suffice. But there are cases when people want to use a program that does not run on Linux and for which there is no alternative. While this may be a reason not to switch to Linux, the choice is always yours. There may still be ways to make this program work.


You may have heard of emulators - software that people use to play console video games on their PCs. They operate using code that is similar enough to imitate (or emulate) the original machines for which the games were developed. The same can be done with programs designed for personal computers.

The most famous way to emulate Windows software on Linux is using Wine. While this doesn't always work, the best case scenario is that the Windows app will work alongside your regular Linux software without any extra fuss.

Because setting up Wine can be complicated, there are programs that will try to do the hard work for you. There are two popular examples - PlayOnLinux and Crossover Linux. The latter is a paid application that also exists for Windows and macOS.

Virtual machines

Emulation allows an application to run on an operating system for which it was not designed. Virtual machines allow you to run an entire operating system within the current one. So when you need to run a specific Windows program, you can launch your virtual copy of Windows and open the program.

Unlike emulation, virtual machines are guaranteed to work. The downside is that you have to boot a separate operating system in its own window, which can be time-consuming and inconvenient. You must also have a copy of Windows or macOS to run. Getting one of the options may be difficult or expensive depending on your circumstances.

All is ready!

At this point, you have installed Linux, learned the new interface, and installed the software needed to get started. But your journey is just beginning. There is so much more to see and do in the world of free and open source software!

Since everything is free, you can change your distribution at any time or change your current interface to any other. Nor do you need to open a command line to use Linux, as you can do a lot more if you're curious enough to try.

In this generalized article, I will describe the main advantages of the Linux operating system. I’ll tell you why it’s best for beginners to use the Ubuntu distribution. I will also tell you about the disadvantages and limitations of Linux that may hinder you when switching to Linux.

By Linux in this article, unless otherwise noted, I mean any Linux distribution (for example, Ubuntu).


Linux is a very reliable and stable system. It’s not for nothing that it is used on highly loaded servers. Linux is very difficult to freeze; if an application freezes, then it is enough to kill the process of this application, but the system continues to work stably. Linux does not require constant reboots of the computer, even after system updates (except for updating the kernel [in the future, this will not require a reboot]). Installing and uninstalling programs and drivers also does not require a system reboot.

Linux doesn't eat up memory. I have noticed many times that if Windows is left without rebooting for a week, sooner or later it starts to slow down a lot. Linux worked great for me for a month and a half without rebooting. Of course, a lot in this case depends on which programs “eat up” the memory, but the fact remains a fact.


Linux systems do not require antiviruses, and in order to pick up a Linux virus somewhere you need to try very hard. In my several years of using Linux, I have never encountered a virus. I have long forgotten about what Anti-Virus is and only remember it when I occasionally reboot into Windows.


Linux is a free operating system. Here it is necessary to make a reservation that by Linux in this case I mean the kernel of the operating system, and in a more general sense, Linux distributions. There are paid versions of Linux distributions, but the majority of distributions are free. For example, Ubuntu can be freely downloaded from the Internet and used for free on any number of computers. Linux apps are also free. No need to look for any cracks or keys. Installation of most applications occurs in two clicks.

Huge selection of free programs

A huge number of various programs have been developed and distributed for free under Linux. The required software can be found for any user request. But there are some restrictions. In particular, there is no advanced software for multimedia processing (video, animation and audio editors). There is no software for designers; for example, the graphic editor Gimp does not meet all the requirements and in many aspects does not reach Photoshop.


I admit, I have always been attracted to Linux by its appearance. There are thousands of themes available for Linux. You can change icons throughout the system. Linux supports many graphical effects. You can set transparency for objects, the effects of opening and closing windows, you can change the design of individual elements (buttons, scroll bars, fonts, etc.). Each system can be made individual and very beautiful in the truest sense of the word.

Installation in two clicks

The difficulty of installing Linux depends on the distribution. For example, Ubuntu developers strive to make installation of the system as simple and straightforward as possible. With each new version of the system, installation becomes easier and easier. The main incomprehensible place for most users is the partitioning of disks when installing the system. But in fact, there is nothing complicated about it, it’s enough to figure it out once. Ubuntu, by the way, also offers automatic disk partitioning.

After installing most popular distributions, you get a completely ready-to-use system. Drivers for the hardware are installed automatically. The main software is installed immediately.

Automatic update

Linux and Linux programs are constantly updated. Most Linux distributions offer automatic updates that can be performed in just two clicks. Also, some distributions allow you to update the entire system (when a new version of the distribution is released).

High performance

Linux is a fairly fast system that does not require computer resources. It all depends on the specific build of Linux, on the specific distribution.
Ubuntu, for example, is quite resource-demanding, but I myself compared it on many (!) computers and Ubuntu worked much faster than Windows (Vista, XP). And there are distributions that are compiled for a specific computer and work very quickly.

Why is Ubuntu better for beginners?

Ubuntu is best for beginners.

Installing Ubuntu is very easy. It is so simplified that you actually only need to click Next, not counting, as I wrote above, the process of partitioning the disks.

Ubuntu immediately after installation contains all the basic necessary software. You can start using the system immediately.

Installing programs in Ubuntu is done through a special package manager called Synaptic, which is very easy to use. It allows you to view the description, rating, and reviews of the program.

Ubuntu allows you to use the system without resorting to the command line at all. For those who are not in the know, I’ll explain that you can perform thousands of actions through the command line in Linux, and previously that’s all they used. And no matter what, you will someday encounter the fact that you will have to work on the command line. But Ubuntu allows you to isolate yourself as much as possible from the command line and use only the graphical interface.

Disadvantages and Limitations

Now let's move on to the disadvantages of Linux and what may prevent you from switching to Linux.

No required program for Linux

Perhaps you are using some specific software that has no analogue for Linux. If you need this software for work, then you definitely won’t be able to completely abandon Windows. But I note that there is a Wine emulator that allows you to run Windows programs directly on Linux.

Few games

If you compare the number of games for Linux with the number of games for Windows, Windows will be far ahead. Moreover, both in terms of the number of games and quality. There are games for Linux, but Linux is not suitable for avid gamers. To some extent, the problem of the lack of games can be solved by using the PlayOnLinux emulator or Wine. PlayOnLinux is actually based on Wine and makes it very easy to install and run Windows games on Linux.

Hardware problem

Linux has drivers for almost any hardware and, as a rule, these drivers are installed automatically when you install the system. But you need to take into account that some of these drivers are developed not by equipment manufacturers, but by third-party programmers, and this leads to the fact that some functions may not work at full capacity or not work at all. Or, for a device, a standard (general) driver will be used, which is not specific to a specific device model. A serious problem can be the complete absence of a driver for some equipment, so I advise you to always inquire in advance about its drivers for Linux before purchasing any device.

Sometimes you need to ask for help

I can’t say that this is a disadvantage of Linux, but if you have never used it, then you will read about some things one way or another. For example, you are already reading this article. But 99% of all problems have most likely already been solved and you just need to find the necessary information on the Internet.

Take action

Linux is not Windows or MacOS. This is a different operating system. It is impossible to say which system is worse or better. They're all good. You should definitely try Linux. That's why I'm writing this guide.

Any user may be interested in trying out the Linux operating system. That's what happened to me once. There is a lot of literature on the Internet, but the question always remains: “Where to start?” Some saw Linux from friends, others found a video or read articles on the Internet, but these are all more often ready-made options. And if you yourself want to install such an OS on your computer, then you will have a lot of questions. The first question that worried me was the choice of distribution...

I rummaged through a bunch of literature, but opinions were divided, and still are. Some are for Debian, others are for Mandriva, RedHat, etc. Currently, there are more than 1,300 builds of the Linux OS, and choosing one specific one makes the hardcore Windows user think deeply. I tried to install different ones, but it was not always possible due to equipment conflicts and simply inexperience. The first successfully installed distribution was OpenSuse 11.1, then Debian. The catch is that these distributions have different file structures, programs, etc. This confused me even more, but I continued experimenting until I decided on Ubuntu. This is what we will talk about.

I think it's worth noting that Ubuntu is based on the Debian distribution, which in turn is very popular among system administrators. What does "founded" mean? I'll try to draw a parallel with Windows OS. Imagine a regular licensed Windows disc. Introduced? Now imagine any assembly, even the notorious ZverDVD. So, Ubuntu is a “build” of Debian, which has an updated kernel, patches, its own programs and repositories. Later I will talk about all this separately. I think it’s not worth going too deep into the differences between Ubuntu and Debian, I’ll just add that this distribution is very popular and new versions of Ubuntu are released every six months (in April and October). And yet, why Ubuntu? Yes, it simply meets the requirements that a novice user sets for a new OS.

  1. Simplicity and ease of installation. I want to insert the disc, install it, watch it, and not have any unnecessary dances with a tambourine (although in future work I won’t be able to do without dancing with a tambourine). I note that when working in Windows, you can be a simple user and not bother with how and what works, and if infrequent problems or difficulties arise, you can simply turn to knowledgeable and understanding people who can help you. In the case of Linux, you will have to figure out a lot of things on your own and become a “knowledgeable” person yourself. But don’t be afraid, that’s not what you came here for. Be that as it may, you can always ask a question, and we, in turn, will try to help you.
  2. To make everything work. Installed? Here you have a desktop and all sorts of menus and many programs, a browser, an office software package and a network settings applet (however, we will learn to work without it and set up the network manually). There is even a player, but it cannot play many audio/video formats by default; I will explain later why this is so and how to solve it.
  3. I don't want to lose anything. There are a lot of applications and documents on the Windows OS partition that I don't want to lose when installing Linux. Ubuntu will offer you to divide your hard drive into parts, save Windows or any other OS and install its own bootloader that can boot both Windows and Linux. Modern Linux distributions, including Ubuntu, have the wonderful ability to run from a disk or flash drive without installing it on the computer’s hard drive. Distributions that can do this are called LiveCD / LiveDVD (or “live disk”). I recommend that before installing for the first time, you first try to run the OS from the installation disk. This way you will know for sure that a particular distribution can handle your computer’s hardware and there will be no problems during installation. By the way, there is a high probability that when you start Ubuntu from a LiveCD, you will be able to enter the network settings and use the Internet and the network. You will be able to work with text documents and tables. You can view pictures and so on. Just try booting from the disk. Do not forget that working with a LiveCD is still not working in a full-fledged operating system installed on a hard drive, so be prepared for “brakes” when reading from a CD in an attempt to open this or that program.

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If you're considering switching to Linux for the first time, there are some things you should know. This guide contains important information to help you get started.

You'll learn what Linux is, why you should use it, what distributions there are, how to install them, how to use the terminal, how to configure the hardware, and many other key aspects.

Linux is an operating system used to power a variety of systems, from light bulbs to weapons, from laptops to large computer centers.

Linux runs everything from your phone to your smart refrigerator.

In the user environment, Linux is an alternative to commercial operating systems such as Windows.

Why use Linux instead of Windows?

There are many reasons why you should use Linux instead of Windows, and here are just a few of them.

  1. Linux OS is supported on older computers. Although Windows XP will still run on older hardware, it is no longer supported, so there are no security updates. There are a number of Linux distributions that are built specifically for older hardware and are regularly maintained and updated.
  2. Some Linux distributions and desktop environments are now more familiar to casual computer users than Windows 8 and Windows 10. If you like the look of Windows 7, why not try Linux Mint, for example.
  3. The space occupied by Windows 10 is huge. A typical Linux distribution takes up just over 1 gigabyte, although some can be as small as a few hundred megabytes. Also Windows requires at least DVD level bandwidth.
  4. Linux comes with free software and you can modify and use this software as you wish.
  5. Linux has always been more secure than Windows as there are very few viruses for it, although the Internet of Things has been under threat recently.
  6. Linux performs better than Windows in many ways, and you can squeeze every last drop of resources out of it on older hardware that has limitations.
  7. Confidentiality. Windows regularly collects data from Cortana and search in general. Although this is not a new thing, since Google does the same thing, you can be more than sure that Linux does not do this, especially if you choose a free distribution.
  8. Reliability. When a program freezes in Linux you can close it quite easily. When a program freezes in Windows, even when you try to open the Task Manager to close that program, it doesn't always work.
  9. Updates. Windows is very intrusive with its update policy. How many times have you turned on your computer to print out concert tickets or other important information only to see the 1 of 450 update install screen?
  10. Variability. You can make Linux look, feel, and behave exactly the way you want. With Windows, your computer behaves the way Microsoft thinks you want it to.
    If you're still undecided, read this guide to help you decide if Linux is right for you.

Which Linux distribution should you use?

The first question to ask is “what is a Linux distribution?” It's just that the Linux kernel is like an engine. The distribution is actually the vehicle that houses the engine.

So which Linux distribution should you choose? Here are the main ones:

  • Linux Mint: Does not require advanced computer experience, is easy to install, easy to use and has a familiar desktop for Windows 7 users
  • Debian: If you're looking for a truly free Linux distribution with no proprietary drivers, firmware or software, then Debian is for you. An oldie among distributions.
  • Ubuntu: A modern Linux distribution that is easy to install and use
  • openSUSE: Stable and powerful Linux distribution. Not as easy to install as Mint and Ubuntu, but still a very good alternative
  • Fedora: The most modern Linux distribution with all new concepts included as soon as possible
  • Mageia: Rising from the ashes of the once great Mandriva Linux. Easy to install and use
  • CentOS: Like Fedora, CentOS is based on the commercial Linux distribution, Red Hat Linux. Unlike Fedora, it's built for stability
  • Manjaro: Based on Arch Linux, Manjaro strikes a great balance between ease of use and modern software
  • LXLE: Based on the lightweight Lubuntu distribution, it is a full-featured Linux distribution for older hardware
  • Arch: A rolling release distribution means that you don't have to install new versions of the operating system because it updates itself. More difficult for a new user to learn, but very powerful
  • Elementary: Linux for people who like a Mac-style interface

You can read more about the best distributions for beginners in.

What is a desktop environment?

A typical Linux distribution consists of several components.

There is a display manager which is used to help you log in, a window manager which is used to manage windows, panels, menus, main interfaces and applications.

Many of these elements are combined together to create what is called a desktop environment.

Some Linux distributions only come with one desktop environment (although others are available in software repositories), while others have different distribution versions for different desktop environments.

The most common desktop environments include Cinnamon, GNOME, Unity, KDE, Enlightenment, XFCE, LXDE And MATE.

  • Cinnamon is a more traditional desktop environment that is similar to Windows 7 with a bar at the bottom, menus, system tray icons, and Quick Launch icons.
  • GNOME And Unity pretty similar. They are modern desktop environments that use the concept of launcher icons and a dashboard-style display to select applications. There are also core apps that integrate well with the overall theme of the desktop environment.
  • KDE is a fairly traditional desktop environment, but it has a huge number of features and a core set of applications that are easily customizable with a large number of settings.
  • Enlightenment, XFCE, LXDE And MATE- fairly lightweight desktop environments with panels and menus. All of them are easy to customize.

How to connect to the Internet

While the Internet connection is different for each desktop environment, the principle is the same for all.

  1. There is a network icon somewhere on the panel. Click on it and you will see a list of wireless networks.
  2. Click on the desired network and enter the security key.

The best system for web browsing

Linux has all the best browsers, including Chrome, Chromium, Firefox And Midori.

It doesn't have Internet Explorer, but who needs it? In the browser Chrome there is everything you might need.

Are there any decent office suites for Linux?

There's no doubt that Microsoft Office is a premium product, and it is a very good tool that is difficult to duplicate and surpass the qualities of this product.

For personal use and for small and medium businesses you can claim that Google Docs And LibreOffice are good alternatives and at a lower cost.

LibreOffice comes with a text editor with most of the features you'd expect to see in a text editor. It also comes with a decent spreadsheet that is also fully featured and even includes a basic programming engine, although it is not compatible with Excel VBA.

Other tools include presentations, math, databases, and drawing packages, which are also very good.

How to install programs on Linux?

Linux users don't install software the same way Windows users do, although the differences are getting smaller and smaller.

Typically, if a Linux user wants to install a package, they launch a tool called a package manager.

The package manager accesses repositories that store packages that can be installed.

A package management tool usually provides a way to find software, install software, keep software up to date, and uninstall software.

As technology advances, some Linux distributions introduce new types of packages that are self-contained just like Android apps.

Each distribution provides its own graphical tool. There are common command line tools used across different distributions.

  • For example, Ubuntu, Linux Mint And Debian use a package manager apt-get.
  • Fedora And CentOS use a package manager yum.
  • Arch And Manjaro use Pacman.

You can learn more about installing applications on Linux from.

Linux Command Line

No matter what Linux users say, it is the need to use the terminal that prevents the system from becoming massively popular. However, this is a useless discussion.

While it is useful to learn basic Linux commands (the same can be said for DOS commands in Windows), it is not necessary to do so.

The first thing you need to know is, of course, how to open a terminal, and of course there are many ways to do this.

Why is it called a terminal? Terminal is actually a short name for a terminal emulator, and it takes us back to a time when people logged in to physical terminals. Now all you need to know is that the terminal is where you enter Linux commands.

Once you open a terminal, you should really understand it. First you should know about the rights. You can read more about this in.

A command that users usually recognize early on is the command sudo, but don't start mindlessly typing commands with sudo, not understanding what she is doing because it could all end in disaster.

While you are working in the terminal, you should also understand about switching users using the command su.

Essentially, the team sudo allows you to escalate privileges so you can run commands as another user. By default, the other user is the user root.

Team su switches the context so that you are running as the specified user. You can run a number of commands as this user.

A few more facts about Linux

  • Live Linux DVD or USB allows you to run Linux without installing it to your hard drive. This allows you to test a Linux disk before moving to it, and is also good for the casual user.
  • Each Linux distribution comes with its own installer, which is a program that will help you set up and install Linux.
  • When a user installs Linux, he can either install it as the only system or install it along with Windows.
  • Linux takes the cake when it comes to playing audio files. There are dozens of great audio apps, and you can choose one or more that you like.
  • Unfortunately, Linux doesn't have Outlook.
  • The great thing about Linux is that you can make it look and feel any way you want.
  • Each Linux desktop environment works a little differently, so it will take some time to learn all the bases.


In this guide, we told you what Linux is, why you should use it, what Linux distributions there are and how to choose from them, how to try Linux, how to install it, how to set up Linux, how to navigate Linux, the best applications, how to install applications and how to use the command line.

This should give you a good basis to move forward.

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