Facebook my page social network login hope. Facebook “My Page” login

The number of Russian users of the popular social network Facebook is growing every day. Having become accustomed to the sites VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and Mail.ru, at first it is somewhat difficult to understand the Facebook interface. However, over time, there will be no trace of the feeling of discomfort and confusion. In this article we will tell you how to log into a Facebook page and navigate the sections of the site.

Login to Facebook

By entering http://www.facebook.com into the address bar of your browser, you find yourself on the main page of the social network.

If you have already registered on Facebook, then to log in you need to enter the e-mail or mobile phone number and password you specified during registration at the top of the page. A check mark next to the phrase “Do not log out” means that you will not have to enter the above data every time you log in.

If you are logging into Facebook for the first time, you need to register. To do this, you need to click on the “Registration” button and simply follow the system instructions.

Facebook: main sections

There is very little information on your page right now. If during registration you did not add friends or subscribe to company pages, the News Feed will also be empty.

What is “My Page” on Facebook?

1. Left column of the page – the most popular functions of the site: messages, search for friends, photos, applications. The News Feed occupies a special place, but we will talk about it a little later.

2. At the top are another important control buttons. By clicking on your name (in our case, Ivan Ivanovich), you find yourself in the so-called “Chronicle”, which is a chronological sequence of all the actions you have taken: adding new information, photographs, etc.

Chapter "Home"- this is the same News Feed that reflects updates from your friends and the pages you follow. You can comment on the posts you like, “like” (“I like”) or repost (i.e. post on your page).

The icon on the far right means "Account settings", where you can customize your profile and make changes to your privacy settings.

3. The icons in the upper left side of the page are notifications that inform you of new messages, user requests to add friends, etc.

4. Located in the lower right part "Chat", where you can chat with your friends online. Convenient, fast and easy.

More about the Chronicle

When you log into “My Page” on Facebook, you immediately find yourself in the News Feed. However, do not forget about your profile, which should be beautifully designed and filled with information.

Firstly, you can add the so-called "Cover", i.e. a photo that will take the place of a boring gray background in the header of your Timeline. You can change the picture at any time, just hover your mouse over the Cover field and select “Change Cover”.

Clicking the button "Update info", you can change information about yourself: place of study and work, quotes, favorite films and performers. In a word, this is something like a questionnaire that you fill out according to your own desire and taste.

So, now you can independently log into the Facebook website, add information about yourself and easily navigate sections of the social network. Create a page, find friends and enjoy communication. Good luck!

Social network "Facebook"

Facebook is a global social network founded in 2004. On Facebook, you can create your own page with photos (which, in turn, are arranged in photo albums), invite friends, send messages to each other, write statuses that others will see in their feed. You can also join groups based on interests on Facebook, as well as create them yourself. There is also a wall on Facebook, familiar to many on VKontakte, on which you can leave messages. It is also important that you can configure what information will be visible to everyone, what will be visible to friends, and what will not be visible at all. Facebook comes from America, but it also has Russian, among many others.

How to log into Facebook?

It happens that you registered on a website, but you can’t log into it, like Facebook. For example, if you forgot or lost your address and don’t know how to get to your page or home page(otherwise it is called "login page"). Another option is if you want to access the site from someone else’s computer, but everything there is not the same as at home. And then they often search on the Internet for “login to the Facebook site,” “my Facebook page.” But there is a way to log into the site that is much easier.

Login to Facebook site

To quickly log into Facebook, a “Site Login” has been created. This is a very simple site from which with one click you can access not only Facebook, but also other social networks, mail, dating - all major sites. You can set it as your starting (home) page so that you can quickly access any site next time.

Now you can go to the main page to Login to Facebook:

Is Facebook a free site?

At this moment - yes. Its creators promised that it will remain free. Perhaps Facebook will introduce paid accounts that will not have advertising (that is, you can pay not to be shown ads, but the free option for using the site will also remain). This is indirectly indicated by the fact that in 2013 the company received a patent that describes this method of earning money.

Facebook login problems

If you can't log into Facebook, read the article Can't log into Facebook? What to do? . The solution to the main problems is described there.

If you were kicked out of Facebook, your page was blocked, read this: Your page was blocked on Facebook. What to do? , and if they require you to show an ID, then this: Facebook requires an ID. What to do?

We also have a quick function to check if the site is working: What happened to Facebook? Checking if Facebook is currently working.

Registration on Facebook

If you're not on Facebook yet, it's easy to do so. Do you already have an email? Sign up for Facebook and come back here. If you don't have email yet, that's not a problem either. You can register with the mail and get your address quickly and free of charge - for example, on Mail.ru.

Deleting a page from Facebook

One user tells a funny story about himself and Facebook:

February 28 is World No Facebook Day. The origin of the holiday and date is not entirely clear. The goal is to combat addiction to Facebook, as well as to demonstrate that a social network without its users is nothing.

Home page Login

To log in to your Facebook page, use Login (website) right now! This is especially convenient if you need quick access to mail, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki or other popular sites.

See also

  • Instagram, website and social network have been part of Facebook since 2012. What can you do there and how to enter

To login to facebook account:

1. First, make sure that another user is not logged into Facebook using your name from your computer.

2. Go to the top of www.facebook.com and enter one of the following:

3. Enter your password.

4. Click Login.

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How to check if you have a Facebook account

If the Facebook account you created still exists, it's easy to find. You should remember your email address, phone number or Username, to which your account is linked. You can also find your account using your name or the name of one of your Facebook friends.

Once you find your account, you can change your password. You can then continue to use your account or delete it (see below).

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I can't log in, log in to my page, Facebook account

If you're having trouble logging into your Facebook account, try the following first:

If the above tips for solving problems did not help, restore your account, where there is a form for obtaining your Facebook page data.

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I can't verify my phone number because I didn't receive a text message (SMS) with a verification code

In some countries you may need to wait up to 12 hours to receive the code. We are working with mobile operators to resolve this issue.

If you have followed the instructions above and still cannot receive the SMS verification code, notify technical support about it.

Report a problem on FACEBOOK

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How to reset the password for my Facebook page or account?

If you can't log into Facebook, you need to reset your password:

  1. Go to www.facebook.com login page
  2. In the top right corner, click Forgot your password?
  3. Enter the email address or phone number or first and last name or username associated with your account, click Search and follow the onscreen instructions.

Recover your Facebook password via email

Below are pictures of password recovery via email.

1. Click “Forgot your password” in the upper right corner.

5. which came by email.

Recover Facebook password via mobile phone

Below are pictures of password recovery via a linked phone.

1. Click “Forgot your password” in the upper right corner and enter your phone number.

2. The way to recover your password is via SMS.

3. which came to your cell phone as an SMS message.

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I did not receive an email to reset my password

I can't reset my password because I've exceeded my password reset request limit.

To maintain the security of your account, the number of possible requests for a new password within one day is limited.

Please wait 24 hours, and then try to recover your password again. Also, check your spam or junk mail folder. mail.

If you requested a new password but did not receive a password recovery message:

  1. Check your mail folders for deleted or unwanted emails.
  2. Check all email addresses and mobile phone numbers associated with your Facebook account. When you request a password recovery, you will see a list of all addresses and mobile phones that were specified in your account. You can send a password recovery email to several or all accounts. Please remember that for security reasons. addresses and phone numbers are partially hidden (for example, f****k@f****k.com, *****5555).
  3. Try recovering your password again.
  4. If you do not receive an email after requesting again, please wait 24 hours and try again.
  5. If, after following all the steps above, you still do not receive an email to reset your password, contact your internet service provider to make sure that they are not blocking emails from Facebook.
  6. It is possible that your page has been hacked and the attackers have changed your email and phone number

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How to change Facebook password

If you are logged into a Facebook account, you can change your password in the settings section. While in this section:

  1. Click Password.
  2. Enter your current password and then your new one.
  3. Click Save changes.

Note: If you forgot your Facebook password, reset it, how? see above

What is the minimum password strength level and how do I create a strong password?

When creating a new password, make sure it is at least 6 characters long. Try using complex combinations of letters, numbers and punctuation.

If you see a message that the password you entered is not strong enough, try using a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters or increasing the password length.

The password you create should be easy for you to remember, but difficult for anyone else to figure out. For added security, your Facebook password should be different from the passwords you use for other accounts, such as your email or bank account.

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How to delete your account permanently?

If you don't think you'll ever use Facebook again, you can ask to have your account deleted completely. Please note that you will not be able to reactivate your account or restore any content you have added to it. Before you do this, you should save a copy of your Facebook data. After this, if you want to permanently delete your account without the possibility of recovery, log in to your Facebook account and let us know about it.

If you delete your Facebook account, people won't be able to see it on Facebook. It may take up to 90 days for all content you have posted, such as your photos, status updates, or other data stored on backup systems, to be deleted. While we delete this information, it is no longer available to other people who use Facebook.

Used by more than 2 billion people according to official data. In the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet (Runet) there are several worthy replacements for it, and therefore the number of users of Western resources is lower than in most countries.

People who are accustomed to the design of VKontakte and Odnoklassniki and who have just registered on Facebook face a number of difficulties in operating a new site for them. One of them arises immediately after visiting a resource - not everyone can figure out on their own how to log in (log into your profile) on it. We will provide detailed instructions for logging into your account from various devices, and also briefly touch on the problems that arise in the process.

On the computer

There are a couple of ways to work with Facebook on a computer, laptop and tablet running Windows and other operating systems.


To visit this resource you don’t need much: a fast Internet browser, the Internet, which will allow you to comfortably navigate the site and view multimedia content, and an account in the system.

It is better not to use the standard Windows 10 Edge browser and, especially, Internet Explorer for these purposes.

  1. Open a web browser, enter the shortened version of the URL – fb.com – into the address bar and go to the resource.

After this, the main page of the social network will load, where in the right corner at the top of the page there is a form for logging into your account. Below are fields for registering on the site, intended for new users or those wishing to acquire another account.

If your own profile is loaded, then authorization was carried out automatically, and the password and login were previously saved in the browser.

  1. In the first field, enter the email address or mobile phone number assigned to your account. In the second, enter the password that protects your account, and tap on the “Login” button.

Users who have recently been on the site will see the account avatar, first and last name with which the person signed up on the site. Clicking on the picture will allow you to log into your profile without additional manipulations. If you need to visit another page, ignore the avatar and enter the password with your login to log in to your account. For those who have already visited the site and activated the option to remember your login password, these fields will be filled in automatically. All you have to do is click “Login”.

If you are at your computer, it is advisable to save your password so that you do not enter it from the keyboard next time. Otherwise, we must remove the checkbox. If you suddenly forgot to do this, the saved data is deleted through the browser settings in the “Saved Passwords” section, which is easy to find through a search engine using the program settings.

In a couple of seconds, your personal page on the social network will load.

Don't forget to log out if you access the site from someone else's computer.

The method is applicable to any operating system, including those other than the Windows platform.


An application has been developed for computers that simplifies working with the site, especially on portable devices. It is only compatible with Windows 10.

  1. Install the program from the Windows Store and run it.
  2. On the main page, enter your login information and go to the site.

Never download third-party programs for working with a social network on your computer or the official client from other sites. There is an application store for Windows for this.

On a mobile device

On smartphones and tablets, you can also log into Facebook through an Internet browser and the official application. Let's get acquainted with all the authorization options in the service.

Web browser

The peculiarity of working on the network through a browser is that you do not need to download additional applications, but the ease of navigation in this case will greatly suffer. To update the news feed and receive notifications about new messages and events, you will have to manually reload the page. The site will look the same as on a computer.

  1. Open the browser and go to the address.
  2. You will be taken to the main page of the resource, where you need to enter information to visit your account: phone number or postal address and password.


On the vast majority of tablets and smart phones, the client is installed by default, but on some (in particular, outdated models) you will have to install it from the official Google Play store for Android or the App Store for iOS users.

  1. We find the program through a search in the online store and download it to our gadget, giving the application the rights it needs.
  2. Launch the messenger, enter information to log in to the social network and click “Login”.

Common problems

There are several common reasons why you cannot log into your account:

We have described in detail the process of logging into your Facebook account from a computer and mobile device, as well as the most common problems associated with it.

Facebook is the most popular and largest social network in the world. If you are interested in learning more about Facebook, how to use the network and some of the “tricks” of FB, this material is just for you!

Facebook - what is it

Facebook is not only the largest social network in the world, but also one of the 5 most visited sites in the world. We now know what Facebook is (a social network), but what is the very concept of a social network? To answer this question, let's look at the definition from Wikipedia:

By building social interaction we should understand such things as communication, sharing photographs, images, videos, audio files and other content, evaluating and discussing this content, creating thematic groups and public pages.

This is such an immodest statistic! But that’s not all - the most interesting facts about Facebook:

  1. Facebook Inc also owns such well-known social networks as Instagram and WhatsApp.
  2. In 2016, the company earned $10 billion, and revenue amounted to $27.638 billion. Thus, Facebook earns $52,583 per minute (fifty-two thousand five hundred eighty-three thousand dollars)
  3. The most popular people on Facebook are Real Madrid football player Cristiano Ronaldo, Colombian singer Shakira and Hollywood actor Vin Diesel. All of them have more than 100 million likes on their pages.
  4. At one time, the main social network in the world was MySpace, and Facebook was just a copy of it. At that time, MySpace bought FB twice, but twice refused to pay the amounts requested by Zuckerberg - $75 and $750 million. And in vain - after 2 years, Microsoft bought a 1.5% stake in Facebook for $240 million (thus, the entire social network was worth $15 billion. And now the company is valued at more than 400 billion US dollars! And now few people even remember about MySpace .
  5. The Facebook application is the third most popular in the world and is second only to the browser and email applications.
  6. Every registered FB user knows every other user through 3.57 friends (six handshakes theory)
  7. Mark Zuckerberg, immediately before creating Facebook, worked on a similar site - Facemash, but then the Harvard administration demanded that the project be closed and accused Zuckerberg of violating security and privacy.

The history of the founding of the social network Facebook

Facebook was founded in the winter of 2004 (February 4) by four guys who were roommates at Harvard University. These guys were actually Mark Zuckerberg, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin and Chris Hughes. Then the social network had a slightly different name, Thefacebook. At the first stage of development, registration on the site was available only to Harvard students through their email. After some time, access to Facebook was opened to other higher educational institutions in Boston, and after a while - to all US students and teachers. And only starting in the fall of 2006, the social network was able to be used by all the inhabitants of the Earth - but only if the person was 16 years old and had his own email. That is, in fact, for two whole years, FB functioned as a niche intra-university network!

Video: Live broadcasts on the social network Facebook

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6G1aANjx4s Video can’t be loaded: How to start a Facebook Live video broadcast (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6G1aANjx4s)

What is the difference between Facebook and other social networks?

For a long time, Facebook was a monopolist in the world of social networks (and still is in most countries of the world), and there was practically no one to compare it with. Well, maybe - except for MySpace, which FB surpassed at the dawn of its existence. However, recently more and more social networks similar to Facebook have begun to appear, and we can talk more confidently about comparisons. At the global level, the analogues of Facebook are Google Plus and Twitter. Also, some countries have their own national analogues - Odnoklassniki in Russia, Orkut in Brazil, Mixi in Japan, QZone and WeChat in China, Draugiem in Latvia.

Since we live in Russia, we can confidently say about the differences between Facebook and VK and Odnoklassniki. And the main ones are:

There are still some differences, but they are more cosmetic than fundamental.

Facebook - registration

Registration on Facebook is not a complicated process at all and every person can easily cope with this process. To get started, go to the FB home page. If you are not registered yet, the system will in any case redirect you to the registration page. You will see the following fields:

Fill out these fields, then confirm your registration by phone or email - and your Facebook profile will be created completely! Read more about how to create your own personal account on this social network in the special material - in 5 minutes! There you will find answers to all questions on this topic!

Facebook - how to listen to music on the social network

Many users are accustomed to not only communicating on the social network, but also listening to music. On Facebook, you can listen to music through special applications and add-ons.

Here are some of them:

  1. Spotify
  2. MySpace Music
  3. Deezer
  4. Music in Facebook messenger
  5. Zvooq
  6. Soundcloud

Read more about music on Facebook in this material:

How to create a group or page on Facebook

  • In a Facebook group you can restrict access to materials
  • Facebook page is public by default

There are also some differences between them in the interface, but in general, groups are created for more thematic communication, pages for free communication and presentation of products or services to all network users.

To create a group or page, click on the triangle in the upper right corner and select Create page or Create community (group) from the drop-down menu. Next you will be asked to select the type, topic, and name of the community. After creation, proceed to designing and setting up communities.

How to delete a profile

On the social network Facebook, there are two ways to terminate your page. The first method is to temporarily deactivate, but not delete the profile. In this state, your page will not be visible in searches, but all photos, videos, and your recordings will be saved and you can resume everything after your next login. The second method is the final and irreversible deletion of the profile.

Deactivating a Facebook profile

To deactivate your page, follow the Settings link (triangle icon in the upper right corner of the site), then go to Security (menu on the left) and there you will see the Deactivate account item. Click on the link, then you will need to briefly explain the reason for deactivation, enter your password and verification code to confirm the action. After this, an email will be sent to your email with a link to activate your account. Everything is quite simple as you can see.

Deleting a Facebook account

Deleting a Facebook account

To get started, go to the Help section (via Privacy Settings) and enter a request to delete your account there. In the results, go to the profile deletion page. You should be redirected to this page:


Click on the “Delete my page” button, after which you need to confirm this action - enter your password, verification password and briefly write about the reason for deletion. Click OK. However, this will not be a permanent deletion - your account can still be resumed within 14 days. After these two weeks, the removal will be irreversible.

How to recover access and password to a social network

If you have forgotten your profile password and cannot log into Facebook, no problem, access can be restored!

To get started, follow the “Forgot your password” link on the login page. Then follow the link to restore access and you will be sent an email with a special code to renew your account. Enter this password in a special window that will be visible on the FB website. Click the “Continue” button and you will be taken to the next step - creating a new password. Create it by entering it twice and also click on the Continue button. After this, you will be redirected to your profile page - already restored and with a new password. Remember it so you don’t forget next time!

How to search and add friends on Facebook

The most convenient way to invite friends is in the following ways:

  • Enter the first and last name of your friend or acquaintance in the search field and find it among the search results
  • Go to a special section for finding friends - “Find friends” and search by a set of criteria - name, school, city, university, email, mobile number
  • Add at least one of your friends, and if he has an open list of friends, start adding your acquaintances to yourself - you probably have a lot of mutual acquaintances with him.

There are also other search methods - for example, importing from other social networks, but these three are quite enough for a starting addition.