Google Play Services for Instant Apps - what is it? New technology from Google “Instant apps” – what is it and how to install Instant apps update

Google wants to take the concept of Android mobile apps to a whole new level. Yesterday, May 18, at the I/O 2016 conference, the “good corporation” showed Android Instant Apps - applications that can be used without installation. You just need to tap on the link in Google search, after which a full-fledged application will open instead of the website.

GIF animations - examples of web applications Android Instant Apps

Android Instant Apps is a concept that assumes that applications are embedded on the web and can be used without installation. At the presentation it was shown as follows: the chat interlocutor sends a link to Buzzfeed; clicking on it opens the Buzzfeed Android application, which is not installed on the user’s smartphone; Only that part of the application is opened that is necessary to display the content via the link. The same thing works in Google search, when a user can click on a product in the search, after which the application of the corresponding online store will immediately open.

Of course, even such modular web applications offer a better interface and user experience than websites. In the future, Google plans to develop this concept in such a way that almost everywhere will load such web applications instead of websites. It is noteworthy that Android Instant Apps work even on not the newest versions of the system - from Android 4.2 Jelly Bean and newer.

First of all, Android Instant Apps is a new technology from Google that was announced at I/O 2016. It allows you to try out the functionality of the application on your Android smartphone, without having to install it from the Google Play Store.

Already today, some users of Huawei Nexus 6P smartphones based on Android 7.1.1 Nougat have access to this function. In the future, Google will expand support to even more smartphone models. Thanks to Instant Apps, the user can launch an application from the cloud and test its functionality, and the developer can thus demonstrate the capabilities of his creation to the end user. This solves the problem of paid demo versions of programs from Google Play. This article has all the details about how Android Instant Apps works.

How to activate the feature

It is worth noting that not all smartphones currently support this functionality, and there are still very few cloud demo versions of the applications themselves. To enable Instant Apps, follow these steps:

  • go to menu Phone settings
  • scroll down and click on tab Google
  • In chapter Services select Instant Apps
  • activate the switch on the top right corner of the screen
  • confirm the action

Now after enabling this service, you can start searching for these applications. Today there are very few of them, but in the near future their ranks will be replenished. Programs that currently support Instant Apps include Buzzfeed, Wish and Periscope. So far, only “Wish” works correctly, we will test it. Others may produce an error like “error running app instant run requires”.

Go to your Google Chrome mobile browser and enter the search query Wish. The first result is a link to the application on Google Play, the second one marked “Instant” is what we need. Click on it and then Open App in the tab that appears.

It will take some time to download the application, but after that, you can use it like any other regular application on your smartphone. In the Wish Instant app, you can log into your account, search for products, and more.

If you like the program and want to download its full version, then simply lower the notification shade and select the “App Info” item, from where you can download the full version of the program. There is no doubt that Instant Apps are the future. Already today they allow you to do many things quickly and conveniently.

Based on materials from Android Authority

How do you like this feature, perhaps you already use it on your smartphone? Share your impressions in the comments!

Instant Apps technology began its existence in mid-2016. This application should “replace” working with content in a mobile browser and make it easier to search in the Market. The option is designed to simplify the process of purchasing any product via the Internet and avoid downloading mobile software in full, saving space on the device. Let's tell you in more detail what it is.

Instant apps

Google Play services for Instant Apps is a new technology in Android that allows you to launch software from the Market in instant application, by downloading a special data file. For example, you can first view the program and its functionality, and then decide whether or not to download it to your phone. For such viewing, each application must have an adaptation from the developers, marked with the icon "Instant". To date Buzzfeed, Wish And Periscope support this option.

The same function should be supported on websites, especially in online stores. In this case, when viewing a product, a small file will also be loaded, which will allow you to open data about the lot in the form of an instant application with an active button "Buy". This technology is designed to save the user from downloading information that he does not need - all data is loaded from Marketa or Clouds. The developers promise that the new option will not affect the loading speed.

It’s easy to enable the function: “ Settings - Google- chapter " Services”- open "Instant Apps" and activate the slider.

Installs and updates itself

The technology has been actively implemented since the sixth version of Android. In the latest smartphone models, the application is integrated automatically and also updated without human intervention. This is considered quite normal by Google. The user will simply have to try this utility on his system, as well as other software that comes with the OS by default.

By the way, read this article too: Dianxin - what is this folder on Android

Can I delete or disable it?

It’s worth immediately saying that Instant Apps are the future of the Internet. Quite a strong statement, but experts think so. Therefore, it is foolish to try to avoid such technology, because sooner or later it will replace the usual online purchasing process.

If you still want to delete the application, you need to get ROOT rights. They will allow you to log into the system as an administrator, where any software from the manufacturer Google can be uninstalled in the usual way.

  • First, visit your smartphone settings. Find the item there Google. Go to the software folder "Services". Among the many utilities, find Instant Apps. Now that you're in the app, move the single slider to the side. If a notification appears, be sure to agree with your actions.

Remember: the Instant Apps service works only as an assistant on the Internet and is not a virus. For any other actions on the part of the program, check it for viruses - they can masquerade as it.

Finally, a visual video about the operation of this option from Google

In this material we will look at the question “Instant Apps, what is it?”, namely: what is this function for in Android and how to turn it on/off. Literally translated from English, this sounds like instant apps or quick apps. In the Android settings on your phone/tablet it may be labeled as “Google Play Services for Instant Apps”, “Instant Apps” or “Quick Launch Apps”, depending on the device manufacturer and the version of the operating system installed. Let's start exploring this issue.

What are Instant Apps

This is a system service in Android that allows you to view the capabilities of an application without installing it on your device. This is a very convenient function that will help you evaluate the program and decide whether it is worth installing or whether it is not worthy of being on your device. Thus, thanks to Instant Apps, the user gets the opportunity to quickly become familiar with the application, and the developer can show all its capabilities without forcing the user to install his product. This approach is especially relevant for paid applications, the demo versions of which still need to be downloaded in full.

However, in fairness, it is worth noting that in this mode a small number of files are still downloaded to a smartphone or tablet, but their size will be much smaller than with a full installation of the application.

In addition, Instant Apps technology is used to facilitate and speed up online payments, without installing additional software on a mobile device.

This concept was first presented by Google at the annual developer conference I/O 2016, as part of the continuous development and improvement of its operating system. The technology is relatively young and is available to users starting with version Android 6 Marshmallow, but not on all phones and tablets, but only on those certified by Google, the number of which is constantly increasing.

The downside to the Instant App Service is that not all apps support Instant Apps yet. its implementation is the responsibility of the developers, and Google only recommends using this functionality in the software. Many Android software manufacturers are in no hurry to implement the new technology, although large developers (mostly foreign) are already introducing this function into their products.

How to enable Instant App Service

Let's look at enabling applications with quick launch using the example of the Huawei Media Pad T3 tablet, running Android 7 Nougat OS and which has this function. If your device does not have it, then most likely it is running Android version lower than version 6 or is not among the devices that support Instant Apps.

Attention! Instant Apps is a built-in Android service and cannot be downloaded as a separate app. If you are offered to download an .apk file with this name and install it, then under no circumstances do this, because... with 100% probability this is a malicious program.

Enabling quick applications is very simple, you need to:

In the same subsection, you can see in the future which quick applications you have already viewed.

As mentioned above, not all applications can work in quick launch mode. Those of them that support this mode are on their page on Google Play next to the " Install" the " button will be displayed Try it", tap on which will launch the application in trial mode.

Depending on the application, this may be a demo version or a fully functional version, without any restrictions. If you like the program, you can use it either immediately from the running application by clicking on the “ Install", located at the top right of the screen.

Some nuances in the service

It happens that users learn about the ability to quickly launch applications on their gadget only after receiving a notification that Instant Apps is being updated. The service is updated automatically, it is impossible to disable auto-update, and if you do not like this behavior, then you can always disable it, as described above, then in this case it will not update.

If you use smartphones based on the Android operating system, most likely you have come across such a concept as Instant Apps, but you can’t immediately tell what it is, can you? Technologies are developing, the capabilities of our phones are constantly expanding, and with such a variety of options, you simply don’t have time to try out all the features of your smartphone.

From the article you will learn

What it is?

Instant Apps is a technology used by Google Play to launch demo versions of applications or games. For example, you want to download a music listening program or a new game that was released recently onto your smartphone, and you go to the Market and start installing the application. But it often happens that, but you want to try it. What if this program is many times better than the one I have installed?

In such situations, Instant Apps technology will save you. Thanks to it, you can download a demo version of any product that is presented on Google Play and see what it looks like, what options it has, tabs, appearance, menus. The demo file is very small in size, so this technology significantly saves the resources of your smartphone. And not only resources, but also time. If the user has a relatively low signal level, then the program will take a very long time to load. And here I downloaded the demo version, quickly got acquainted with it, and if I liked it, then I downloaded the full version.

But this technology is not used everywhere, unfortunately. Instant Apps was first presented back in 2016 at a Google conference, and in 2017 the first applications supporting this option began to appear. In general, it is supported with Android Jelly Bean (4.3), but many developers began to create their products with support for this technology only in 6.0 and higher.

Advantages and disadvantages of technology

As an Android user, you need to know about the pros and cons of Instant Apps technology to understand how useful it is. After all, not all options that are present in the Android operating system are equally useful.


  • Convenient integration into the Google Play service, as a result of which the user does not need to perform unnecessary actions;
  • High speed and fast loading of content;
  • The amount of memory required to download an app from Instant Apps is very small;
  • Supports a large number of Android devices;
  • You can share applications. For example, you launched scanwords on your phone and decided to recommend the same program to a friend. It is enough to copy the link to the application and send it to the person, after which he will launch it and will also be able to use all the functionality in the demo version;
  • Wide application. This technology can be used not only for downloading demo versions, but also for working with web versions of sites, for example, when you need to quickly load content.


  • Not all versions of Android support this option (starting with Jelly Bean);
  • Availability of Instant Apps varies by developer. That is, he must implement this technology in his application, so everything here depends not on Google, but on the publisher who releases the program on Google Play;
  • Lack of user awareness. Unfortunately, not many smartphone owners know about this option, since by default it is not advertised anywhere. Most users still go to the market and simply download the program, and if they don’t like it, they delete it.

The last point about the shortcomings is rather a nitpick, but this reason also exists.

How to use Instant Apps?

As mentioned earlier, it is available on devices with Android versions Jelly Bean (4.2) and higher, but many developers have added this feature in applications adapted for versions 6.0 and higher.

By default, this option is enabled on your smartphone, but if it suddenly does not work, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the “Settings” of your smartphone and click on the “Google” tab;
  2. Select “Instant Launch Apps” from the following menu, click on it and activate the slider to the “Enabled” state.

That's it, the option is activated and you can proceed to download the demo version. We perform the following actions:

  1. Go to Google Play and find the program that you decided to download to your device;
  2. Click on it to open the full description;
  3. Here you will have 2 tabs “Try” and “Install”. You need to press the first one;
  4. Within a few seconds after clicking, the system will download the necessary files and launch the application. You will receive a notification when the download is complete;
  5. You will see the elements that the developer has included in this demo. For example, this could be the application shell, that is, its appearance with navigation and some control points;
  6. If you like the functionality of the program or game and decide to download the full version, simply return to Google Play and click “Install”;
  7. All missing files will be automatically downloaded, after which you will be able to fully use the capabilities of the downloaded software.

How to remove or disable?

One of the problems with Instant Apps is automatic updating and self-activation. Some smartphone owners find such actions very annoying, since without their permission, Instant Apps consumes traffic and battery power, and cannot be found in standard applications. What to do in this case?

  1. To disable this option, go to the “Settings” of your smartphone and click on the “Google” tab;
  2. Find the “Instant Launch Apps” item in the list, click on it and set the slider to “Off”.

But keep in mind that in this case you will not be able to use demo versions of programs and games in the Google Play service. If you decide to completely remove this option, you will need root rights. And only after that you will be able to erase any services and applications installed by default from Google.

Instant Launch Apps

Want to try apps with Instant Apps but don't know where to download them? The Google Play service has a separate section called “Instant Launch”. It contains all the programs that have this option. You can go to this category:

Overall, we can conclude that Instant Apps is a rather interesting and convenient option that is more likely to save your traffic than use it up. Yes, sometimes it will be updated, but in general a very small amount of traffic is consumed, which is compensated by viewing demo versions the next time you select new programs or games on Google Play.

Another compelling argument in favor of this option is the future. More and more developers are adapting their products to this technology, and soon we will see content loading in a split second, which will be divided into separate containers. But that's a completely different story...