When VKontakte will have statistics. How to view page traffic on VKontakte. How to find out page statistics in VK

Until the recent past, the general director of VKontakte LLC and the creator of the social network of the same name, always argued that viewing other people's pages has always been and will be completely anonymous. Despite the presence of a considerable number of applications that tracked page traffic, it was not possible to identify which person was viewing basic information and profile photos and at what time he was doing this. At some point, some users became available information about the statistics of traffic to their page, which in graphical form provided basic data about the people who visited the page over a certain time, the geography of visits and other information. How to view the statistics of the VKontakte page, what is this function, why is it needed and for whom is it available?

Is it now possible to view traffic to the VK page?

Despite the emergence of the ability to track profile information about “guests of the VK page,” Internet surfing and viewing information still remain anonymous. The function of collecting statistical data about visitors who visited a person’s profile provides a number of useful data about the audience that is interested in the user’s account. It helps you track changes in page "popularity metrics" such as unique users and page views. How to view the statistics of the VKontakte page? The button directing to the section you are looking for is located on the main profile page under the “audio” section. In order for the statistics collection function to be automatically turned on, a person needs to “gain” more than one hundred subscribers to his page. What does the data provided mean?

How to decipher statistics

Having figured out where to look at the page statistics on VKontakte, you need to know how to decipher the data provided. The menu contains three tabs: “Attendance”, “Reach” and “Activity”.

  • Attendance - demonstrates the activity of third-party users on the account, their subscription/unsubscription from the page, and transition to internal sections of the profile. The menu reveals information about the location of the “guests”: the country and city from which users most often viewed the account.
  • Reach - introduces the user to information about views of his posts and ads in the news feed.
  • Activity - gives a graphic about people's reactions to the posted content.

A unique visitor is considered to be a user who has viewed the account for at least two minutes. View statistics indicate how many people visited the page overall. The data demonstrates the gender and age category of people who most often pay attention to this profile and visit it. The user can also see which countries’ residents visit his page most often over the entire period of the account’s existence or selectively over a certain period of time (month, week, day). If desired, the data can be presented graphically. So, we figured out what the “VKontakte Page Statistics” function looks like. How to view similar information for various communities?

Group statistics

In general, analyzing the statistics of a group or public is very similar to how to look at traffic statistics for a VKontakte page. Knowing how to view the statistics of a VKontakte page and understanding what this data means, you can imagine how user interest changes, what exactly causes resonance and response from the audience. In the same way, group statistics display the number of transitions and the number of unique visitors, distinguishes them by gender, age and geographic criteria, illustrates their activity, and also provides information about the sources from which they most often went to the group page. All this data can give a comprehensive picture of the target audience, which is why it is important for group leaders to know how to view the statistics of the VKontakte page.

Is it possible to track the “guests” of a VK page?

Despite the appearance of such a function as “VKontakte page statistics,” how can you see and find out who exactly viewed the account in a given time period? Unfortunately, or fortunately, the current management of the social network does not change its vector of development and does not is in a hurry to disclose data about user visits to other people's pages.Applications that offer such services most often simply duplicate information about activity, which a person can view in the “Responses” section, and to date, surfing VKontakte pages remains anonymous.

VK page statistics

In order to view statistics you must have more than 100 subscriptions to your profile. If you don’t have that many of them, then you can do it absolutely free.

If you have collected the required number of subscribers, then let's get down to business. To see this function, you need to go to your page and click on the icon under your avatar - "Statistics page".

In the mobile version, you need to click on the ellipsis from your profile - view statistics.

A page with statistics will open.

The first tab is "Reach".

  • Coverage;

On the first graph you can find out how many users looked at your posts on a given day (on the wall or in the news).

Full coverage - all users are taken into account. Subscriber coverage - friends and subscribers.

  • Gender/age;

A little lower we see the age and gender categories of the users who visited you.

  • Geography;
  • Device coverage;

At the end of the first tab you can see, from which devices most frequently visited your page.

Second tab "Attendance".

  • Attendance;

On the first graph you can find out the quantity unique visitors on a certain day/week/month.

Unique visitors - how many people viewed your profile. Views - the number of views of users who visited your page.

How to find out page statistics in VK

  • Subscribers;

    Hello my dears!

    Today we will talk about analysis of VKontakte community statistics. I will tell you how to do the analysis correctly, what the main indicators mean and how you can benefit from it.

    Statistics are the core of any community, from it you can determine everything that happened to the community, when it happened and why (of course, after analyzing the indicators). It is especially necessary to analyze statistics when buying advertising in communities, exchanging posts, or selling and buying the community itself.

    Statistics are available at https://vk.com/stats?gid=XXXXXXXX

    Where XXXXXXXXX– this is the community id

    Now let's talk more about the graphs. The statistics include three main blocks:



    Let's look at each one separately, focusing on important points.


    Unique visitors and views

    Number of unique visitors who visited the community during the day (by day, by month)

    Total number of unique visitors in the last 30 days

    This indicator is definitely important, but it’s easy to inflate, so we don’t stop our analysis on it.


    I think it’s clear here that if the public is male, there should be men; if it’s female, on the contrary, if this is not the case, then either the topic changed or they used bots. Children no more than 30% -35% is normal.


    You can find out where people are visiting your community from this diagram.

    Referral sources

    Here we see where people come into the community from and what to focus on.

    Pay closer attention to the source " Browser Tabs“If their indicator is more than 60-80%, most likely there is a fact of cheating by offers or bots.


    Number of people who came and unsubscribed

    If you see large peaks of unsubscribed participants on the graph, most likely the community was being cleaned of suspicious accounts. This tells us that the group was promoted by offers or bots. In 70% of cases this is confirmed.

    Section views

    They allow you to find out what people are interested in.


    Here the count comes from people who have seen news from the public over a certain period of time.

    Audience coverage is divided into full and subscribers.

    Full- this is the number of people who saw the news of the public from friends, in other publics through reposts, simply came in, looked in the news, shared.

    By subscribers- these are people who see your news, being subscribed to your community.

    The only indicator that is impossible to increase is subscriber coverage , it should be from 25% of all subscribers with 15-25 posts per day.

    The remaining graphs are similar to attendance, but based on data from community subscribers, that is, who receives news by gender/age and in which countries.


    Activity does not need comments, I will only say that the better the posts, the more activity, stolen posts and button accordions will get few likes and reposts, even if your public is in good condition.

    Tips for increasing community statistics depending on the situation:

    If everything is at the proper level, but there is little activity, increase the quality of the content.

    If your coverage is low, exchange reposts with other publics.

    If your subscriber reach is low, increase the number of posts.

    If there are few unique visitors, work on the design, hold competitions, and make the subscriber come back again and again.

    If you have many children, increase the meaning of your posts.

    I hope you found today’s information useful and will put it into practice!

    Leave your feedback and opinions in the comments below.

The April Fool's joke of 2016 was a success: users, slightly worried, got their bearings and, sighing with relief, accepted the updated rules as a blessing.

Change for the better

Upgraded features:

  • "Tell friends";
  • notification button;
  • attachments to messages;
  • page visit statistics button, etc.

If the previous version of “Visit Statistics” was located directly under the audio recordings, the new one was moved under the avatar.

How to view statistics on VK in the new version

Under the personal image (photo), to the right of “Edit”, a graphic image appeared in the form of three small rectangles of different sizes. It is active only for those users. who have more than 100 subscribers (not friends!) similar to the old version.

Below I have described the graphs and what they show.

  1. Chart No. 1 has three tabs: traffic, audience coverage and subscriber activity in relation to the owner’s page.
  2. Graph No. 2 displays the percentage dependence of page visits on gender and age.
  3. Graph No. 3 introduces the geographical location of visitors.
  4. Graph No. 4 shows the growth/decrease in the number of subscribers.

On the same page, at the top right there is a useful “Upload statistics” button. You download an EXCEL spreadsheet that concentrates and analyzes data from previous charts.

More subscribers, good and different

After solving the question “How to view VKontakte statistics in the new version,” a new problem appears: the lack of the required number of subscribers. Where to get them, how to attract them?

  1. View your friends list. You indiscriminately agreed to friendship requests, you don’t know many of them, you never communicated, you just rejected their offers to buy, visit, look in. By removing strangers from the Friends tab, you automatically transfer them to the subscribed subgroup.
  2. Wander through groups, leave requests yourself, communicate. The method will work if people trust you. Depends on personal charm and the ability to interest the interlocutor.

Register and work on sites like Turbo Liker. For likes, reposts and bonuses for yourself, you write reviews, tag other users, subscribe to pages and groups of other people.

There is a solution: improve your content, revise your topics, become interesting and useful. Follow the rule “What you put time into, you get what you put into it.”

Cui prodest

Does a simple user need accounting and control of likes, visits, and unsubscribes? Once again make sure of your popularity, satisfying your insatiable ego? Or fall into depression, feeling like an unhappy loner in a large computer space?

Any counter on the site shows how much others need you, your information or products. There are three main types of social media users:

  • communication lovers, online adventurers;
  • promoters promoting products on any platform;
  • agents of influence that form waves of approval or disapproval of events and products.

Each surge of activity relative to the coordinate axes means increased group interest, the formation of a target audience and increased profits.

A close analysis of the “stuffing-outburst” correspondence specifies the date and source of changes, and highlights valuable facts from the general information flow.


VKontakte is becoming more convenient, including for mobile applications. You can optimize the functions of the new interface by downloading the updated version of the VKOpt (VKontakte Optimizer) program. I hope that the topic: how to view statistics on VK in the new version has been fully covered.

Write your comments, ideas, opinions, I will be very interested.

Active users who use the VKontakte social network and their personal page not only for the purpose of communicating with friends, but also for other purposes, for example, commercial ones, may be interested in looking at the page statistics. This can be useful, for example, to provide your statistics to advertisers for selling or promoting products/brands through it, or just out of personal interest, to roughly understand which audience is actively visiting your page. In this article, we will consider who and how can view the statistics of a page in VK.

Table of contents:

How to view page statistics in VK

The VKontakte social network is created in such a way that access to statistics is available only to popular users. It is believed that if a person has more than 100 human followers, he is quite popular, and he may need to know the statistics of his page. That is why only a user with 100 or more subscribers can view statistics in the manner described below.

Please note: Subscribers in this case do not mean friends. That is, you can have as many friends as you like, but access to statistics will be open only if more than 100 people follow your page. Subscribers are users who sent you a friend request, but you did not approve it, or users who were previously your friends, but you deleted them.

To view page statistics in VK, you need to do the following:

After this, you will be redirected to a page where statistics are collected.

How to correctly read page statistics on VK

On the statistics page on the VKontakte social network there are many different graphs and diagrams from which you can find out all the information of interest about the users who visit your page. However, the specific names of people who visited the page cannot be determined in this way. The VK page statistics tool is necessary to assess the number of users who are interested in you. This can be used in the future to increase popularity.

The statistics page has three tabs: attendance, reach, and activity. Let's look at each of them in more detail.


The “Attendance” tab in the statistics collects information about who visited your page. Let's look at each of the parameters one by one:

As you can see, from the “Attendance” tab you can get a rough idea of ​​the people who follow you and visit your page.


The “Reach” tab collects statistical data on how many users saw your latest publications: on the wall, photos, videos, and so on. These statistics are divided into the following points:

This is where the capabilities of the “Coverage” tab end.


On the “Activity” tab, you can see the audience’s reaction to the content that you publish on your page. Here, the graph can display up to 5 parameters: “Like” marks, comments on content, reposts of your publications, mentions of your page, the number of hides of published content by users.