How to find applications on a laptop. Methods for generating a list of installed Windows programs

How to get a list of installed programs in the Windows operating system? You can get a list of programs installed on your computer in several ways.

In this article we will look at three different methods: using the command line, Windows PowerShell, and CCleaner. The list of installed programs will be saved on your computer in a text file.

You can view the list of installed programs directly in the Windows operating system. You can also view this list of installed programs using optimizer or uninstaller programs (you will see all installed applications in the program window).

A complete list of installed programs may be needed for the following purposes: to install the necessary programs, after installing (reinstalling) the Windows operating system, after purchasing a new computer in order to remember to install all the necessary applications, to identify unwanted software that has entered the computer without user knowledge.

How to view a list of installed programs using the command line

Go to the Start menu, run Command Prompt as an administrator, and then type the following command:

Depending on what you want: to view a list of installed applications in the command line interpreter window, or to save a list of installed programs on your computer as a text file, run the appropriate commands.

To view a list of programs, enter the following command:

Product get name,version

After entering the appropriate command, do not forget to press the “Enter” key. Wait a little, because the list of installed applications will not be generated instantly. You will see a list of installed programs in the form of a table.

To save a list of programs on your computer, enter the command:

/output:C:\appsfile.txt product get name,version

The table displays the program name and application version number.

Please note that in this command, saving the text file “appsfile” to drive “C” is selected. You can select another drive on your computer to save the file in "TXT" format.

How to Get a List of Installed Programs Using Windows PowerShell

On Windows 10, or Windows 8, type “powershell” (without quotes) into the search field. Next, right-click on Windows PowerShell, and then click on “Run as administrator.”

In the Windows PowerShell window, enter the command to display a list of installed programs:

Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Select-Object DisplayName, DisplayVersion, Publisher, InstallDate | Format-Table –AutoSize

Then press the "Enter" key.

If you want to immediately get a list of installed programs in a text file, enter this command:

Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Select-Object DisplayName, DisplayVersion, Publisher, InstallDate | Format-Table -AutoSize > C:\apps-list.txt

Press the “Enter” key on your keyboard.

In this command, saving the “apps-list” file in “TXT” format on drive “C” is selected.

In the table you will see: the application name and program version.

To save a list of applications received from the Windows Store, run the following command in PowerShell:

Get-AppxPackage | Select Name, PackageFullName | Format-Table -AutoSize > C:\store-apps-list.txt

How to save a list of installed programs in CCleaner

In the window that opens, select a location to save the text file. By default, the saved file is named "install".

The file contains the following information about programs: program name, publisher, installation date, size, version.


If necessary, the user can obtain a list of programs installed on a computer running the Windows operating system. The list of installed programs can be saved on your computer as a text file using the command line, Windows PowerShell, or CCleaner.

26 January 2014 Yuri Khripachev Home page » Windows Views: 3756

Welcome to my blog! After reading this post, you will learn how to find out the installation folder in Windows. This may be needed for various reasons, for example, you need to see if there are files in the installation directory with instructions for the program or its description. Or you want to uninstall the program and then check if all the files are deleted.

In general, for various reasons you may need to know the installation folder of the program.

The options proposed in this article for how to find out the installation folder of a Windows application work on all versions of this system.

If you have a shortcut for this program on your desktop, then you can find out the installation folder if you simply hover your mouse over it. Then in a pop-up window you will see the location of this program.

More detailed information about where the Windows installation folder is located can be obtained by right-clicking on the shortcut and selecting “Properties” from the menu. In the “Shortcut” tab you will see where the program is located.

In the “Object” field, the path to the executable file is shown and you can see what it is called. This is useful when the shortcut has a different name or the application is new and not yet familiar to you.

In the “Working folder” field, the path to the application installation directory is indicated.

Applications that come with Windows have a slightly different appearance in the shortcut properties.

The working folder is not specified here, only the object. The %windir% category indicates that the application is located in the Windows system directory; on which drive it is located is not specified here. The %% variables replace showing the drive where the Windows directory is located.

Next is the path to the application and its name. Which is very useful, since in Windows many applications have names that are not entirely clear. And at first glance, it is impossible to guess what kind of application this is. If you click on the “File location” button, you will immediately go to the directory with the program.

Now you know how to find out the installation folder in Windows, and if necessary, you will quickly find the directory you need.

The clipboard allows you to quickly copy or move files in Windows, as well as transfer text from one document to another. You will learn how to do this quickly by reading this post. Good luck!

Sincerely, Yuri Khripachev.

Instructions for downloading and installing the program for beginners.

This article will describe the most basic things regarding downloading and installing programs. The article is intended for beginners and provides some basics of computer literacy. Information on how to select and download a file from the portal is in a separate article. See also: instructions for Android, instructions for iOS (iPhone, iPad)

Downloading files to your computer

So, what do we need to do in order to install the necessary program on the computer? First, you need to download its installation file, after running which the program will be installed on your computer. To do this, you need to find the link to download the program and click on it.

In the browser, after clicking on the download link, the download process to your hard drive should start. In some browsers, a dialog box may appear asking you to save the file in the specified folder, then specify the folder and remember it.

In most browsers, when downloading a file, a download line should appear at the bottom of the browser.

Example for Google Chrome. Please note that we downloaded the file MM26_RU.msi. Now by clicking on it we can begin installing the program:

What to do if there are several links?

Even for one file we try to give 2 links:

  • From software developer sites. This ensures that the files are as up to date as possible and that the program file is exactly as the developers intended.
  • From our website. This means greater security (we scan files with antiviruses) and in many cases excellent download speeds.

There are cases when there are different versions of the program for different operating systems. In addition to the operating system version (Vista, XP, 8, 10), there is also a bitness (32 or 64-bit)

To choose the right one in this case, you need to look at what system you have.

You can easily find out by going to the computer properties. In Windows XP or Windows 7, this can be done by clicking on My Computer (right mouse button) → Properties. In Windows 8/10 by clicking on Start (right mouse button) → System.

File types

Files in Windows look like File name (dot)File extension. If the extension is known to Windows, then it is usually hidden and can be seen by going to the file properties. In order to begin installing the program, we need to figure out what we downloaded. Programs on the Internet are found in the form of installation files, and most likely, you downloaded the installation file.

The downloaded file may have the extension EXE, MSI, as well as one of the archive extensions - RAR, ZIP, 7z (and very rarely others).

First, let's look at EXE and MSI, and then we will describe working with archives. The downloaded file can be called anything: setup.exe, icq8_setup.exe, aimp_3.10.1074.msi. The word "setup" or "install", or their abbreviations, are often present in the name of the installation file, and are translated as "installation". However, they may not be in the title. In any case, when saving a file, you need to keep track of what it is called and where it is saved, so that you can later go to the folder and find it.

Installing programs

The *.EXE and *.MSI extensions are no different in terms of installation. Having downloaded such a file, all that remains is to run it (by pressing Enter or double-clicking on the file) and begin the installation. The installation process is usually done in the form of a step-by-step wizard that will ask you for various information. The Installation Wizard may run differently and may ask for different information. Sometimes at the beginning of the installation you are asked to select a mode - normal or advanced. Normal mode is, of course, easier and more suitable for beginners. And in advanced modes, a more precise selection of program components and other options for fine-tuning may be offered.

During the installation process, there are usually these steps:

  • a license agreement that you must accept;
  • selecting a folder for installation;
  • selecting the name of the program to register in the system registry (you don’t have to change what is suggested);
  • options for placing shortcuts on the desktop and in the quick launch menu;
  • maybe some other steps. There are so many different options that it is impossible to list everything in one list.

Fig 1. Selecting the interface language at the program installation stage.

Fig 2. Almost all programs offer to select a folder for installation, although by default the option is already proposed and you do not need to change it.

Fig 3. Checkboxes for placing an icon on the desktop and a program item in the Start menu. It's usually worth choosing both.

Separately, you need to pay attention to advertising, which is imperceptibly built into the program installation process. The Internet is very commercialized, and when installing a program, we are often asked to install a new home page, a new search engine or toolbar in the browser. Also, along with the main program, developers may offer to install one or more additional programs. All this, in the end, really clogs up the system, and beginners then often wonder where certain things came from on the computer. Let's look at a few examples and be savvy when installing programs in the future:

Fig 4. Oh horror, the installation program is trying to install a new home page in the browser, change the default search engine, and install two additional programs on the system. But we only wanted Mail.Ru Agent.

Fig 5. Along with the communication program, it is proposed to install an additional advertising program - an archiver.

To avoid installing unnecessary programs and services on the system, all checkboxes must be unchecked before continuing. Be careful! Often, developers resort to cunning tricks and do everything to make you skip those installation steps that ask about installing advertising components.


RAR, ZIP (and other) archives must first be unpacked. To unpack archives, you again need a special program, which you need to download from here and install as described above. After the program for working with archives is installed, you can right-click on the archive icon and select the appropriate unpacking item from the menu. After unpacking the archive, you can open it and find the program installation file in it.

Fig 7. Extracting files from the archive.

We have figured out the installation of programs, however, programs do not always need it. Some programs do not need to be installed - just download and run. Such programs are called portable, and such programs are most often distributed in archives (almost always). In the unpacked archive you will need to find the program file and run it. This file will definitely have an EXE extension, and its name will NOT contain words like "setup" since it is not an installation file. The program file can be called differently (the author of the program could call it anything). If there are several files with the EXE extension, then do not be afraid to simply double-click each of them and see what they are. This will give you the main program file.

Paid and free programs

Paid programs provide you with a trial period (often 30 days), during which you can evaluate the functionality of the program and decide whether to buy it. After 30 days, the program will not work, and you will need to either buy a license or find a cracker for it. Another type of demonstration of the program can be an unlimited time Demo mode, in which the program will not work at full capacity - some functions will be unavailable. We understand that many users often turn to hacking programs using cracks, serial numbers, etc., but we draw your attention to the fact that they should be looked for anywhere but on In addition, “cracks” and the sites on which they are located may be infected with viruses. Often, paid programs have free alternatives that you can use. You can read about the different types of licenses and what they mean here.

Virus protection

When downloading any files from the Internet, it is very advisable to have a good antivirus on the system. Any exe files can be infected and can cause damage to your computer or your confidential data. The antivirus must be active and updated. Antivirus programs often scan new files automatically as soon as they arrive on your hard drive. But if you have particular suspicions that the downloaded files are infected, you can specifically scan them with an antivirus. Safe sites from which you can download programs are considered to be “white” program directories and software developer sites.

That's all for now, if this article does not answer your questions, please leave them in the comments - we will answer.

How to install a program on a computer complete step

Good afternoon friends, in this article we will talk about how to install the program on your computer. Various Soft programs are mostly distributed over the Internet in a compressed form; in order for the program to function correctly, you need to unpack it and know how to install the program on your computer.

For the most part, one of the programs is unpacked using an archiver, for example WinRar. To unpack the newly downloaded program, you need to right-click on it. Then click on the “Extract to current folder” command. The unpacked program will appear in the same folder.

All together, the programs installed on your computer are called Software. Without it, the computer will not work as the user needs, i.e. will be inferior.

As I said earlier, the operating system (OS) manages all programs. People in most cases use Microsoft Windows OS (2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8). More than 90% of users use the services of this company. Microsoft Windows has gained this trust due to its simplicity, reliable operation and the fact that Microsoft Windows is compatible with most computer equipment. That is why the vast majority of various programs and all kinds of games are developed for the Microsoft Windows operating system.

In this case, we are talking about operating systems for various PCs and laptops on which we will try to install the program. For various mini computers, tablets, e-readers, smartphones, etc. Special OSs are constantly being developed, such as Android, Symbian, etc. On these devices you can install only a special program suitable specifically for these systems. In the future, we will talk exactly how to install the program on a computer using Microsoft Windows.

Let me remind you that an operating system is the joint interaction of various programs and applications in a single shell, allowing a person to control a PC using a graphical interface and ensure the necessary functions are performed. Those programs and utilities that are included in (OS) Windows are not enough for most users. These are programs such as the Internet Explorer browser, text editors Notepad, WordPad, Windows Media Player, etc. Based on this, there is a need to install more functional programs.

Installing the program on your computer is quite simple

As I already said, most programs are distributed in packaged form. There is a need for proper unpacking and installation on this PC, namely, on the hard drive. Installation or installation is when you unpack and install the program or utility. In most cases, it is done automatically and you do not need knowledge on this part. We download programs from the Internet or purchase them in specialized stores.

To install programs and utilities, you just need to double-click on a special file called the installer. In programs it is referred to as setup or install. Or you need to click on the name of the program and it will begin to install. After that, simply answer the questions of this program and press the Next button.

But let's take a closer look

For example, I decided to install the Wise Registry Cleaner program. It cleans the registry and optimizes the system. After I downloaded it, it goes into the “Downloads” folder. To get there, double-click on the “Computer” shortcut with the left mouse button and enter the “Explorer” panel. Click on the “Downloads” folder:

We will enter the window with our downloaded programs, select this software, and double-click on it.

The security system will ask us - Run this file? We will agree.

Then, we agree to the manufacturer’s terms and conditions. To do this, we need to check the box above the top line.

Then, a window will appear where we will install this program. By default, it will be installed in the system drive C. I recommend that you select any other drive and create a folder in it specifically for installed programs, for example “Progs”. In order to select another drive, you must click Browse. But this will happen in the future, at the initial stage just agree with the installation path and click Next.

A new window will open where we need to click on Installation.

That’s it, we have the program installed, all we have to do is click “Finish” and the program will start. Also pay attention to the checkmarks. If you don't know what they mean, it's best to remove them.

Our program is installed. You can clean the operating system. If you are interested in this system cleaning program and want to learn more about it, just follow the link Wise Registry Cleaner.

Also, many programs will require entering a code (if the product is paid) and the presence of other programs in the OS (many games need a new version of DirectX, some programs need the NET Framework on your PC, etc.). During installation, the system is checked for the presence of the necessary components and if they are missing, the user is notified about this. If these components are missing, the user must first install the missing elements and only then install the selected program.

Some programs will require you to restart your computer after installation. Next, launch the selected program, go through “Start” and select “Programs”.

Uninstalling a program

To properly remove (uninstall) a program, you will need to perform certain actions and their sequence. If we remove a program from the system disk without the help of an uninstaller program, then in most cases traces of this Software will remain in the registry of our operating system and in other parts of Windows (various system registry entries, etc.). Therefore, it is advisable to remove programs using the uninstaller program. You can launch it from the control panel (Start - Settings) and double-click on Add or Remove Programs. There we will see all the programs that we have installed on our PC.

To remove the desired program, select it from the list and click the “Delete” button. You can also use programs specialized for uninstallation such as Revo Uninstaller and others for these purposes. To do this, open Revo Uninstaller,

All installed programs appear, select the program to be deleted, click next and delete all traces. In this case, you must be careful not to remove components of someone else's program! More details on removing programs...

How to remove a program using Revo

That’s briefly all I wanted to say in this article about how to install the program on a computer, see you soon!

Another anecdote:

Sincerely, Andrey Zimin 04/21/2013

How to install the program on your computer?

In principle, everyone who has a computer should know how to install a program on a computer. Initializing the start of the program installation is as simple as opening a text document for viewing; for this, by the way, the same action is performed, double-clicking on the file with the left mouse button. But situations are different, for which we will take a closer look at how to install a program on a computer downloaded from the Internet or located on a disk.

As mentioned above, installing a new program on your computer is quite simple; just run the installation file by double-clicking on it and follow the instructions in the windows that appear.

If the program is downloaded from the Internet, then most likely it will be in the form of a single file. If this file has the extension *.exe, then everything is simple, run and install. If this is an archive, you need to extract all the files from it; by the way, the *.exe file may also be an archive.

It is best to unpack files into a separate folder, which will greatly simplify their search. The archive can contain anything, from a program installation file with various program description files, to a disk image of the program. If there is only one *.exe file or among all the files there is a *.exe file with the name of the program, then this is the one that should be launched. If this is a disk image, then you should look for a file called setup.exe. But there may not be such a file in the root folder, but only a set of folders with unclear names. But there is also a way out of this situation.

Almost all disks, when inserted into the drive, automatically start unless this function is disabled on the computer. In this case, the autoloader program always launches the required file without error, and this is because there is a hint file on the disk, which is usually hidden. It always has the same name on any autorun.inf disk.

And so, if you downloaded a disk archive or the inserted disk with the program does not start automatically, and you do not know which file to run, you need to read the contents of the autorun.inf file. To do this, let's configure the display of hidden files, which is always disabled by default in Windows Explorer, and open this file with a regular notepad. There is usually very little text, literally a couple of lines, among which you need to find the line starting with open=, where after the equal sign the path to the file to be launched and its name are always written.

After launching the required file from the disk, the installation wizard usually starts, and installing a new program on your computer will not be difficult, following all the instructions of the installation wizard.

Now let's look at an example of how to correctly install a program on a computer downloaded from the Internet, for which we will try to install a program for downloading files from the Internet, Download Master. This is a free program and can always be downloaded from the official website. The downloaded installation file is named dmaster.exe. After running this file, a Windows 7 warning window may appear, depending on your settings. We trust the file, so we continue with the installation.

Starting the program installation
We agree to the terms
Reading the information
Setting up installed shortcuts
Program installation process

The next window just shows why you need to carefully read and review all the actions. If you mindlessly click the “Next” button, a lot of unnecessary junk will be installed that you may not need. In addition, two windows appear asking you to install elements you don’t need. This imposition of programs mainly occurs when installing popular small programs distributed free of charge on the Internet.

Proposal to install additional programs
Repeated offer to install additional programs
Completing the installation

Also interesting articles on the website Installing Windows 7 gadgets How to set the time on a computer? How to install a dll? How to record video from a computer screen while playing with sound?

How to install the program on a Windows computer!

This article can be said to be completely for dummies :) That is. for users who have barely “become acquainted” with a computer and still can’t do anything, including not knowing how to install a new program on a Windows computer. It is in this article that I want to look at the main stages of installing almost any program.

By the way, this article may also be useful for those who are already tinkering with the computer, but are still inattentive when installing some programs on a Windows computer and do not disable certain settings, which then cram additional, unnecessary ones into your computer you programs and even change your browser settings!

In every article where I talk about a useful program, I also touch on the installation process itself, which, as a rule, is not much different from the installation process of other programs. This is another reason for writing such an article - so that in the future I can simply refer to this article as instructions for beginners :)

Standard, i.e. After installing Windows, a minimum set of programs will be installed on the computer, which is probably not enough for any computer user. For example, a computer doesn’t even have a good text editor as standard. There is only a simple one, “Notepad” or WordArt, the functions of which are 100% insufficient for the vast majority of users. Also, there is no program on the computer for free video and voice communication with your friends and relatives, there is no program to reliably protect your computer from viruses, and there is no normal browser. And you can also list many programs that most users would need, but which are not standard on the computer.

You can always download any free programs, as well as trial versions of paid programs, from the Internet. Most Windows programs, in order for them to work, need to be installed on the computer and only then can you work in this program. There are, of course, so-called “portable versions” of programs that work directly without installation and are launched from a folder. But portable versions are not created for all programs, I would even say for the simplest programs.

Installing a program on a Windows computer is a process of copying program files to the desired folders on the computer. In order to start installing the program, you should open the installation file itself, which has the extension “.exe”.

Here are examples of program installation files:

It can be seen that the type of these files is “Application” (marked in the “Type” column of Windows Explorer).

What are the typical steps involved in installing most Windows programs?

There are several steps in the process of installing any Windows program on your computer. The stages may differ, but there are those that are encountered when installing most programs, and there are also those that are encountered when installing any programs at all.

Each stage is a window with settings (usually there are very few of them) or simply with information for the user. When you finish the settings or read the information in one window, you need to go to the next one. To do this, use the “Next” buttons, located, as a rule, at the bottom of the windows. For example:

The button may also be called "Next" or something similar, which doesn't matter.

Stage No. 1. Confirmation that the Windows program will be installed on your computer.

When you launch almost all programs for installation, the system asks again whether you really want to start installing the program? Click “Yes” only if you know for sure that this program is known and you just launched it yourself, and not that it suddenly launched on its own.

The fact is that some programs are computer viruses and, if installed, can have a variety of bad consequences. Such viruses can themselves initiate the installation of some Windows programs on the computer, and therefore, at the first stage of installation, you are asked, just in case, whether you have started the installation.

When you click “Yes”, the installation will continue.

Stage No. 2. Selecting the program language.

Many programs support multiple languages. Therefore, at the next stage, you may be asked to select the program language. Usually the language of your country is automatically selected immediately.

Stage No. 3. Information about the program itself and the installation process.

Very often, the first window for installing Windows programs on a computer looks like simple information for the user. In such windows you don’t need to do anything and there is only one “Next” or “Next” button that you need to click:

Stage No. 4. Acceptance of the license agreement.

When installing almost any Windows program on your computer, you will come across a window where the terms of the license agreement will be displayed. Usually they don’t read it, because you won’t see anything interesting or new there :) To continue the installation at this stage, you only need to accept the terms. To do this, you need to check the “I accept the terms of the agreement” (or similar) item by hovering the mouse cursor over the empty circle next to the corresponding inscription and pressing the left mouse button:

The circle should be marked, which means selecting this item. Continue the installation by clicking “Next” or “Next”.

Stage No. 5. Selecting a folder to install the Windows program on your computer.

This stage occurs when installing every program! It asks you in which folder should the program be installed?

You probably ask: “What depends on this? Is there a difference where to install? In principle, most often nothing depends on this and you can choose any installation folder you want. BUT! There is an important “BUT”! It is recommended to leave exactly the folder that is immediately offered at the time of installation and not change it. This is especially true for beginners! Yes, no matter the newcomers, even I myself never change the standard installation folder, because this makes no sense and, sometimes, will help in the future to protect myself from any failures in working with the program.

For example, in my example (image above), the standard folder for installing the program is C:\Program Files\Download Master. And there is no point in changing it. But if for some reason you want to replace it, click the “Browse” button (sometimes called “Select” or “Browse”):

If you click on the folder selection button, a Windows Explorer window will open:

In it, you need to use the left mouse button to select the folder to install the program on your Windows computer and click the “OK” button.

But, I repeat once again, it is better not to change the installation folder and leave the one that will be set as standard!

Stage No. 6. Selecting a folder to place the program shortcut in the Start menu.

Often, at a certain stage of installing a program, we are asked to select a folder in the Start menu, where after installation a shortcut to launch the program will be placed:

What does it mean?

So, when installing Windows programs on your computer, you are asked to select the folder in which the shortcut to launch it will be placed. Since the program is not yet on the computer, a folder in the Start menu for this program will not be created.

If you want to place a program shortcut in a new folder, then simply specify the name of this folder and you don’t need to do anything else (usually the folder name is already automatically set and you don’t even need to change it):

In this case, after installing the program, the folder whose name you specified will appear in the Start menu.

But you can also select one of the ready-made folders (although they usually don’t do this and I think there’s no point in it). To do this, you need to click the "Browse" button:

A window will open in which you need to left-click to select the folder from those already created where the shortcut to launch the program will be placed and click “OK”:

Finally, you can choose not to create a folder in the Start menu at all to house the program shortcut. To do this, at the bottom of the window, as a rule, there is an option to check “Do not create a folder in the Start menu”:

To mark an item, simply left-click on the empty square and a check mark should be placed in it.

Stage No. 7. Create a shortcut to launch a program on the desktop and in the Start menu.

At one of the last stages of installing programs on a Windows computer, you are usually asked to create a shortcut on the desktop and in the Start menu.

A shortcut allows you to quickly launch a program so as not to search for this program “in the wilds” of folders on your computer :) I recommend placing shortcuts on the desktop and in the Start menu to launch programs that you often use.

So, when during the installation stage you are asked to create a shortcut on the desktop and in the Start menu, simply check the box next to the desired items with the left mouse button. In my example, there is a checkmark opposite both items, and this means that a shortcut to launch the program will be created both on the desktop and in the Start menu.

Stage No. 8. Displays information about the settings you have chosen and confirms the installation.

Often, before you start installing a Windows program on your computer, a window appears where you can see all your settings that you set in previous windows. If you forgot to indicate something, you can return to previous windows by clicking the “Back” button below:

And to continue the installation, click “Install” (the button may also be called, for example, “Start” or “Install”):

Stage No. 9. The process of copying program files to a computer is directly installing the Windows program on the computer.

After all the settings have been made, and you click the “Install” or “Install” button in the next window, the installation process itself will begin - i.e. The program files will be copied to the computer in the specified folder:

At this stage, no action is required from you. The installation time will depend on the program. Some programs are installed in a matter of seconds, and sometimes they install in a few minutes. You just need to wait for the end of this stage and the next window to appear.

Stage No. 10. Complete the Windiws installation and restart your computer.

After the program installation process has completed, the last window usually appears. It will most often contain the following item: “Run the program after installation is complete” or “Run after completion” (generally something similar):

If you check the box next to this item, the program will automatically launch after you click the “Finish” button. Those. If you want to immediately start working in the program after installing it, check this box. If you just want to install the program, but don’t plan to run it yet, you don’t have to check the box.

Well, to complete the installation, in the last window there is a “Complete” or “Finish” button. You need to press it:

And yet, some programs require a computer restart in order to be properly installed on the system. If a reboot is needed, you will receive a corresponding message on the screen with the options: “Reboot now” and “Reboot later”. If you are not currently doing anything on your computer and can get distracted for a few minutes, then it is better to restart your computer immediately by clicking the “Restart now” button. If you don’t want to wait for a reboot now or don’t have time, click the “Reboot later” button. But be sure to restart the computer yourself afterwards, otherwise the program may become unstable or not start at all.

This concludes the basic and mandatory steps for installing any Windows programs on a computer! As I already mentioned, there may be other stages in different programs. I only looked at those that are most common, and some of them are included in the installation of any program.

Now I would like to draw your attention to some steps where there are settings that are strongly recommended NOT to be enabled!

What NOT to do when installing some Windows programs on your computer!

When installing some programs (this applies in 99% of cases only to free programs!), windows may appear where it will be written that some additional programs will be installed or changes will be made to the settings of your system. I absolutely do not recommend doing this! You are unlikely to need the programs offered, and even less so if you make changes to the settings (you will only later notice that changes have appeared, for example, when working on the Internet, that you do not like). But the problem is that most beginners who install programs on their own do not even pay attention to what is written in some installation windows and, as a result, install on the computer everything that is offered during the installation - all rubbish. The ability to install additional programs or change settings is already automatically enabled, as a result of which, if you do not pay attention and disable this, everything will be installed on the computer. It's like an advertisement in which you are forced to buy something. It's about the same here. It’s just that in free programs, developers insert this kind of advertising and get paid for it.

To make it clearer to you what I was talking about just now, I’ll show you a couple of examples.

Example No. 1.

Look closely at the image above. These are the windows with the imposition of installing additional programs on a Windows computer and various elements that I spoke about above. I took this window from the installation process of one of the free programs that I use myself (Download Master, designed for downloading from the Internet). Those 3 options that I highlighted in the image above will be turned on for you as standard, i.e. will be marked with check marks. I have already disabled them - unchecked them.

So, as soon as you see such a window, take your time and uncheck all the checkboxes with the left mouse button so that nothing unnecessary is installed on your computer. And only then continue the installation process.

Example No. 2.

Here's another example.

In this Windows program installation window, we are offered to install an additional program on the computer. The program itself is harmless, but you don’t need to install everything indiscriminately and clutter your computer! If you ever needed this program, you could easily download it from the Internet.

Always delve into every stage of program installation!

Example No. 3.

Here is the last example of the installation window, where it is strongly recommended to disable everything that is offered to be installed additionally!

This window appears when installing the well-known Skype program, which is designed to communicate with people via voice and video communications. At this stage of installation, you are forced to change system settings. If you do not pay attention to this window, then after installing the program, you will notice changes when opening the browser, namely, the browser home page and default search engine will be changed. Why do you need these strange changes? I don't think they are needed. Therefore, the checkboxes from the items in this window need to be removed!

And there can be any number of such examples. Be careful!

Now let's look at an example of installing one Windows program on a computer so you can see some of the steps I talked about above.

Example. Installation process using 7-Zip as an example

This program is called an archiver and is designed to unpack special archive files that you may often encounter when working on your computer. An archive is a file that can contain many other files and folders, like a box in which you can put different things. I talked more about archivers and how to work with them in a separate article:

What is an archiver for and how to use it?

Let's look at the process of installing this program on a Windows computer as an example:

Some Windows programs can be installed on your computer so easily and quickly, while some take a little longer and have more settings.

I can’t show you how to install all the programs that exist today, because I probably won’t have enough time for this in several years or my whole life :) Therefore, I showed only the main stages and an example of installing one of the frequently used programs, and installing other programs is not much more is different.

This information should be enough for you to understand how to install absolutely any Windows program on your computer without putting any junk in the way!

If you need to remove a program from a computer on which Windows is installed and you do not know how to do it, then refer to the article here.

See you in the next articles!

Many of us prefer not only to watch movies, read text, listen to music on the Internet. I would also like to download this to my computer or laptop. But where to find downloaded files can be somewhat difficult in some cases.

Although many are gradually abandoning this idea, realizing that any information can be found on the Internet again and again. But, firstly, the Internet is not yet available everywhere. Secondly, Internet access is not always cheap or free. Thirdly, you just want to have your favorite files on your PC or laptop. I want it, and that’s it.

Therefore, the task of downloading is relevant. It seems like it was downloaded, but where did it all go, where can I find the downloaded files? The problem has arisen.

Let's look at 3 (three) ways to find downloaded files from the Internet on your computer:

  1. using Explorer, which is available on computers with the Windows operating system,
  2. via "Search"
  3. using the "Downloads" folder that is found in every browser.

Let's start searching for files using Explorer. This method is suitable for those who have the Windows operating system installed on their computer.

1 Explorer for searching files downloaded from the Internet

Open Explorer. In Windows 7, Explorer is located next to the button:

Rice. 1. Downloaded files from the Internet are located in the “Downloads” folder in Explorer

There is a “Downloads” folder in Explorer (1 in Fig. 1). If you click on it, then in this you can see downloaded files from the Internet.

2 “Search” line to search for the downloaded file

On a computer, the “Search” line can be found, for example, in Windows 7 in the “Start” menu.

Rice. 2. “Search” line to find the downloaded file

1 in Fig. 2 – click “Start”.
2 in Fig. 2 – in the “Search” line you need to enter the name of the file downloaded from the Internet.
3 in Fig. 2 – file search results.

If the file name in “Search” is entered more or less reliably, then it is very likely that the file will be found as a result of the search.

There is no doubt: searching for a file by its name is a convenient service on your computer. But who remembers the name of a file once downloaded on the Internet?

I will take the liberty of saying that most users do not remember it. In addition, files downloaded from the Internet may have strange names that are impossible not only to remember, but even to understand, some kind of gobbledygook. Therefore, we move on to the next method of searching for a file on your computer downloaded from the Internet.

3 “Downloads” folder in different browsers and how to change it

A browser is usually used to access the Internet. Using a browser, users access social networks and visit various sites. Therefore, files from the Internet (pictures, songs, videos, etc.) are most often downloaded through a browser. The browser has a “Downloads” folder in which you can find downloaded files from the Internet.

Below we will look at how to find the “Downloads” folder in the Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Yandex Browser, Internet Explorer browsers, as well as how to change the standard download folder for downloaded files to a convenient folder.

So, we will look for downloaded files in the browser, in the “Downloads” folder. To do this, you usually need to go to the menu of any browser and find the “Downloads” option there.

1 in Fig. 3 – in the Google Chrome browser, in the upper right corner, click on the “Customize and manage Google Chrome” menu button.
2 in Fig. 3 – a menu will open in which you need to click on the “Downloads” option.

Rice. 3. Downloads folder in Google Chrome browser

By clicking on the “Downloads” option, we will see the downloaded files.

How to delete download history in Google Chrome?

To delete something unnecessary, just click on the cross next to the irrelevant file:

Rice. 4. Downloaded files in the “Downloads” folder in Google Chrome

In the browser settings there is a “Personal Data” tab, and in it there is a “Clear history” button. This way you can quickly delete the history of downloaded files over a period of time:

  • in the past hour,
  • for yesterday
  • over the past week,
  • for the last 4 weeks, for all time.

This deletes the list of files downloaded using Google Chrome. The files themselves remain on the computer.

How to change the Downloads folder in Google Chrome

By default, in the Google Chrome browser, files are saved in the following folders:

  • Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8: \Users\<имя_пользователя>\Downloads
  • Windows XP: \Documents and Settings\<имя_пользователя>\My Documents\Downloads
  • Mac OS: /Users/<имя_пользователя>/Downloads
  • Linux: /home/<имя пользователя>/Downloads

To change the Downloads folder, open the Google Chrome settings (3 in Fig. 3). At the end of the settings page, click on the “Show additional settings” button and in the additional settings we find the “Downloaded files” option (1 in Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. You can change the location of downloaded files in Google Chrome

If you click on the “Change” button (2 in Fig. 5), the “Browse Folders” will open. In this review you can

  • use the slider (3 in Fig. 5) to find the desired download folder,
  • or create a new download folder (4 in Fig. 5).

After selecting a new download folder, do not forget to click on “OK”.

Screenshots are shown for the Google Chrome 55.0.2883.87 browser.

  • To do this, in the “Downloads” folder, you need to right-click on the file icon (but not the link). Or, on the touch screen, hold your finger on the file icon a little longer. A context menu for the file should appear that contains a list of all valid actions for that file.
  • From this menu, you should click the “Save As” option (for example, maybe “Save Picture As”).
  • The “Save As” window will open, in which you need to find a folder to save the file from the downloads in another location. Instead of a folder, you can select Desktop. Although you need to understand that cluttering the desktop on your computer with files downloaded from the Internet is not a good idea.
  • Once you have decided on the save location, you can change or leave the file name the same.
  • Now that the file storage location (folder) and file name are determined, click the “Save” button in the “Save As” window.
  • You can make sure that the file is saved in a place where it can be easily found later. To do this, find the file in a new location. You can check that it opens and everything is OK with it.
  • You can now remove the duplicate of this file from your Downloads folder.

Where are the downloads in Yandex Browser?

Yandex Browser has the same engine as the Google Chrome browser, so the settings of these browsers have a lot in common.

In Yandex Browser, in the upper right corner, click on the “Yandex Browser Settings” menu (1 in Fig. 6), and in the menu that appears, click on the “Downloads” option.

Rice. 6. Downloads in Yandex.Browser

Open “Downloads” and see the downloaded files. Move the mouse cursor to the downloaded file and click on button 1 in Fig. 7, or you can right-click (right mouse button) on the file. A list of operations that can be applied to the downloaded file will appear. For example, you can delete the file (2 in Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. What can you do with downloaded files in Yandex Browser

Screenshots are shown for Yandex browser version

How to change the Downloads folder in Yandex Browser

To change the standard Downloads folder in Yandex Browser to another folder, you need to open “Settings” (3 in Fig. 6).

Then on the settings page, click “Show additional settings” and there find the “Downloaded files” option, which has the same as for the Google Chrome browser (Fig. 5).

Opposite the “Downloaded files” option, click on the “Change” button and select the appropriate folder to save the downloaded files.

Downloads folder in Mozilla

Rice. 8. Downloads in Mozilla

The Mozilla Downloads folder looks like a down arrow (1 in Fig. 8). You can click on this arrow and a drop-down menu will appear.

2 in Fig. 8 – By clicking the “Show all downloads” option, we will see all the downloaded files in the Mozilla browser.

To change the default Downloads folder in Mozilla to a different folder,

click “Open menu” (1 in Fig. 9),
then “Settings”, the “Basic” window will open.

You can click on the “Browse” button (2 in Fig. 9) and select another folder to save the downloaded files in:

Rice. 9. Change the “Downloads” folder for downloaded files in Mozilla

Screenshots are for Mozilla browser version 50.1.

Downloads folder in Opera

Rice. 10. “Downloads” folder in the Opera browser

To find downloaded files in Opera:

1 in Fig. 10 – click “Menu” in the upper left corner of the Opera browser,
2 in Fig. 10 – open “Downloads”.

How to change the download folder in Opera

To change the download folder for downloaded files from the Internet, click “Settings” (3 in Fig. 10). Then in the “Downloads” tab, opposite “Download folder”, click on the “Change” button and select another folder to upload the downloaded files.

Screenshots for Opera browser version 42.0.2393.137.

Where are the downloads in Internet Explorer?

Rice. 11. Downloads in Internet Explorer browser

To find downloaded files in Internet Explorer:

1 in Fig. 11 – click “Service” in the top menu,
2 in Fig. 11 – click “View downloads”.

Screenshots for Internet Explorer browser version 11.0.9600

What can you do with the files in your Downloads folder?

Video version of the article “Where to find downloaded files from the Internet on your computer”

A computer can have from several dozen to several hundred programs of different types and purposes installed.
There always comes a time when some kind of program is needed. The number of program icons on the desktop does not always correspond to the actual number of installed programs on the computer.

Often, novice users simply remove the program shortcut from the desktop, but the program itself remains.

I will not describe all the reasons why the user needs to view installed programs, but I will only explain how to view the list of installed programs.

So, in order to find and view the list of programs installed on your computer, runlisted below instructions.

First way.

Step 1. Double click on the icon Computer on the desktop. Go to system Local disk (C:). It may have a different name for you. This drive must have a different icon from other drives available. Among the list of folders, find the folder Program Files and her.

Step 2. A window will open in front of you in which the folders of all installed programs on your computer will be located. Each folder is a program. Each of these folders stores the files necessary for the program to operate. If you accidentally delete one of the files, the program will not work correctly for you.

Second way.

Step 3 . Click on the icon Computer on the desktop. In the new window, click on the button Remove or change a program.

Step 4. In the window Programs and components you will be presented with all installed programs, which can be sorted by:

- Name.
- To the publisher.
- Date of establishment.
- Size.
- Versions

By the way, here you can also remove unnecessary programs. At the bottom of the window information about Full size installed programs and their Quantity.

How to get a list of installed programs in the Windows operating system? You can get a list of programs installed on your computer in several ways.

In this article we will look at three different methods: using the command line, Windows PowerShell, and CCleaner. The list of installed programs will be saved on your computer in a text file.

You can view the list of installed programs directly in the Windows operating system. You can also view this list of installed programs using optimizer or uninstaller programs (you will see all installed applications in the program window).

A complete list of installed programs may be needed for the following purposes: to install the necessary programs, after installing (reinstalling) the Windows operating system, after purchasing a new computer in order to remember to install all the necessary applications, to identify unwanted software that has entered the computer without user knowledge.

How to view a list of installed programs using the command line

Go to the Start menu, run Command Prompt as an administrator, and then type the following command:

Depending on what you want: to view a list of installed applications in the command line interpreter window, or to save a list of installed programs on your computer as a text file, run the appropriate commands.

To view a list of programs, enter the following command:

Product get name,version

After entering the appropriate command, do not forget to press the “Enter” key. Wait a little, because the list of installed applications will not be generated instantly. You will see a list of installed programs in the form of a table.

To save a list of programs on your computer, enter the command:

/output:C:\appsfile.txt product get name,version

The table displays the program name and application version number.

Please note that in this command, saving the text file “appsfile” to drive “C” is selected. You can select another drive on your computer to save the file in "TXT" format.

How to Get a List of Installed Programs Using Windows PowerShell

On Windows 10, or Windows 8, type “powershell” (without quotes) into the search field. Next, right-click on Windows PowerShell, and then click on “Run as administrator.”

In the Windows PowerShell window, enter the command to display a list of installed programs:

Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Select-Object DisplayName, DisplayVersion, Publisher, InstallDate | Format-Table –AutoSize

Then press the "Enter" key.

If you want to immediately get a list of installed programs in a text file, enter this command:

Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Select-Object DisplayName, DisplayVersion, Publisher, InstallDate | Format-Table -AutoSize > C:\apps-list.txt

Press the “Enter” key on your keyboard.

In this command, saving the “apps-list” file in “TXT” format on drive “C” is selected.

In the table you will see: the application name and program version.

To save a list of applications received from the Windows Store, run the following command in PowerShell:

Get-AppxPackage | Select Name, PackageFullName | Format-Table -AutoSize > C:\store-apps-list.txt

How to save a list of installed programs in CCleaner

In the window that opens, select a location to save the text file. By default, the saved file is named "install".

The file contains the following information about programs: program name, publisher, installation date, size, version.

Conclusions of the article

If necessary, the user can obtain a list of programs installed on a computer running the Windows operating system. The list of installed programs can be saved on your computer as a text file using the command line, Windows PowerShell, or CCleaner.