SRA network offers car covers. How to choose the right CPA offer in the CPA affiliate program for traffic arbitrage. Now let's look at competitiveness...

For any webmaster or affiliate marketer, the issue of selecting a suitable offer is always acute. The number of diverse CPA networks in RuNet has already exceeded a hundred, and each of them may have its own conditions for the same offer. Services for searching and selecting offers can come to the rescue, storing a database of all offers from different affiliate programs and updating information via Api. Let's see what can be found now.

Catalog of offers from Partnerkin

A fresh solution that incorporates all the advantages and features of existing catalogs. It is possible to filter by GEO, action, affiliate, category, traffic and OS. You can view categories separately using the sidebar. Comprehensive statistics have been collected for each offer. A detailed overview and ways to use the catalog can be found here.


There are 35 CPA networks in the catalog (most of them are CPI affiliate programs on hasoffers). There are filters by category, target action, GEO, OS and type of traffic. For each offer, you can see the date of appearance and last update of information. The interface is not very well thought out, a lot of unnecessary information is brought to the fore, but it is quite suitable for getting acquainted with the average payouts for the offer.


One of the first catalogs of mobile CPI offers. There are only 15 affiliate programs on hasoffers in the database. By the way, this number has not changed for a long time. With the data of the offers themselves, not everything is smooth either; often the list contains offers that have long been turned off in the affiliate program. Apparently, the service was made in a hurry and at some point they stopped supporting it.


There are 63 CPA networks in the catalog. There are an order of magnitude more product affiliate programs than in the same offerer. The implementation of the catalog itself is not entirely successful - all offers are displayed in the table “Names, Number of targets, Number of networks, Update date,” which is inconvenient if you are selecting an offer. If you just want to compare the conditions for a specific offer, then the search results display a more detailed table with the type of goals, payout, hold, etc.


This is not even a catalog, but a regular table with two columns - “Offer” and “Aggregator”. An offer means its URL. No other information is provided there, and the relevance of the data itself is questionable.


A simple catalog of offers, no information about the number of affiliate programs in the catalog could be found, but if you look for popular product offers, there will be few results. Offers are divided into categories, there is a search by keywords. There is also little information on the offers - a brief description and the amount/percentage of the commission.


One of the first catalogs of offers. Initially, it was aimed at CPA offers, but now CPI has also been added (there are not many of them, but they have not overflowed the catalog, as often happens). There are 45 CPA networks. The catalog of offers includes filtering by category, type of goal and keywords. The offers table is quite convenient, but during the last redesign the data update date was removed from it, which makes it difficult to work with.


The service is somewhat similar to an offeror. There are 50 networks in the database. There are filters by categories, GEO and keywords. The table of offers is purely for informational purposes; no detailed information is provided on them. The service also has a personal analytics system (allows you to obtain data on offers from CPA networks using a personal API key) and an auto-registrar for accounts in affiliate networks.


CPA offers are a profitable tool for site monetization

All CPA offers can be divided into several categories. The most widespread are information products and the so-called. "goods by mail" Affiliate programs provided by banks are also popular. A number are offered by online stores. Finally, there are gaming CPA offers aimed at entertainment sites.

Effective search for CPA offers

There are several criteria that you should pay attention to when choosing an affiliate program:

  1. rating in the system;
  2. conversion cost (eCPC);
  3. storage duration;
  4. time ;
  5. conversion.

The rating in the system reflects how profitable a particular CPA offer is. The rating also allows you to assess the relevance of the affiliate program. The webmaster will be able to evaluate the efficiency/time of launching the program.

The cost of the transition is calculated based on the amount of earnings divided by the number of site visitors interested in the advertiser's offer. For example, a product worth 1,500 rubles was sold. The number of transitions to the advertiser’s website was 100 people. This means that the eCRC of the affiliate program is 15 rubles (1500 rubles / 100 people).

When looking through the catalog of CPA offers, you need to pay attention to the cookie lifetime. The effectiveness of the affiliate program largely depends on this indicator. A visitor who goes to the advertiser’s website may want to make a purchase after a certain time - in a day, a week, etc. If he returns to the site during the Cookie period and places an order, the webmaster will receive an affiliate reward. The longer the Cookie's lifespan, the better.

Are there mobile CPA offers?

Some affiliate programs buy “mobile” traffic. This term applies to Internet users visiting a site from mobile devices. Currently, mobile CPA offers are represented by several well-known networks:

  • This affiliate program offers responsive advertising formats and was founded in 2014. Its main advertisers are online stores, services and mobile applications. The advertising code is automatically adjusted to the user’s country of residence, the theme of the site and the type of operating system.
  • Quite a popular CPA offer, existing since 2010. Webmasters are provided with numerous tools for their work: link and banner rotators, the ability to collect statistics, and generate their own landing pages.
  • Unilead Network. This system accepts mobile traffic from Russia, USA, Canada, UK and some other countries. Added sites undergo strict manual moderation. For domestic traffic, the cost of a lead varies between $1.5-2.

Evgeniy Malyar

# Business on affiliate programs

The best affiliate networks for making money

Article navigation

  • List of CPA affiliate programs
  • Criteria for evaluation
  • Rating of CPA networks
  • Admitad
  • EPN
  • Dr.Cash
  • M1-SHOP
  • LuckyOnline
  • AD1
  • Where is the Elephant?
  • Mixmarket
  • KMA
  • Actionpay
  • Leadia
  • Everad
  • Sellaction
  • Traffic Light
  • MonsterLeads
  • CityAds
  • Saleads

The opportunity to earn money at home, at the computer keyboard, attracts a huge number of people, especially since such paid activities are actively offered on many Internet resources. Most often we are talking about participation in affiliate programs of various online stores that promise rewards for specific actions or a percentage of product sales.

List of CPA affiliate programs

In some cases, a potential SMO or SMM employee (these abbreviations denote the activities of promoting commercial products on social networks and other popular resources) due to his inexperience does not see the difference between ordinary affiliate programs and CPA networks, but there is a significant one. It consists in the fact that the network is an aggregator of affiliate programs. Its function is to connect the advertiser (the owner of the product) and the performer, hereinafter called a partner.

The problem for a novice participant is to choose a good intermediary who will not only take his allotted percentage, but will also select customers whose product (be it goods or services) will be easiest for him to promote on the market.

Criteria for evaluation

The general catalog of CPA networks is very extensive, and navigating through it is not so easy, especially at the beginning. It remains, as in many other cases, to rely on the prevailing public opinion expressed in user reviews. Based on them, the 2020 rating was compiled, which includes CPA networks with the best reputation. The following indicators serve as criteria:

  • The level of deductions, that is, the percentage due to the partner in case of successful completion of the sale or for any activity that promotes sales and is specified in the agreement;
  • Convenience of the payment system;
  • Efficiency of technical support service;
  • Number of offers and available landing pages.

You can make conclusions about whether an affiliate network is good or not based on a number of other indicators, including the concept of honesty (some participants seriously claim that they are sometimes deceived and underestimated their earnings), but in this case it is better to operate not with subjective, but with objective data .

Rating of CPA networks

The current year has not yet come to an end, and information from the past could be considered outdated, but judging by the preliminary results of surveys, the market situation has not undergone significant changes. The position in the list of some CPA networks may change slightly, but the overall composition of the best of them remains the same.

Logo Website Number of offers Attendance (per month) Grade 1051 21 million 9.8 45 5 million 9.5 2000+ 1.85 million 9 200 160 thousand 9 803 1 million 8.4 100+ 180 thousand 8.4 1318 880 thousand 8.4 281 390 thousand 8.3 267 385 thousand 8.3 574 365 thousand 8 95 170 thousand 7.5 175 150 thousand 7.5 351 145 thousand 7.5 757 135 thousand 7.4
357 135 thousand 7.3 840 120 thousand 7.3 84 100 thousand 7.1


Our TOP CPA networks for earning money are opened by the undisputed leader in the CIS countries. Cooperation with this network consists of attracting potential clients of online stores, banks and game users. Work on several advertising platforms at the same time (the more, the better) of different directions is allowed and encouraged, for which all conditions have been created and tools provided. This, according to many users, is the main advantage of Admitad.

In addition, the network’s assets include hundreds of advertiser sites with accessible landing pages and high traffic (400 thousand visitors per day). All these factors attract webmasters, of whom more than two hundred thousand are already participating in the program.

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A CPA network that specializes in cooperation with the largest online stores in the CIS and China, including Aliexpress, Ozon, MVideo, Svyaznoy, Rozetka and many others. For webmasters, one of the advantages of working with the site is the ability to attract customers using cashback and coupons. The statistics are displayed correctly, there are no problems with payments. Among the disadvantages, we can note the long hold time for goods from the Aliexpress online store. But given the delivery time from China to Russia, this measure is justified.

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The best affiliate program for working from the inside. The beauty and health niche is always in demand, which is what webmasters working with take advantage of. The site contains cases that will help even beginners make a profit. All offers are original and have no analogues in other CPA networks. Earned money is withdrawn without problems, payments are made 2 times a day (another unique feature of the affiliate program).

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Exclusively product specialization with the provision of the most effective offers. On average, each confirmed order brings an M1-Shop partner 620 rubles in income.

Go to m1-shop


A growing CPA network with product offers. The affiliate program is attractive to webmasters in many ways. Among the main ones:

  • high stakes;
  • wide GEO;
  • weekly offer updates;
  • unique promotional materials;
  • fast payments (on the day of application);
  • responsive and competent 24/7 support.

Withdrawals are possible to bank cards and electronic payment systems (ePayments, WebMoney, Yandex.Money, QIWI, ZaleyCash). When withdrawing through the ZaleyCash system, the webmaster receives bonuses. It is also possible to withdraw money directly to some advertising networks.

Special mention should be made about the call center. In LuckyOnline it is one of the largest in Russia. Its staff is more than 500 people. Operators are native speakers of the language corresponding to the selected GEO.

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The main advantage of the network, according to many participants, is that the platform provides partners with a large variety of tools, and also takes on a significant part of the risks, thereby insuring against possible losses. The most important advantage of AD1 is the presence of a rotator that automatically sets the sequence of publishing promotional materials and tracks traffic.

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Where is the Elephant?

The network offers more than a hundred landing pages, which are pages of large online stores, both Russian and foreign. The number of product offers exceeded three million.

The advantages of the affiliate network “Where is the Elephant?” This includes a large selection of products, ease of setting up your own affiliate online store and accessible withdrawal systems.

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The network cooperates with leading Runet advertisers. Indeed, among the many offers you can find quite well-known and popular platforms: World of Tanks,, Svyaznoy, Ozon and others. In general, Mixmarket is focused on e-commerce, tourism, and gaming topics. The site presents a selection of the TOP 10 most popular offers, which will help beginners decide on the choice of program.

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A network popular among webmasters working with health-related offers. The assortment includes weight loss products that have been bringing profit to affiliate marketers for many years. There are other offers, such as a fuel saver, a breathalyzer, and car care products. In general, the choice is quite wide; the offer can be selected to suit any target audience.

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Be careful! In 2020, the affiliate program does not pay out earnings. The reasons for non-payment are not disclosed.

The partner network has offices in the USA, Hungary, Ireland, India and Brazil. More than a thousand affiliates from all over the world work with her. Huge selection of mobile offers. The platform is characterized by high technology and customer focus.

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A small number of offers should not mislead potential partners. CPA network Lydia is a leader in its niche. Each of you has seen a pop-up window on different websites offering a free consultation with a lawyer. This is exactly the main tool of the Leadia affiliate program. In addition to legal advice, offers are available on the topic of loans, real estate, medicine, etc.

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One of the ten best CPA networks on the market, which is confirmed by almost all compiled ratings, although the line number may “float”. The highest (up to 90%) “approval” (a level of 45 – 50% is considered normal).

Help: approval is the percentage of paid orders out of the total. In other words, out of one hundred potential buyers, for example, thirty refused to purchase the product. The remaining 70 are “approved” (from the English approve - “approval”).

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The site interface has been updated and now allows you to operate several affiliate programs at the same time, which is also a big plus of the Everad network.


The geography of received traffic is very wide - the CIS, USA, Europe, Latin America, Asia.

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Traffic Light

This CPA aggregator has many unique original offers for any audience. High sales to webmasters are ensured by a 24-hour call center. Withdrawal of funds is almost instant, the support service is responsive and prompt. The selection of offers is varied: inflatable sofas, anti-smoking products, home equipment, car care products and much more.

Go to traffic light


This year the network celebrates its fifth anniversary, which indicates the reliability of the company. Among the product offers there are also unique ones, which have no analogues in RuNet. A 24-hour call center, the possibility of early payments and a wide geography for traffic allow MonsterLeads to occupy high places in various ratings.

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An advertising network with a universal set of offers. Here you can find health and beauty products, children's toys, games for mobile phones and PCs, and men's products. We are also pleased with instant payments, prompt technical support and detailed statistics.

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The affiliate program offers a huge number of offers, among which there are quite serious and monetary ones - loans, bank accounts, investments. The geography of traffic is wide. There are many interesting tools available for webmasters, the statistics are detailed and customizable using any filters. There are no problems with payments. CityAds takes seventh place in the ranking of the best affiliate programs of 2020.

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Hi all! I haven't written anything useful for a long time. It's time to somehow update the blog, adding information on the topic. And today we’ll talk about monetizing the site with offers from CPA networks.

Offer is a company in the CPA network. I work with product CPA networks, so the offer here will be some kind of product.

Each offer has:
working conditions (GEO, allowed traffic sources, cost of goods, amount of payment to the webmaster, etc.);
promotional materials (landing pages, transit pages, sometimes banners and videos);
statistical data from the CPA affiliate (system average EPC, CR, % of confirmed applications, etc.).

Landing- selling promo page. A page on which a visitor can become a client - leave a request or perform some other action (register, buy a product, enter his phone number, etc.).

Traffic can be sent either directly to the landing page or sent to a transit link. I stream from sites via transit.

Statistics in CPA

Now, if one of the visitors leaves a request on the landing page, this will be reflected in the statistics in the “Conversions” column.

Application, conversion, lead- this is essentially the same thing. Very often you can hear something like this from affiliate marketers: “Bad conversion” or “I poured traffic and got 10 leads.”

An application can have 3 statuses:

  • expects;
  • accepted;
  • rejected.

As soon as the application is accepted, you will receive royalties for the goods. On average, about 600-800 rubles (but it all depends on the product).

There, in the statistics you will see how much traffic you received (hosts/clicks, hits, how many visitors switched from the transit to the landing page), what the coefficients turned out to be (EPC, CR, % approval) and what income was received.

EPC(or eCPC) is the average revenue per click. It is calculated simply: divide the credited income by the number of hosts.

CR(conversion rate) - conversion rate. It shows what percentage of referred visitors left a request. Let’s assume that you have added 1000 hosts to the offer and received 8 confirmed applications from this. Then CR will be equal to 0.8 (100%/1000*8 = 0.8).

In Everad you can see in the stats: CRS% - conversion for approved applications and CRL% - conversion for all application statuses.

Approval(approve/App.%) – percentage of approved applications. For example, if out of 10 applications you have only 3 confirmed, and the rest are rejected or are pending, then the approval rate is 30%.

These are the basic statistics. For us webmasters, the most important indicator will be EPC. It is on this basis that we will understand whether this or that offer is on our website or not.

"The offer has arrived"- this means that the result of the offer suits the advertiser

Once you understand the terminology and understand the principles of working with CPA networks, you can start trying to monetize your sites.


What sites can be monetized with offers (what topics)?
- Absolutely any sites where there is traffic.

Our task is to place advertisements of offers with your links on the site in such a way as to get a good conversion and cost per click (EPC). To be even more precise, we need to generate income more than we get in other monetization systems.

If your website’s main income comes from teaser advertising, I advise you to get confused and try to replace it with a CPA.

It’s simple - as a rule, teaser networks advertise offers that you can find in CPA. And if a teaser network pays you 2 rubles per click, this means that the advertiser who posted the teaser receives a much larger EPC.

I think he pays the teaser network 3 rubles. The teaser keeps the ruble for himself, and pays 2 rubles to you. This means that in order for an advertiser to earn money, he must receive at least more than 3 rubles from a visitor. And most likely he gets it. It’s unlikely that anyone will be negative...

Why place advertisements for advertisers on a website through a teaser network, if we ourselves can become an advertiser and earn more?

Suppose you have 100 clicks on teasers per day and you receive 200 rubles from the teaser network. EPC = 2 rubles.

By increasing the click price by just 1 ruble, you will increase your income by 30%. But here’s the problem: in a teaser network, you can only increase CTR by decorating the block with teasers and placing it in more clickable zones. But, unfortunately, we cannot directly influence the cost of a click here and now.

And by monetizing the site with offers, we can directly influence the epc.

Let me give you a few examples from life.

Example 1:
I recently bought a website - a simple small article on WP with various tips about life (how, why and why). YAN did not accept the site, and it was dangerous to put adsense on it - there were too many articles on the “brink of a foul” (not a completely white topic for adsense). Therefore, the site was monetized with teasers. The cost of a click in the teaser network was around 2 rubles. I decided to put my teasers instead. As a result, I received EPC = 5 rubles.

On the screen it is at the very top. Below are statistics for my other sites. Period – last 2 months.

Example 2:
A friend had a website about a common disease. In YAN and Adsense, the cost per click was around 5-7 rubles. He tried to monetize the site with offers and got a cost per click of around 25-30 rubles! Of course, he did a lot of work with connections and analysis of statistics, but it was definitely worth it.

Example 3:
There is a website with YAN and adsense on board. The cost per click was about 3.5 rubles. I posted teasers and got a click price of around 3-4 rubles. Essentially, nothing has changed. But the CTR of your teasers may be higher than in the context, and your teasers does not block Adblock! And, if you carefully analyze the statistics, you can improve offer monetization, improve connections, etc., then your income can increase.


From theory and water we move on to practice.

1. Selection of offers.
The first thing you need to do is select the offers that you will advertise on the site.

There are quite a lot of offers in RuNet, as well as CPA networks. In order to choose an offer, you must know the target audience of your site (look in Metrica: gender, age, interests) and based on this make an assumption which offers will be of interest to this target audience.

- General medical site - different types of honey will work well. offers (treatment of diseases/drugs).
- A medical site about one disease - offers related specifically to this disease.
- Website about weight loss and fitness - offers for weight loss, sports. equipment, all sorts of belts, etc.
- Site about training and gaining muscle mass - offers for gaining muscle mass, exercise equipment, sports. pete etc..
- General site (without a special topic) – top popular offers can come in.
- Website about games – offers of online games.
- Website about fishing - offers related to fishing (bite activator, etc.).

You can see what offers are available in the CPA network. Or in the catalog of offers. For example, in this one.

You can also go through your competitors’ websites and see what offers they offer.

So, you will have a list of possible offers that you can try to advertise. If you have selected some specific offers, I would recommend adding to them those that are currently the most popular. If specific ones don’t come in, then popular ones can come in.

You can see which offers are currently popular:

  • in the TOP CPA networks. For example, in KMA;
  • in paid services: Advancets or Publer (you can also look for profitable deals in them in the future);
  • in teaser networks (just go to the site where the teaser is located and see what kind of advertising they run there and what offers they apply to).

2. Creating links.
The construction “traffic source –> offer –> CPA affiliate –> transit –> landing page –> creatives (advertising materials)” is called in one word: bunch.

Our website acts as a source of traffic.
We have selected offers.
I recommend only a popular and proven CPA affiliate (I already wrote above which ones I work with).

Due to the abundance of transit links/landing pages for each offer and the many creative options, you can create a lot of links. We will not be physically able to test all possible connections. And there’s no need for that. I take the most popular combinations (I try 1-3 combinations for each offer) and see which one works best.

How to find out which bundles are the most popular?
There are statistics in CPA networks; of course, they are not always correct (due to the fact that they are average for the system), but they can help.

You can also look at what bundles your competitors have. But an even better and correct way to find out the top connections is to ask your personal manager in the CPA network about it. Write to him on Skype or create a ticket in the CPA affiliate program. Managers always help and advise something. I recommend being friends with them and not being shy to ask questions.

When you have decided on a CPA affiliate program and learned the “working links”, you create streams and receive links.

Options for advertising materials

Now you need to create creatives and hang them on the site. There can be many options in what form to place an advertisement.

1. Teasers.
I take ready-made teaser text and images. I usually buy them from teaser networks. You can, of course, try to draw your own teasers - but you need to be able to do this.

Examples of ready-made teasers:

I upload a lot of teasers. For each link I create several teasers, then I unscrew them and see which ones have a good CTR - and I leave those. In addition to the CTR of the teaser, it is advisable to look at the conversion (we’ll talk about this below).

2. Text blocks inside text(native advertising). This can be a block at the top of the text, in the middle or at the bottom of the article. We either somehow select blocks from the text or write them as a separate paragraph. Blocks do not have to be text - you can insert an image.

I myself don’t drain traffic using this method, but they say it gives much better results than teasers. Here are examples of blocks from the text:

3. “Sales comments”. In the comments, supposedly text from the visitor is written and a link is placed. The text is written in a positive, recommendatory manner. Example:

People often believe such comments and follow the links. I don’t advertise in comments, but this is a common feature on competitors’ websites. And I think it gives good results.

4.All other methods.
You can hang banners, show pop-up messages when you scroll down the page, create a hypercontext (a link in the text that, when you hover over it, an advertisement pops up), try advertising offers through email newsletters, or come up with something else.

Some webmasters create special padding pages directly on their website and direct traffic from them directly to the landing page or even attach an iframe with an order form.

I'd be careful. I don’t recommend advertising “I don’t understand what” on your website in this way. It is better to move all transits and landings outside the site, to a separate domain (in the international zone and registered to the left data).

How to display advertising?

This is the best script that I have seen for displaying my teasers, banners, text blocks, etc.

It is best to put teaserdivision on a separate domain. I do not recommend placing it on a website domain or its subdomain. After installation, you will have your own teaser network, and you can easily place advertising and conveniently manage it on any website.

The price of the script at the moment: 2200 rubles. But you can buy it for 1700 using this promotional code: skidka9seo.

The script is constantly evolving and acquiring new useful functionality, for which thanks to the developer!

1. After purchase, you will download the script and install it (instructions included).

3. We need to create groups. I create my own group for each advertising space and give it a clear name. For example: – UNDER THE ARTICLE.

That is, if your website displays advertising in three places, then you need to create three different groups.

4. We set up the group in “set up and get code”. Here, in principle, everything is simple and clear:
- select Adaptive block;
- we configure how many teasers to display, the design of links, pictures, etc.;
- I leave the type of rotation random;
- Necessarily you need to configure the transmission of UTM tags via links.

With the help of UTM, you will be able to see in the CPA network statistics from which website/placement the teaser was clicked on and what kind of teaser it was. This is the most necessary function to analyze the results - look at which website/placement for which teasers and which offers work and which don’t.

Various data can be transferred to UTM. For example, in Everad you can transfer up to five tags by link. This is what it looks like:

Instead of SID1-SID5, you can substitute your own values.

What values ​​can be passed in so that statistics can be easily analyzed later?
the name of the group (I set it myself in Latin);
teaser id (substitute the macro);
url where the click was (I do not pass it on);
something else.

At first, the first two parameters will be enough for you. You'll get something like this:

Now, when clicking on a teaser, information from which group of teasers was clicked and the teaser id will be transmitted.

You can put any code on the stub - Adsense, YAN or teaser network.

5. We create teasers.
- We are writing the teaser text.
- Insert Url.
The link must be inserted without any parameters (they are already registered in the group and will be inserted automatically).

You can set up GEO targeting - specify a list of countries in which the teaser will be shown (I haven’t set it up yet).

Save, load the image and add the teaser to the required groups:

6. Take the code (in the group settings) and paste it into the place on the site where you need it.

We analyze the statistics and improve

Now, perhaps, the most important step is to look at the results and try to improve them.

CPA networks give us extended statistics on streams, subaccounts, countries, etc. To analyze it properly, you need to have enough traffic. Because statistics do not work on small numbers (there is a high probability of error).

That's why:

  • We need to add at least 500 hosts for each stream in order to understand whether the stream generates income or not.
  • Even better - for each subaccount (for each group), add at least 500 hosts to the stream.
  • The height of perfection is to pour at least 500 hosts for each teaser in each group. Although this, of course, requires a lot of traffic on the site or time.

As we pour in traffic, we carefully look at the statistics. It is important for us to understand:

1. Which stream in the group generates income and which does not? To do this, open the statistics “by stream” and select the required sub1 (SID).

If the EPC flow does not obsolete you, then there is no need to apply to this flow. Or you need to change it (change the landing page, pre-landing page).

By the way, inside the stream you can do a split test of landing pages/pre-lands and also analyze the results.

2. Which teasers in the stream bring leads and which don’t? As I already wrote, for each stream I make several teasers and see their effectiveness. I eliminate some teasers due to low CTR at the initial stage, and leave the rest and look at the statistics over time.

We look at the statistics “by flow” and select the required subaccounts - Sub2 (SID2). It was through SID2 that I transmitted the teaser ID.

3. What countries are the leads coming from? Let's look at the statistics "by country".

If some countries have low income, then it’s worth trying to make special links for each country (maybe even in the country’s language) or display Adsense or another system code instead of your teasers. Just limit the GEO of teasers + put the required code on the stub.

4. We look at conversion statistics and try to understand the hours during which leads do not arrive. If you can find a pattern, then at certain hours, instead of your teasers, you can display the code of another pay-per-click system.

For example, if you get clicks at night, but there is low conversion, then it will be more profitable to display teaser ads or something else at night, and your teasers during the day.

You can do this in PHP, for example, like this:

if ($date< "00:00" ) //set the required time until which there will be teasers
{ ?>
here we insert the code of our teasers

here we insert another code

Please note that the date() function displays the time on your server, and the CPA affiliate shows Moscow time in conversion statistics. Therefore, you need to determine the server time and adjust the entered value (add or subtract hours).

More advanced approach

Everything above is “lazy monetization”. We simply put the same codes on all pages and wait for the statistics. For better results in offer monetization, we must create something of our own, use more advanced targeting and analyze statistics on it.

What can be done?

Firstly, create your own transits/landing pages/creatives. Private connections will live longer than those in public and will most likely generate more income.

  • Targeting by device type (desktop, tablet, mobile).
  • Targeting by day of the week. Show different ads on different days of the week.
  • Targeting by website sections. We run different advertisements in different categories.
  • Targeting by page URLs. We show different advertisements on different pages of the site.

    If you have an old website, then you can look in Metrica to see what queries visitors are coming from and to which pages, and it is on these pages that you can launch a suitable offer.

All this is more complicated and specialists are needed. tools. I only know two so far:

  1. Very functional platform. But it’s complicated (you need to understand it) + in order to work, you need to conclude an agreement.
  2. Simpler, clearer, but still in development. They promise to open sales of the boxed version in September.

I haven't seen anything like it yet. There are some other developments in RuNet, but they are either completely raw or are offered as a plugin for WordPress (that is, for one site).

Nuances of work

That's all. I hope the material was useful. Thank you all for your attention, good luck with monetization and good health!

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Cost per action marketing

In the previous article and video about, I mentioned so-called CPA marketing, because advertising on VK is very suitable for him. But in general, this phenomenon of online advertising is so interesting that it is worth talking about it in more detail.

You can also learn quite a lot about it from a book about ways to make money on the site (Chapter 13 - CPA networks). Now I’ll write a little theory, and then I’ll recommend a wonderful course on this topic.

What is CPA marketing?

The abbreviation "CPA" stands for "cost per action"cost per action. Sometimes there is also a PPA, i.e. "pay per action"payment per action. This is the same as either CPC (cost per click) or PPC (pay per click).

What are leads in CPA advertising?

Thus, the advertiser pays not for a click (the classic model of online advertising), but for a useful (for himself) action. Therefore, it practically doesn’t matter to him where the traffic comes from, the main thing is the final one.

In general, there can be many abbreviations here (CPS, CPR, etc.). The main thing is that it is paid action- a specific action, which can be anything:

  • sale of information product on disk
  • CD order only (no sales)
  • purchasing a physical product
  • purchase and repeat purchases in the online store
  • registration + % from player payments in an online game
  • filling out a profile on a dating site
  • online application for a bank loan or bank card (by the way, Tinkoff KS Bank was one of the first to start promoting in CPA networks, although now you can simply)
  • even issuing a ticket to some SPA salon
  • much more.

What is an offer in CPA marketing?

Here, too, everything comes from the English language. "Offer" means offer, and refers to an advertising offer for which the advertiser pays.

Often in some CPA network such offers are called programs. Here's what it might look like, for example, in Admitad:

List of CPA network offers (clickable)

In the picture above you can see:

  • these programs
  • paid action (lead)
  • and reward you if you ensure that this action is completed.

Also, each advertiser usually sets geotargeting for their offer and indicates. And in the information about the program, the affiliate network provides performance indicators for a specific offer + the lifetime of the affiliate cookie (the so-called post-click). Example for the same Admitad:

Popular CPA offers in RuNet

In general, all CPA offers can be divided into 4 categories:

  1. Online Games
  2. Online stores
  3. Banks
  4. Information products, etc. "goods by mail"

The most famous stores are, perhaps, Quelle, Lamoda and Wildberries. Separately, we can mention the Yves Rocher online store - it seems that it has been advertised exclusively in Admitad and almost from the very moment of the founding of this CPA network. They sell herbal cosmetics from a world-famous brand, which, by the way, are of very high quality - so it’s not a sin for webmasters to advertise them

Among the banks, we can note Tinkoff KS (it began CPA activities when other banks did not even have normal websites), as well as Home Credit Bank. Financial topics in cost per action are very profitable - large payments to webmasters for one conversion (1000 rubles or more) and, as a result, very competitive.

Among information products (courses on disk or access to online training materials), various methods of losing weight, enlarging some part of the body, and other, in general, nonsense, but which people willingly buy, are popular. Among the “goods by mail” we can mention Green Coffee – it is selling at a breakneck pace.

Although, of course, in the latter category there are also normal products aimed at reasonable buyers, and not just at “impatient consumers”.

What do “cheats” mean?

When Admitad just started to gain popularity on the RuNet, the offers included mainly only online games with good payment for simple registration - $1 or more. Naturally, many webmasters themselves registered in these games using their own link.

This is the fact of “cheating” (sometimes also called “fraud” - English. fraud - fraud). Accounts are usually simply banned for this.

About holding in CPA marketing

The CPA network and advertiser need time to check the quality of your traffic. Therefore, for this period, the funds you have earned are withheld (cannot be withdrawn). “Hold” - from English. to hold - to hold.

As a rule, if you did not engage in conscious cheating, then after the hold period expires, all funds are transferred to the balance (can be withdrawn).

Over time, some networks reduce your hold time if you deliver consistently.

Popular CPA networks in RuNet

The first network I want to talk about is . This is a CPA network that is aimed at working with nutra offers. These are products for beauty and health, in other words, dietary supplements (dietary supplements). The affiliate program pays for direct sales, payment upon delivery of goods, and even for orders of free trial samples. An interesting point is the ability to order payment twice a day. At the same time, the minimum wage is only 3000 rubles. Geo covers 60 countries, there is a place to drain traffic.

I advise you to pay attention to an affiliate program that works with banking offers - This is a very good, time-tested affiliate program. Works with all leading banks and banking products, as well as microfinance organizations. If you know how to find traffic on the topic of loans, be sure to work with this software. My earnings screenshot.

The most famous (because one of the very first) is Admitad. Somewhere in April 2010, it began to gain popularity (that’s when I found out about it, but somehow it didn’t work out..) and the main offers were online games. Now there is nothing there. But for beginners, this network will be a little difficult.

Also, this affiliate network likes to show the partner’s maximum income over the past 24 hours. At the time of writing this article it is like this:

Maximum income in Admitad for 6/28/2013

Next, a CPA network exclusively for online games appeared - GameLeads. But now it has become a “general profile” network and is called CityAds.

Well most convenient network, in my opinion, this is Admitad. It’s especially nice that there is 24/7 and very polite technical support.

More good CPA networks

Now more and more of these networks are appearing. In general, offers are repeated everywhere, or, for example, offers from Admitad are “split” across several small CPA networks, so there is little point in registering in each.

But there are also some very interesting ones - I can also recommend those that I am “personally familiar with”:

  • Advertstar is positioned as a “progressive” network. Indeed, it is very convenient and, in addition, for each offer there are high-quality promotional materials (teasers, banners - including animation and flash).
  • Adwad - there are truly exclusive offers. Take a look also.
  • Mixmarket is one of the first CPA partners on the Runet. There are a lot of interesting things, but at the moment the interface is very “heavy”. In addition, this network provides the opportunity.
  • Biznip is a very interesting network. Registration is recommended by invitation - one invite per person. If you are interested, be sure to write in the comments.
  • Fresh excellent product CPA network: read.
  • GdeSlon is a large CPA network focused exclusively on online stores. Many tools - interesting XML feeds, etc.

Here are 3 more good CPA affiliates whose offers are “goods by mail” (mostly):

  • (recently - 12.2016 - the interface was completely updated)

A relatively new and very high-quality CPA network - a well-thought-out interface, nice design and various tools + many ways to withdraw money.

There are many more networks, both large and small. But some of them are not very interesting, and the other part is better not shown

Earning money in CPA marketing

With due diligence and the right strategies, the income can be very good.

Personally, I won’t brag here just yet, because, as I recently realized, I made one big mistake: I only used websites. Those. All advertising offers received thematic traffic from banners placed on websites.

Of course this is a good option. However, if you are serious about making CPA earnings, you should definitely, as they say, pour traffic for offers. Those. buy advertising (contextual, teaser, VK, etc.) and advertise advertisers’ offers.

This finally came to me after Artur Mustaev, the author of the course, contacted me “A million rubles on CPA marketing”. I generally do not recommend courses that I am not familiar with myself. I got acquainted with the same course and, in general, realized a lot...

You can study the free course materials - even with the information from them you should start taking action. The author of the course has already made many millions on simple affiliate programs and CPA networks - so he has something to tell..

In general, perhaps, these are the best video tutorials on how to make money that have ever been on the RuNet. Naturally, I didn’t study all the Runet courses, and I don’t really like to do it, but what kind of material Andrei produces and, most importantly, how he does it, deserves careful study.

Advertisers and webmasters in CPA networks

Webmaster is a person who registers in the CPA network and drives traffic to offers. Receives money online.

Thus, any network is an intermediary between advertisers and webmasters (it lives on this..).

What's interesting here is that webmaster will be advertiser in all other Internet advertising services - teaser/banner networks, contextual advertising systems, etc. Because here already he will need to spend money to buy traffic.

How do you make money from CPA anyway?

What do you need to do to start making money in CPA marketing? Just a few simple steps - I’ll show you, again, using Admitad as an example (since its interface is especially convenient):

  1. Registration
  2. Connecting a site: click on “Sites” => "Adding a site", select its type and add it.
  3. Select an offer: “Programs” => “All programs”

    Selecting an offer in Ad1

    Select an offer from the resulting list. If you are going to advertise it on your website, select it according to the theme of the site, otherwise you can choose the one you like (you don’t need to look too closely at the EPC and CR indicators - they will be discussed later)

  4. When an advertising offer is selected, you need to pay attention to Geo targeting- i.e. Which countries should this offer be shown to residents of? If, for example, only Russia is indicated in Geo-targeting, but you brought traffic from Ukraine and a conversion was made, then it will NOT be counted towards you.
  5. Next, you can click “Add”, agree to the rules of the network/advertiser and already receive an affiliate link:

    Example of an offer in Ad1 (clickable)

  6. ..but it’s better to first click on the name of the offer and read more about it. The main thing you should pay attention to is, again, Geo-targeting:

    From which countries is traffic received?

    and sources of received traffic:

    Sources of received traffic

  7. Now there is enough information to connect to the offer - click “Add”:

    Connecting an offer in Ad1

There's only one moment left. Let’s call the stream something (you can call it the “name” of the offer), choose your platform

Flow settings in Ad1

and, if necessary, indicate landing pages (landing pages for your traffic) and transit pages (where the traffic goes before going to the landing page).

Now that's it - the basic settings are completed, you can look at the additional ones. In fact, choosing and connecting will happen faster than reading how it happens.

Click “Create stream” and get your link. This is where traffic needs to be directed.

You can also specify Subaccount(to track the source of referrals - call it what you want; you can use teaser network macros). And - Deeplink(if you need to direct traffic to any internal page of the advertiser’s website):

That's it.

EPC and CR were mentioned above.

However, these indicators should not be given particular importance when choosing an offer, because they depend on many factors.