How to add a language to the taskbar? Adding another language How to add the Tatar language to the language panel

It doesn't matter which one. Ukrainian, Russian, German, French - the need to add a new language may arise at any time. That's what we'll talk about.

Previously, I already wrote how to add a language to the operating system if it is missing. Now we will learn how to add it to the language panel, so that by simply changing the layout, we can select the one we need.

To do this, right-click on the language bar icon in the tray and select "Options". In addition, you can open the window that appears in another way. Open " Control Panel" - "language and regional standards", tab " Languages ​​and keyboards", button " Change keyboard".

Now we have a window in front of us" ".

Now click on the button " Add". A window opens." Here we see a complete list of languages ​​available in the Windows operating system. They are sorted alphabetically, so it will be easy to find the one we need. If we need the Ukrainian language, then we find it, expand the tree, and mark it as shown in the image.

Now click "OK".

Ukrainian has appeared in the list of input languages. In this way we can add any language to the language bar.

In Russian-language Windows 7, there are almost always initially only 2 languages ​​for text input: Russian and English. There are often situations when work or study requires Ukrainian, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese or some other input language, but in your Windows it is not in the language bar. No big deal, it's easy to fix in minutes. In this article, I will tell you how to add a language to Windows 7 in two ways.

How to add a language to Windows 7. First method

The easiest way to add a new input language is through the language panel options. To do this, right-click on your current language in the Windows taskbar (usually at the bottom right of the screen, slightly to the left of the time, RU or EN). Select “Options..” from the list that appears.

The “Languages ​​and text input services” window will open, click the “Add” button to the right of the list of your current input languages.

Scroll through the list and click on [+] next to the desired language, then click [+] next to “Keyboard” under the selected language, check the box next to the required keyboard layout. Click "OK".

Now, when you change the keyboard layout (Alt+Shift or Ctrl+Shift), you will be able to enter text in the language that you just added to the Windows 7 language bar.

How to add a language to Windows 7. Second method

The second method of adding an input language is similar to the first, the only difference is that we will add the language not through the language panel parameters, but through the Windows Control Panel. Click Start menu -> Control Panel -> Clock, language and region ->, or Start menu -> Control Panel -> Region and Language. In the window that opens, select the “Languages ​​and keyboards” tab, click the “Change keyboard..” button.

The Languages ​​and Text Input Services window opens. Next we add the language exactly as written in the first method. I won't repeat myself. You can add as many input languages ​​as you like, but I don’t recommend too many, otherwise it becomes inconvenient to switch between them.

The language bar is an icon in the taskbar that allows you to quickly change the keyboard layout or input language. When you switch the language using the keyboard keys, the language bar also reflects the changes that have occurred. Sometimes, as a result of careless actions or due to the malicious influence of installed programs, this panel disappears from the desktop and it becomes unclear which layout is currently being used. The simple instructions below will tell you how to return the disappeared language bar to its place. There are two ways, let's look at both in more detail.

To return through the Control Panel you need to do the following:


The second way to return the missing socket is to make changes to the operating system registry. It happens like this:

Task Scheduler

In addition to the actions of programs and the user, the disappearance of the language bar may be due to the fact that the Task Scheduler service has stopped working. Therefore, sometimes to restore the language bar it is enough for this system service to work correctly. To launch it do this:

Only two languages ​​are available: Russian and English. For most users this is quite enough. But, if you need to enter text in another language (for example, Ukrainian), then you need to add this language to the language bar. Fortunately, this is quite easy to do. Now we will tell you step by step how to add a language to the language bar.

And go to the "Clock, Language and Region" section.

After this, the “Regional and Language Options” window will open in front of you. Here you need to go to the “Languages ​​and Keyboards” tab and click on the “Change Keyboard” button.

After this, a small window will appear to add languages ​​to the language bar. Here you need to mark the languages ​​that you want to add and click on the “OK” button.

Other settings for the language bar and input languages

In addition to adding a language to the language bar, you can make other settings in the Languages ​​and Text Input Services window. For example, you can change the default input language. To do this, select the desired language in the drop-down list at the top of the window.

You can also change the order of languages ​​in the language bar. To do this, you need to select one of the languages ​​and change its position using the “up” and “down” buttons.

If you go to the “Language Bar” tab, you will see settings that relate directly to the language bar itself. Here you can hide the language bar, pin it to the taskbar, or allow it to be located anywhere on the screen. Here you can also turn on the transparency of the language bar and enable the display of additional icons.

On the last tab, called “Keyboard switching,” you can change the logic of the Caps Lock mode, as well as change the key combination responsible for switching input languages.

As you can see, the language bar has many different settings, which allows you to configure work with input languages ​​in a way that is convenient for each specific user.

If you want to know how to add a language to the taskbar, then you’ve come to the right place. I used to live in Ukraine, in a Russian-speaking region, so I had to use two languages ​​​​at the same time (not counting English). Now there is no such need, but I’ll tell you for others.

You don’t need to tell me what this is already known to everyone, that everyone knows perfectly well how to add languages, but the accountant in our office doesn’t know! Maybe your neighbor doesn't know either. It is for such “confident users” that I write.

And also, just recently I communicated with a good friend from Lvov, since at the time of communication I had, I had to correspond. He understands Russian perfectly, but I decided to practice my Ukrainian, for this I had to add it to my system.

In order to add another language to the taskbar, you do not need any third-party programs. Everything is in your operating system.

Go to “ Start” — “Control Panel

and select “ Change the keyboard layout or other input methods

In the window that opens, click “ Change keyboard

in the next window you will see what languages ​​you already have installed; to add a new language, click “ Add

From the list that appears, select the language you need and, accordingly, its keyboard

Ready! Click “ OK” — “Apply” and close all windows. Now if you click on the language selection icon in the control panel, you will see the language you added