Add2Board (a program for automatically sending advertisements to free boards). Create a bulletin board on WordPress using the ClassifiedEngine Doska theme html bulletin board add

ClassifiedEngine is the third theme from EngineThemes. Each of their themes was created for a specific type of site, and this theme is no exception. As the name suggests, this theme was created for creating bulletin board websites in WordPress.

Like , this theme is not just an attractive design for a website. In this case, the theme includes additional features that are necessary for successful management of the bulletin board. Once installed, your site will be able to accept ads, you will be able to manage users, collect payments, and much more.

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Once you have access to the theme files, upload them through your WordPress admin console. After installing the theme, a status message will appear in the console prompting you to run the setup wizard.

The setup wizard is awesome. But it only involves one step, so don't expect it to walk you through the entire process.

Setting up a theme

After launching the setup wizard, you will be redirected to the theme settings control panel. Here you can enter some data. This is a good idea because it gives you the opportunity to see how different features of the site work.

The data you enter can then be deleted with the click of a button, so you're not left with all those "Content should have been here" messages after the site goes live.

The best place to start customizing your theme is in the Overview console. Here you can quickly see how many listings have been added to the site and how many are under review, as well as the number of outdated listings. The Overview Console also shows the latest sellers and their revenue. Overview is made not only useful, but also convenient.

The Theme Options block gives you access to options that will affect the look and feel of your bulletin board. Here you can customize the title and description of the site, as well as the logo and thumbnail. The theme comes with its own taxonomy. It consists of categories (categories) for organizing ads by type and locations (location) for filtering ads based on geography.

Categories can be created in a multi-level hierarchical structure. This will make it easier for potential buyers to click on ads, and it will be more convenient for sellers to correctly describe their products.

Another option is the ability to install auto-approvals announcements or pre-moderation. First, it is better to enable the ad verification option to ensure that unwanted information is not posted on your site.

One important feature of this theme is the ability accept payments for posting an ad. On the Payment Gateways page you can select one of the existing currencies or add your own. You can also activate payment test mode, which will allow you to test payment settings without actually debiting your account.

The theme includes support for two payment gateways: PayPal and 2Checkout. This will allow you to automate the process of collecting payment for ads presented on your site.

In addition to choosing a payment method, you can also create different prices or plans. The pricing plan includes the cost, the number of days it can be shown, the number of ads that can be run for a payment, and the choice of whether the ad is a featured ad.

Another feature included in this WordPress theme is email notifications. There are pre-installed message templates, but you can easily change them to suit your needs. There are templates for the following cases:

  • Users register on the site
  • Notice of publication of an advertisement
  • Sending an ad to the archive or rejecting an ad
  • Receiving payment
  • Notification that the seller has received a message from a potential buyer

The ClassifiedEngine theme requires sellers to register on the site before they can post listings. Sellers register as regular WordPress users, and their profiles can be managed from the corresponding admin console panel. They are assigned a separate role - Seller.

The theme also has a block advanced settings, which allows you to edit standard shortcuts, enable infinite scrolling (ads will load as you scroll continuously), minify scripts and CSS to speed up loading, and set the maximum number of images a seller can upload for an ad.

In general, the theme settings are very easy to work with. The dashboard doesn't use the native WordPress interface, but it's well made, looks nice, and is easy to use.

Ad management

Board announcements are created as custom post types. This means that creating, editing and managing them is similar to working with regular WordPress posts.

The theme adds a new menu item to the WordPress admin console - ‘Ads’. From here you can view existing listings, add new ones, and work with taxonomies (category and location).

When creating or editing an ad from the administrator, just like in the standard post editor, there is a choice custom meta blocks as well as custom ad fields. These include, for example, the rate applicable to the advertisement, the price and the validity period.

If you've used WordPress before, you should have no problem creating or managing ads on the admin side. Beginners in WordPress will not need much time to master the process of working with ads.

Client part

The theme looks good and the design is very modern. On the home page, the visitor can see the newest listings or can select a category to display the listings.

The process of adding ads on the client side is very simple and should not cause any problems for your visitors. The theme design includes a prominent ‘Post an Ad’ button, which, when clicked, will direct the user to the ad creation page.

Here, the user must select a pricing plan for the ad, register on the site by creating a profile, and then create an ad.

After creating an ad, you need to enter payment details and add an ad. Depending on the site settings, the ad will either be published immediately or will be sent for review for manual approval.

Navigating the site is very convenient - thanks to the clean design, good navigation and filters, finding the right type of product or ad is very easy.

Since the default theme is integrated with the CE slider, as well as a copy of the Revolution Slider plugin, you can have a large announcement slider on your home page, ideal for a notice board site.


The ClassifiedEngine theme includes everything you need to create a classified website using WordPress. If you want a place where users can create advertisements about their offerings (products or services), this is a great choice.

It is worth noting that blogging functionality in WordPress with this theme will be disabled, and there is no way to view regular posts on the site. So ClassifiedEngine is only suitable for those who are creating a site exclusively for classifieds, and have not previously used traditional WordPress posts on it.

If you want to create a bulletin board website on WordPress, this theme is a good choice. It does everything you might need, including easy ad management, rate creation, payment collection, and is easy to install and configure.

Hello, dear readers of my blog. This publication is for those who are haunted by the popularity of the Avito website. You can't imagine how much money it makes for its developers. We’ll talk about how to make an classifieds website and whether it’s worth trying to replicate an existing service in this article.

Doubts aside

Starting any business is very difficult. It’s good when you have a person or you yourself can give up doubts and, as they say, force your hands to do despite what your eyes are afraid of. If you have started to think about creating a portal on which you will place advertisements, then you should immediately say that you are on the right track. Do not worry. Everything will be fine. The idea is very good.

“Andrey, who needs my website when there is already Avito, and so on?” - you ask. Naturally, if you want to create an all-Russian or worldwide portal, then, indeed, you will get little benefit from it. It will be a carbon copy and a very unsuccessful one, if you compare how much effort and money developers invest in global and trusted services. It will be very difficult to compete. A much better solution would be to create a city resource.

Think about what kind of platform your city needs? Perhaps you have many small beauty salons, fitness centers or young mothers who are already tired of going to thrift stores and giving away used children's clothing in this way.

How many people are looking for pets on the Internet and can’t find them. It won’t be difficult for you to go to the shelter once a week and take photographs of new pets, which are given away completely free of charge. Over time, nursery staff will start sending you images once they see it works. Unfortunately, even now the Internet can be compared to God; until people see a miracle, they have little faith in it.

You will do a good deed and earn money! Animal owners will come to the nurseries and also begin to post their proposals. How can you earn extra money? On advertising of veterinary clinics, pet stores, private dog handlers.

The advantage is on your side. There is nothing stopping you from developing a project with your own hands and visiting regional enterprises asking if they would like to place their advertising unit on your website for a certain price. One client will appear, and others will follow him. The more effort you put in, the faster you will start earning money. Take one step and begin to grow at the speed of light.

Don’t forget, the website design of small regional companies leaves much to be desired. Many managers create their own portal, then regret it and are more willing to place advertisements on a third-party professional service. The desire to spend money on something of your own again fades away very quickly. Believe me, most businessmen sleep and see new ways of promotion that would work on the target audience from their city!

How difficult is it

One of the most difficult issues when it comes to creating bulletin boards is design. Filling the portal with photos and content is not a problem. But how it will look, what functions it will have... this is very important.

Not every layout designer will undertake to fulfill such an order, because doing something unique yourself is quite difficult; connecting filters, fooling around with the code, and then redoing it to suit the client’s wishes is tedious. Just imagine all those functions and codes for a moment! Even the most mediocre professional will try to charge at least 50-80 thousand for development. It’s a no brainer that the work is not easy, so name any amount you like and wait. If they agree - good, no - well, at least you will get rid of hemorrhoids for the coming months. During this time, you can earn more on simple projects.

But don’t forget, there is always a way out. Creating a platform for advertisements can be much easier. Nobody will forbid you to use templates.

A few years ago they ordered a real estate advertisement site from me. To do this, I bought a template on an English-language site; the Russians at that time were simply terrible. But nevertheless, I was disappointed, I had to translate the English-language template, and it took a very long time to understand the settings, because the heads of foreigners work a little differently. I spent a lot of time then, but I delivered the site. Now everything has become much simpler.

Good templates are not so easy to find, but I can recommend a cool Russian theme - Real Estate Agency .

The topic is paid, it costs around 4,000 rubles. This is not much, especially considering how functional it is and how much it relieves headaches. Installation takes a couple of minutes. Edit to your heart's content in a clear and simple way. I once paid many times more for an English-language template. It even became offensive.

What's there? Search by various parameters, currency type, a huge number of fonts, a review block, a news subscription form, several design variations for displaying ads, checkboxes, pinning paid ads to the first positions, advertising blocks.

You can also set your own deadlines for when the ad will disappear from the site, as well as the ability to publish articles on the company’s personal blog. In addition, the topic is light, which means browsers will quickly load all pages.

Instead of 80 thousand just for design. You or your client pays 1,300 rubles per year for hosting and domain from Timeweb ( ). The template is available on WordPress, which means you will not incur additional costs for the engine. Total: 5300 and the portal is ready. By the way, I rounded up. You better look at the actual prices yourself, all the links are there.

What next or to whom can such a site be sold?

I do not exclude the possibility that you will want to work only on your classifieds site, because it will bring considerable profit. But, from my own experience, I will say that as soon as you start working, there are more and more customers, and there is not enough time for everything.

You can easily give such a site for a lot of money to novice entrepreneurs who understand little about building websites, but really want to do it. Don't think now about what will happen next. Just start doing it. Let’s say that perhaps one of your advertisers wants to buy such an amazing advertising platform, and in the meantime you will create another, then a third, and so on.

Anyone who wants to earn money certainly finds opportunities to make more money on the Internet. Realize that everything is working out for you and life will provide you with every opportunity to realize your desires.

Good luck to you. All the best and see you again. Subscribe to my blog and get more useful information. No spam.

Electronic bulletin board is an Internet site designed for receiving and posting user advertisements. The main advantage of a bulletin board is a large volume of frequently updated information, which facilitates rapid indexing of resource pages by search engines and has a positive effect on website promotion in search results and attracting new visitors to it. Create a website yourself with

Create your own bulletin board.

GoalsBefore you create a bulletin board yourself, you should decide on its purpose. The main purposes of this electronic service include:

  • Regularly filling the site with unique content in the form of advertisements posted by users.
  • Receiving a stable income for rebroadcasting banner or contextual advertising, as well as dedicated text ads.

As a rule, a well-organized and promoted service combines both of these purposes.

Notice board: thematic or universal

To make a bulletin board, you need to decide on the thematic component of the project. This can be a universal service - about everything at once, or a highly specialized one. For example, advertisements about jobs, real estate, cars, etc. The undoubted advantage of a universal website is the ability to attract the largest number of users interested in information from different sections. At the same time, promoting such a resource to the leading positions in search results is complicated by the large volume of low-frequency queries. It is easier to create a message board within one topic that will ensure a stable influx of targeted traffic. But in this case, you should objectively assess your chances of success, study and analyze the resources that have been working in this segment of the Internet market for a long time, as well as the competitiveness of your own project. Practice shows that it is better to limit a new virtual resource, in this case a thematic bulletin board, to the geographic boundaries of one region. In this case, it is possible to use additional advertising tools to popularize the website.

Ready-made platform for creating bulletin boards

Modern technologies make it possible to create a bulletin board for free without any special knowledge. A wide range of ready-made platforms, otherwise called content management systems, are presented on numerous Internet services. Each such plugin has technical and functional features, which are given in detail in the description attached to it. However, most developers rely on the ease of use of the software, so it will not be difficult for a novice user to understand it. The advantage of your own domain When creating any virtual resource, your own domain is also important. In this case, it is better to use paid offers, because the degree of trust of users and partners in such resources is higher, especially if the message board is commercial. A domain name that is easy to hear and reproduce on paper is always preferable.

Add2Board is a program for automatically sending advertisements, with which you can add an advertisement to 1600+ boards without much effort. Create an ad, enter text, select topics, boards and region. The program will do the rest itself. Complete imitation of human work when submitting an advertisement to the boards.


A mailer program that comes with a database of 1600+ of the best Russian-language message boards.

Add2Board features:

  • Automatic and manual distribution of advertisements to 1600+ of the best RuNet boards
  • Built-in automatic image recognition system Captcha (recognition is paid, 10 kopecks per 1 piece)
  • Auto-clicking of email confirmations of registrations on boards and placement of advertisements
  • Possibility of attaching a photo to the ad
  • Create a free simple Internet business card on our 3rd level subdomain
  • Generator of unique texts for advertisements
  • Built-in search engine to find new boards and add them to your own database of free boards

What do you get by purchasing Add2board?

The program for sending advertisements is downloaded from the company’s website, the license key is sent to the email you specified when purchasing the program. When purchasing a program by a legal entity, all payment documents are sent by mail...


Platform: PC/Win
Minimum requirements: Screen resolution 800x600; RAM: at least 1GB; Mouse, keyboard, high-speed Internet connection.
Developer: LLC “Innovative Systems”
Distribution size: 30.6 MB
Release date: 07/01/2010
Russian language

What else will you need to pay for while using Add2Board?

The license to use the program is provided for an indefinite period. All program updates within one version are completely free. When completely new versions of programs are released, the operation of the previous ones is not suspended, their performance is guaranteed at least for the first year after the release of the new version. All users, when a new version is released, have the right to a preferential transition, without saving the key to the existing version.

Search and add new boards

The program comes with a database of 1800+ message boards, which is updated free of charge for one year (then the subscription to database updates is renewed for additional money). Our database support department strives to create a universal database with an equal inclusion of boards of different topics and regions. But if there is a need to send mailings to a specialized database, the user can add new boards that meet special criteria. However, due to the fact that the program now works with complex boards that use advanced anti-auto-placement techniques, adding new boards is not easy. But it is possible, so try it, and over time you will gain the necessary experience. Moreover, in the new version, the search occurs more intelligently, the program only follows links that correspond to auxiliary words (for example, “add an ad,” “post an ad,” etc.), all found forms are analyzed by an internal filter of 6 -point system. If you don’t want to understand the html code, just send us a list of boards, our specialists will check them and add them in order.

Internet business card

Often, especially in the first stages of its activity, a company does not have its own website. But, without its own website, even a simple one with a minimum set of information, the company loses most of its opportunities and potential clients. The program provides the ability to create a simple but fully functional Internet business card, which is an independent website located on a 3rd level subdomain on one of our servers. It is possible to post information about the company’s activities, price list, product catalog, photos and text information. And all this without additional surcharges. In addition, you can choose the subdomain name for your business card.

The add2board program no longer works as it used to and is much less well supported, and the cost of the program is very high. We have completely abandoned the use of this program and work only with the ideal program that has proven itself over the years for analysis, registration in catalogs, registration on AllSubmitter boards and forums. The capabilities of this program are simply enormous and are many times greater than add2board.


Ready-made solutions for bulletin boards on OsClass

Osclassis a free bulletin board script for various subject. Official site:

A site using the Osclass script can be added to a group of sites and receive advertisements from the site group.

Ready-made solutions available:

1.. Example: Install a website from scratch. .

2. Download a script with already installed functionality for receiving advertisements from the website, without uploading photos to the receiving board (photos are shown directly from the donor’s website). Example: Install a website from scratch. Download the OsClass script.

3. Make changes to an already working site in accordance with.

Osclass is a free bulletin board script
Osclass is a free bulletin board script, runs on PHP and MySQL, a simple and multifunctional script that allows you to quickly and efficiently create your own bulletin board. Osclass is easy to install and use, reliable in operation under heavy loads, and works on any hosting. The Osclass bulletin board script will help decorate and diversify your website. If you use it as an additional service for WordPress, you can find the Osclass plugin for WordPress.
The free Osclass bulletin board script has a wide variety of functions, plugins, and templates that you can download absolutely free.

- Creation of advertisements
- Comments on advertisements
- Convenient search with the ability to save search logs
- User’s personal account
- Full integration with Yandex capabilities
- Multilingual support
- Connected Smscoin payment system
Administrator panel features:
- Changing site settings
- Full control over the operation of the site from the panel
- Editing pages, ads
- Adding/editing user rights
- Adding plugins, themes

Download a script with already installed functionality for receiving advertisements from the website, with uploading (copying) photos to the receiving board. Example: Install a website from scratch.

Please note that this is a trial version of the site. You can find out the terms of use of the script on the official website of the developer The site administration is not responsible for this trial distribution and does not provide advice on installation, operation or any bugs that may arise. The entire distribution is presented "as is".

2. Download a script with already installed functionality for receiving advertisements from the website, without uploading photos to the receiving board (photos are shown directly from the donor’s website). Example: Install a website from scratch.

(wait to be added)

Make changes to an already working website according to the instructions.

Please note that the version of your site may differ from the version of the site from which the instructions are presented, the presented design may not be suitable for the version of your site and/or additional modifications may be required. The site administration does not guarantee the compatibility of the presented distribution with your site, is not responsible for any consequences of using the presented distribution, does not provide installation advice and does not engage in modifications and diagnostics of third-party sites. The entire distribution is presented "as is".


  • edit the file /oc-includes/osclass/controller/item..

You can copy the new functions to a file from here. New features in the file have comments added, or you can simply replace it with this file.

  • Download the generated files regions.json and categories.json

Check the correctness of the created files (you can here:

  • Place the file vse_doski_receiver.php in the root of the site; it accepts and loads advertisements.

In the vse_doski_receiver.php file, in the third line, change the token..
In the file vse_doski_receiver.php on line 298, replace the domain name of the site with the domain name of your site.

  • Create a folder /oc-content/uploads/1x and set its permissions to 777, temporary images are uploaded to it.
  • Next, follow the instructions on the page for adding a partner site to the group: